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1577203 No.1577203 [Reply] [Original]

>they took on tens of thousands of debt because they were "supposed" to go to a good college

I'm so sorry to anyone that fell for this.

>do you have any savings at all
>do you have any debts

If you have like $10,000+ saved at 21 and no debt, you're doing better than average, trust me.

Owning a home and having a retirement fund with cash in the bank in your 20s makes you pretty successful at this point. Most of this generation is in lots of debt and will probably never own a home or have money saved, not even meme-ing.

>> No.1577214

>If you have like $10,000+ saved at 21 and no debt, you're doing better than average, trust me
in the US if you have $1,000 saved at any point in your life you're doing better than average. Regardless of your debt.

the average person in the US doesn't have $1k in savings.

last time I checked the average person in the US also didn't have a net positive worth.

>> No.1577218

This is why I hate how broad the "millenial" generation has become, because for someone 5-10 years older than me, it's generally not true. I don't consider myself a millenial either, mainly because I remember what life was like without the internet.

But yeah, it's a mess that can't be escaped.

>> No.1577220

a couple hundred in a cc from using over the month, payed off every end of month

8k in TFSA
2k in RRSP(maxed out for now)

what u said, if you have over 1k saved you are very far ahead.

>> No.1577221
File: 715 KB, 1543x1360, 1476286628467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 22 and fell for the trade meme

>> No.1577222

>if you have like $10,000+ saved at 21 and no debt, you're doing better than average, trust me.
self included pretty sure this is 70% of this board and not due to financial prowess just being a fucking NEET and not going outside

>> No.1577224

which just makes it even more pathetic. the next decade is going to be really, really weird when we're all in our 30s and 40s, and like owning a home and having some money in the bank with no debt is considered really good. i'm sort of looking forward to it being that I and i'm sure some of us are on the better side B)

>> No.1577227

legit, im already at a ppoint where im pulling far in front of my friends (only 20) but at the rate im saving and growing i could possibly have my own condo/cheapish house in the next 4 years if i wanted

>> No.1577229

>Owning a home... in your 20s
Pretty sure this is a meme too.

Most boomers and gen x didn't own homes in their 20's. I'm not sure anyone has since we moved out of mud huts and log cabins.

If you own a home at all you're doing better than about 1/3 of americans at any age. If you own in your 20's you're easily doing better than more than 2/3rds of people your age.

the average age for buying your first home is 33.

>> No.1577230

the problem you're going to run into is all the boomers own homes and have savings, so when they die there's going to be a rash of people suddenly becoming 'wealthy' just for being alive.

We're already seeing it with the proliferation of 'trust-fund children,' the wealthy that lack any understanding of how to get and maintain wealth. Just lucky I guess.

>> No.1577231

truly we live in the beginnings of a cyber punk dystopia. The Federal reserve system has fucked everyone under thirty out of their money turning them all into slaves, non-stop government surveillance, and the country is run by corporations. It's hardly even safe to go outside anymore because of the surge in gangster and thug culture. Government and police have more legal powers that are unethical than ever. hackers breaking in and stealing everyones data. the average person is dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to the changes taking place, preferring instead to wrap their little brains around "social issues". We are about 30 years away from creating True Artificial Intelligence of the Matrix and Terminator varieties. This and tons of new innovations in science.

Honestly I think that a AI will get made while the rest of humanity slips into tribalism and primitivism retaining only technologies like cars and guns. Then the AI will kill everyone. All the while the worlds governments will be fighting to create an AI they can control but will fail as soon as they turn it on.

>> No.1577255

>fell for the startup meme

Going to Stanford was a mistake. The best my co-founder and I could hope for is an aqui-hire. We're not getting seed funding, our angel investors have stopped talking to us. We are barely keeping up with costs. Neither of us have moved out of our parents home yet. We will both turn 25 in a few months.

At least we have CS degrees and resume filler (even though we would have made more money working minimum wage all these years).

I turned down investment banks to spin my wheels playing entrepreneur.

thanks for reading my blog

>> No.1577256

>If you have like $10,000+ saved at 21 and no debt, you're doing better than average, trust me.

Are you crazy? If you have this at 21 you are in an absolutely incredible position.

>Owning a home and having a retirement fund with cash in the bank in your 20s makes you pretty successful at this point.

If you own a home in your 20's you are in the top 3%.

What kind of lala fairy land are you living in? Have your parents passed away and left you a lot of money?

>> No.1577259

At least you tried, and at 25 you're young enough to forge a career anyways.

>> No.1577263

The scary thing is that US Household Networth is like 90 Trillion dollars. The equity market is 80% households and eventually as the boomers start dying everyone is going to start rushing for the doors.

Consider that the National Debt is basically a fraud.

>> No.1577269

Thanks for the kind words, anon.

I'm glad it was just us two, and we didn't take any of our friends down with us. Many of them are actually in top tech companies and have put in a good word for us. We're just holding on until an aqui-hire happens, but it probably won't be until the new year. It looks better to be bought (even if it's for $1) than to officially fail.

