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15782863 No.15782863[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Hong Kong

Get me out of this shithole... need 35k usd to go to Europe and only have 5k usd fml

>> No.15782877

Ok hongkong enuff with the pepes :/

>> No.15782902

you are chinese, welcome your new overlords
not like you didn't get enough notice they were coming, or anything

>> No.15782922

>Honk Honk

>> No.15782930

I feel bad for Hong Kongers bros. They are actually cool and reasonable and considerate unlike actual Chinese people. They are just trying to have free trade and real democracy and safe healthy families and they are getting wrecked. You have my sympathy bros.

-Aucklander sick of fucking chinks

>> No.15782945

Yeah well too bad. Hong Kongers are literally nonwhite

>> No.15782956

Feelsbad bro. Europe can be a shithole too, which country did you had in mind? Let me spoonfeed you today. Get a good bag of UOS, the team is at the moment in Korea and will announce big news. Don’t be greedy and hold too long, otherwise you’ll get burned.

>> No.15782959

7x is tough in this market. If you are looking to 7x that in 3 month I suggest taking a look at UOS or Ultra. They are active in the gaming industry

>> No.15782961

I honestly, 100% don't care about the fate of the Hong Kongers. It's not like they ever had muh democracy under the British either.

If you think you can just upend yourself and come to the West and everything will be hunky doory, you're fucking deluded.

I prefer a Communist Chink that stays in his own country than a Capitalist Chink that come to mine.

>> No.15782996

> everyone is chinese because the hand overlord say so

>> No.15783011

Wow what organic shilling!

>> No.15783026

Agree with you anon. I have set my target at 3x short term

>> No.15783027

They are (90%+) ethnic Chinese, except, they got ran by the Bongs for a while, and got ideas above their station. Bongs are fucking great at running countries, apart from their own. They (HK'ers) were also busy committing Hari Kari anyway, their birthrate was/is barely over 1
>t. wikipedia reader
gtfo u tards

>> No.15783037

Fuck off Europe is full

>> No.15783039

Say it with me. GOD OF CHAOS.

Why do you think He is making a bunch of racist, smart underachieving angry NEETS rich with Link?

>> No.15783038

Is Europe letting Hong Kongers in as refugees?

>> No.15783051


>> No.15783083

For what exactly do you need 35k usd? to buy the passport or the visa?
the airplane chicket?

>> No.15783120


So he can open an ethnic restaurant, why else?

OP, can you comp me some General Tsu's chicken when you get things up and running?

>> No.15783146

Leverage trade x100 btc short. You will have 50k soon. Works everytime for me.
Other thing you can do is speculate on the howdoo project and get UDOO. 2k should be enough. Also you can participate on the Lambo giveaway and if you win just sell it.

>> No.15783189

must be that, because you can clearly move out to any country with at least 5k USD and then find a job there and fix your life easily.

>> No.15783219

Fuck you

Thank you
Thank you

I was thinking of Germany or UK, thanks will look into it

I don’t care about being Chinese or not, I just want to get out of here asap

>> No.15783269

>Fuck you
are you Chinese, or not ?
drop the fucking attitude and explain why you need $35k, ppl might be more helpful. But swearing at ppl for calling a Chink a Chink, thats pretty dumb desu
>-Aucklander sick of fucking chinks
how many of whom do you think, are (actually) HK'ers ?

>> No.15783279

chine uga buga ching ling didn't even answered my question, stay in you shithole your bugman fucking small eyes ugly allien white monkey looking ass

>> No.15783361
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>I don’t care about being Chinese or not, I just want to get out of here asap

You'll be Chinese no matter where you go, anon. The Communist Chinks aren't so bad. If they were, they wouldn't have made Shenzen into a better city than Hong Kong.

>> No.15783423

Long live god emperor Xi

>> No.15783449
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>better city than Hong Kong

>> No.15783581

>how many of whom do you think, are (actually) HK'ers ?
Very few. It's clear which is which almost immediately by the way they interact.

>> No.15783633

3x short? i could do 10x

>> No.15783845

You can trade some coins on Bithumb Global.
It will get bigger and bigger and more and more people will find out about it.

>> No.15783907

It's getting more violent there each passing week. First police shooting of a protestor just happened.

Here's your biggest issue:

The world will not do anything if the commi china man starts tiananmen square'ing the protestors. Too much has changed in that regard.

The "One Country, Two Systems" is set to expire in 2047, anyways. China was going to let an economic hub just break away independently. And, you have no guns (garrison of 12k).

It's over.

>> No.15783921

Oh, and go to Taiwan.

That's where your rich are fleeing to.

>> No.15784009

no anon, he want go straight to Europe bcuz of white pussy and easy life, these ching chongs are hilarious.

>> No.15784058

>First police shooting of a protestor just happened.
yeah, attacking armed polis with an iron bar does tend to guarantee you a winning entry in the Play Stupid Games Prize draw. You know and I know how this ends, they probably just waiting till the 70th celebrations out of the way. But while they still showing restraint, if being a chink under chink govt. bothers OP that much, he should be moving, NOW. $5k be more than enough to get out, rest takes care of itself

>> No.15784070

how is that even related greta.

>> No.15784093

You sure talk like a chink lmao.

>> No.15784183

Ironically pol has been more effective at helping us then all the other countries combined.

>> No.15784331

1. 點解要35k?
2. 識德文? 有冇去過德國?

>> No.15784366

Because pol is crawling with glow worms. The Hong Kong protests are astroturfed to the max

>> No.15784614

Sadly, this.

