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15772135 No.15772135 [Reply] [Original]

I'm scared

>> No.15772220

They won’t. The real question is how long they can keep doing it

>> No.15772285
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Get rich because we bought stinkies.

>> No.15772548

if you havent already figured out that fiat is doomed, i dont have time to teach you on the subject.
the FED is desperately trying to prevent not a recession but a DEPRESSION.
they can only manipulate the fiat monetary system so much until their is nothing they can do.
the whole system is designed from the beginning to eventually fail thru deficit spending.
all debt based economic models have always failed at 100%

its just a matter of time, which is why you should be storing nearly all of your value into BTC, ETH, LINK, RSR.

keeping any large amount of fiat will only end up one morning u wake up to be next to worthless.
thats how these fiat currencies fail.
one morning when you wake up, ITS OVER.

>> No.15772558


>> No.15772571
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>> No.15772647

>Get rich because we bought “Silver”


>> No.15772764
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>> No.15772791

cash becomes king which is why smart money is all in usd

>> No.15772795


>> No.15772841

you wont be laughing when you see price of everything drop and every business liquidating shit for cash and the stock market crashing along with whatever shit asset you're holding. Your precious crypto or boomer rocks wont save your ass this time

>> No.15772867
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>stop printing

>> No.15772878

literally several hundred more years

>> No.15772935
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>stop printing

>> No.15773320


>> No.15773396

Seems like you aren't understanding some fundamentals in regards to a fiat currency collapse.

>> No.15773726
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Never gonna make it.

>> No.15773836

brainlet. OP asked what would happen if no new money gets printed. Just as with crypto and the limited supply meme, the current circulating fiat would get more valuable because demand stays the same or even increases (people panic selling), while supply has stopped. Ok you low iq mongrel?

>> No.15773853

what happens in this scenario is people have a shitload of debt to pay so they liquidate their stuff, thus prices fall all across

>> No.15774250

He specified New York

>> No.15774287

Lmao silver couldn't even gold 40$ back in the day. Good luck!

>> No.15774315


>> No.15774616

>posting anti-silver propaganda
good goy

>> No.15774732
File: 35 KB, 630x421, great idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your precious crypto or boomer rocks wont save your ass this time