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15779420 No.15779420 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the Fed so evil? They keep making the dollar strong and ruining the economy. They need to start printing some cheap money to boost the stock market

>> No.15779456

A strong dollar hurts US exports but benefits consumers.

A weak dollar hurts US consumers but boosts exports.

Finding a balance is tough. It's not just about the stock market.

>> No.15779650
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Thx Fed I'm currently destroying U.S sellers on amazon since I'm a neet with 0 expenses and now my prices are even more competitive.

>> No.15779677

Kikes also fuck drumpfff the kike cock sucker

>> No.15780106

raise rates. cull the herd. let the weak die and have the strong pick apart their bones. better in the long run.

>> No.15780371

I like how he chews them out like a bad dog, yet he himself appointed Jerome Powell. Also he can just get the military to raid them if he wants. lol what are they gonna do about it

>> No.15780410

>lol what are they gonna do about it
hire a man with a rifle to shoot him dead?

>> No.15780640

They want him dead now, and have made several attempts on him already. He is better protected than you can imagine. Also if they kill the president, the military will wipe them off the face of the earth. This isn't the 1960s anymore.

>> No.15780682

if bitcoin hadn't popped into existence and boostrapped effective security I bet we would already have negative rates

>> No.15780746

>They want him dead now
>and have made several attempts on him already.
>if they kill the president, the military will wipe them off the face of the earth.
>This isn't the 1960s anymore.
Imagine believing this

>> No.15780751

Fiat currency is a race to debase the value of your money. It's true what Trump says. With a high valued USD it becomes increasingly difficult for foreign countries to buy goods from the USA. This is also why Switzerland, Netherlands and France as last countries to step of the gold standard capitulated.

It's a race to the bottom basically.

>> No.15780792

Dollar crashed today. What was going on?

>> No.15780842

I cannot believe how retarded he is.
It's fucking funny

>> No.15780862

blythe basically came out and said that venmo, zelle, etc came into existence as a direct response to btc

>> No.15781464
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>retard calling somebody else retarded

>> No.15781568

if anything the Fed is way more powerful than they were before. the president has been the feds bitch or a while

>> No.15781587

Thanks, just sold 100k fed coins

>> No.15782089
File: 104 KB, 400x889, D2A8CCAB-3663-4408-B1B2-EDA1F9007559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump is literally protected by both God and Future Technology.

>> No.15782938

Looking from the paradigm of crypto the USD is one of them most shittiest shitcoins out there. I would dump bags immediately if I had any.

>> No.15783962

based potus, drop rates to zero or negative

>> No.15784077


the fed doesn't have a clue: true
the fed is their own worst enemy: not sure

rule of law

>> No.15784413

Everything got completely locked down after kennedy. no more fuck ups. trump is was put into position to play a role and will either play that out to its conclusion or end up as a sacrificial lamb. you are 60 years too late to stop these cunts.

>> No.15784417

he's going to prison

>> No.15784418


>> No.15784894

Why would he move out of your head? It's free.

>> No.15784901


>> No.15785007

eat shit retard

>> No.15785011

Daily reminder that this retard is the best we had to chose from in 2016.

>> No.15785029
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>fed: oh not negative interest rates, it's not like that's exactly what we want
shills itt

>> No.15786354

Trump is right and wrong.
He's both.

>> No.15786389

Thing is, Europe HAS negative interest rates and they're doing QE right now, yet their manufacturing is in a recession right now too.

Europe as a whole is generally in a worse condition than the USA.

All QE and low interest rates do is provide cheap funding to the big end of town for stock buybacks and extending asset bubbles.

>> No.15786635

OP is a brainlet

Strong dollar = debts are worth more, public and private

>> No.15786836

Not better for the weak, who'd lose their chance to become strong.

>> No.15786870

Finding a balance shouldn't be tough, because the market does that automatically. Instead of worrying about that, they should implement economic policies conducive to increasing production.

>> No.15786914

frens is it a good idea to work in this current state of an economy?

>> No.15786922

A weak USD would absolutely rekt the stock market.

>> No.15786933

>I like how he chews them out like a bad dog, yet he himself appointed Jerome Powel
its almost as if his twitter shitposting is just a huge distraction for his retarded fanbase and his rants never actually turn into real policy

>> No.15786944

Are you an idiot? Reagan came *this* close to eating it. Only his boomer mega-strength saved him.

>> No.15787035

honest question: hows the american inflation?
If you lower the interesetrate you can also increase inflation, so that might not be a great idea, depending on how things look.

>> No.15787328

Eating what?
A sacrificial lamb?
Or these cunts?
And if the latter, are you sure it wasn't Bush or Clinton?

>> No.15787338

this was savage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krjmr7laKzY