>> No.15784960
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Business idea

Become my HK girlfriend (male) and move to Australia with a /fit/ white BVLL who will pay for your HRT and all

t. Ausfriend

>> No.15785082

加油 HKbro

>> No.15785097

Communist chinks don’t stay in their own country through. “China never interferes in foreign governments” is a bunch of bullshit

>> No.15785178

HK was fuckin based 20 years ago. ITS alll over now with these stupid fucking young students not knowing how good they got it. Herp derp muh freedoms??? Explain to me how these cunts arnt free? BRB most free economy in the wolrd , BRB was never a democracy in the first place but now they are demanding it?? These cunts honestly dont even know what they are rioting for and are damn lucky to not be exterminated like the rats they are by the PLA.

>> No.15785196
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Take my energy fren

>> No.15785200

Wasn't a Japanese migrant murdered by Pakis almost immediately after entering Ireland?

>> No.15785210


>> No.15785622

come down to sunny australia mate.
we'll put you to work no problemo.

>> No.15785637

oi cunt, this honk gong slut is mine, back off.

>> No.15785679

Fuck off the British are/were nothing like the Beijing government. China is the third reich come again and this time we’re the jews

>> No.15785685

HOLY SHIT this is a terrible post. I'd literally kill myself if communist chinks were in charge of my life. I used to live in China. I'm never going back.

>> No.15785695
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>35 usd to get to Europe
>not going to America

Sorry cant help you gook bro ur already cucked.

>> No.15785874

Sorry man, we're full.

>> No.15785899

you are a fucking chink fuck off go back to China you pieceof shit. Youll just bring that garbage here.

>> No.15785938

Buy 5k kneepads

>> No.15786324

Just go to Taiwan, we have already emough non whites here, no need for one more

>> No.15786759
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OP i wanna chat with some kungpao curry so hit me up at .. anyone can join

discordapp com/channels/606402961274437644/606402961718902785

>> No.15786939

I understand that you want to live, but honestly the best thing you can do with your life right now, in a historical perspective, is starting to kill communist chinks.

I can't stand Chinese people, almost always trying to rip me off and scam me. Not much business interaction with people from HK but the few was nice.

>> No.15786986

They know they have it good NOW, that is why they are protesting against coming under Chinese bugman rule. You would too.

>> No.15787097

Ausfag who supports this

>> No.15787104

Fuck off chink.

>> No.15787111

Where do I short this shithole?

>> No.15787161

why the fuck would /pol/ help you. your faggot revolution is funded and organized by jews just like in ukraine or (((arab spring)))

>> No.15787492

Fucking kys you retard. If you would have ever left your mommys basement you would know that asian cities (and asian pussy) are far superior to shithole Europe. What the fuck does some amerifat know about life in europe anyway
t. European

>> No.15787549


And I prefer the Communist Chink who stays in his own country than the Communist Chink who comes to my country too.

>> No.15787586
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Shenzen has a higher GDP than Hong Kong. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what the Chinks want to do with Hong Kong in 2047, just look at the map for Christ's sake.

Hong Kong was lost to the Chinese as soon as the British were unwilling to fight tooth-and-nail for it in the 1980s.

>> No.15787604

Fuck you gook. Stay in your own shithole.

>> No.15787631

Hong Kong is worse than the rest of China but the locals are still stuck in the past where the opposite was true.


>> No.15787632

Back to your containment board

>> No.15787660


It's sad because the West actually abandoned Hong Kong to the Chinese because they wanted better ties in the 70s and 80s.

I maintain that the West collectively shot itself in the foot after 1991 by not re-orientating towards hostility with China, and bring Russia onboard in a friendly capacity.

Now Russia and China are together, and that's a very tricky thing.

>> No.15787715

Hong Kongers are a bunch of western larpers and foreigners.

"Waaaahhh we don't wanna be China even though we are China. Waaaaaaaahhh"

I loathe Hong Kongers and their superiority complex - they are the equivalent to SJWs in the west. Their demands, as I predicted, turned out to be complete BS - it was a secession movement funded western intelligence agencies and their 'NGOs'.

Either way, 2047 and them suckers can either accept their reality or move to the west like the ungrateful swine that they are. They'll find out quickly how 'free' and 'amazing' the west is compared to mainland China where our minimun/average wages provide less than the bare minimum whereas in China on average wage you can live like a king compared to westerners. "B-b-but muh evil CCP"

Notice how the western media machine used and promoted 'anarchist, marxist communists' in the west to try and win the 2016 US election and bully those on the right but now they have flipped the script and are trying to now demonise 'communist China' because it suits their geopolitical goals? Hilarious. China is communist in name only, not in practice unlike the scum we have here in the west.

China >>>>> Western faggot elites and their media machine

>> No.15787734

people not wanting to become a part of a totalitarian country that keeps social credit score (playground test for nwo) is anything but funded by jews. if it was funded by jews, you'd be seeing it on the news all the time, with people trying to push for a USA intervention like in Irans case.

>> No.15787770

it's not what the revolution is about, it's a completely funded by the usual suspects color revolution, aimed at destabilizing china as part of the trade wars. This thing smells of non-organic from a million miles away. Also, the way this is portrayed in the media is a dead giveaway. There are other major situations of civil unrest all around the world, central america, south america, yet only this one gets the limelight 100% and is always portrayed as "le poor oppressed hong kong ppl"

>> No.15787812

Stay away from my pets, Chang.

>> No.15787818
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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.15787831

>whereas in China on average wage you can live like a king compared to westerners.
Citation needed

>> No.15787842

if these protests aren't about that, then why mention chinas trade or china at all?
HK is its own country and wants to stay that way, that's what's it all about.

>> No.15787859

Found the Bernie Sanders supporter.

>> No.15787872

>stir shit in HK
>get China to takeover HK ala Russia in Crimea
>starve China until they're good goys again

>> No.15787875
