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15774805 No.15774805 [Reply] [Original]

Does Chainlink pass the weaponized autism test?

>> No.15774817


>> No.15774819

why do you think it's been here for over two years now, after the 2016 elections the next 4chan prank will be us all becoming millionaires and starting the 4th Reich

>> No.15774821

what does it score on that securities test?

>> No.15774827
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> Just a prank bro
Honk honk

>> No.15774829
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went through 2 years of rigorous testing

it checks out

>> No.15774863

Are there actually any retards here that doesn’t have chainlink? If so, wtf why?

>> No.15775276

Everyone who fuds link has atleast 5k link.

>> No.15775314

I'm kind of worried we're in the timeline where we all make it, but then the normie media starts deep diving into the origins of this new wave of rich neets that predicted chainlink's rise, and overreact to comments like this. Next thing you know all our assets are frozen and we live on the run from a jealous leftist establishment galvanized by an antifa-esq mission to metaphorically sucker punch our nazi bank accounts

>> No.15775375

Well that's an unpleasant possibility.
I think it's far more likely that LINK never takes off and the singularity moon mission simply never occurs.
Meh, either way.
At least if you're a billionaire you'll probably find a way to be just fine.

>> No.15775476
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