It's going to be another lonely Christmas, I'll probably spend it on here.

>> No.1577272

all those clickbait articles on the 1k savings are literally looking at checking account only, no ira 401k etc so dial back the memes a lil pls smhtbqh senpai

>> No.1577280

they survey people and ask them if they could get the money.

62% of 1000 Americans surveyed don't have $1000 or even $500 worth of anything on hand. Including cash savings.


p.s., there's more than one survey, different methods, they all find the same thing. Most Americans don't have $1k in any form of asset they can liquidate.

this fits with actual studies of wealth and poverty in the US. Most Americans literally own nothing. Mortgaged to the grave.

>> No.1577288

that's not to imply that most americans don't nominally 'own' cars, houses, televisions, boats, computers, cell phones, etc. Just that they got them on credit and will pay for them when they're falling apart and outdated.

even our poor tend to live pretty luxurious lives in that regard. They just do it on someone else's dime.

>> No.1577378

I'm 21 and I have about $12,000 saved, around $3,000 debt from student loans but I only have to pay them off when I'm earning 56k a year. (Australia)

I feel bad for Americans who get hit with 100k student loans that they have to start paying off immediately with massive interest.

>Most of this generation is in lots of debt and will probably never own a home or have money saved, not even meme-ing.

A lot of that is due to financial irresponsibility. Every generation has people like that.
The ones who buy the new iphone every year for 1 small change to the specs and pay $1000 despite only having about $2000 saved in total, and buying expensive clothes and other useless shit to look rich on social media because it makes them feel like they're not poor for a moment.
This generation have access to information that was 1000% harder to find just a decade ago. They could learn about investing and learning skills to create a job for themselves where they earn a lot of money but they don't want that.

>> No.1577387
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Well, I guess that means we have to fuck the next generation more than we got fucked.

>> No.1577433

>tfw graduating from ameriburger school with no debt
>tfw 8k savings, 7k stocks, aloooot more in trust
>tfw job offer already

>> No.1577461

Over here in Germany it's only a little bit better.
Education is for free but still most Millenials live paycheck to paycheck.
At 30 most start getting houses and chew on the mortage for the next 30 years.
But 99% don't know shit about personal finances so they deserve it.

>> No.1577467

>tfw have $20,000 saved
>tfw no idea how to utilise it
I am just completely clueless when it comes to investing, buying stock, starting a business (I mean fuck fuck, I just can't think of any ideas), becoming an exporter...

I have the money, I just need the guidance

>> No.1577686

>have student loan debt coming due
>was supposed to get a good job, couldn't
>tied into apartment lease another 8 months
>can't afford it and food and loan payments
>govt giving me grief about not qualifying for forbearance
>frankly don't fucking want to need forbearance anyway
>want to get out of lease and find cheaper housing so I can afford to eat
>email landlord about options for sublease, saying I'll take responsibility to find a candidate
>days later still no response
>every day that passes the doom creeps in

>> No.1577693

>payed off every end of month
I don't think that counts as debt at all, actually. A credit card that never carries a balance is simply a payment method.

>> No.1577778

when the boomers/early gen X fall off the perch and their assets flow to their millenial children we will see a the largest influx of millenials owning property - and then the social stratification becomes solidified between those whose parents owned their home and those who now have 2 generations of no home ownership. With urban house prices increasingly exponentially relative to wages across the developed world this is where the rich are visibly seperated from the poor through the death of the old guard.

>> No.1577805

This may be true in some cases, but if boomer couples have 2-3 kids and the house is their main asset, there may not be a way to split the estate equitably between the kids without selling the house. There have also been a lot of boomers forced into early retirement due to the economy and they've either tapped into their home equity or downsized substantially to finance their retirement.

>> No.1577826
File: 10 KB, 229x220, scottish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw live in a country with free university tuition
>tfw attending one of the best schools in the country debt free

>> No.1577862

As an older millennial (31), I feel like I was one of the last ones to have a fairly easy path to financial independence that wasn't dependent on having a rich family and/or a lot of luck. I was able to work through college (community college and then a public university) and graduate debt free. Got a decent job and saved very aggressively while living well below my means. Invested aggressively after the market crash and had big returns during 2009-2010. Bought a house in 2010 when housing prices were still depressed. Home price has now almost doubled, I still save/invest aggressively and my net worth is well over half a million.

This is not meant to be bragging. I mostly want to illustrate that it wasn't THAT hard for me to do what I did, but if I had been born just five years later, it would have taken an incredible amount of luck to get to where I am now. I know I am not wealthy, but I feel like I am light years ahead of many millennials and that makes me worried. I still worry about money. Not day to day, but in terms of saving for college for eventual kids, getting a bigger house to accommodate a family, retirement, etc. How the hell are people who have very little in savings ever going to pay for shit like this or eventually retire?

>> No.1578087

find a problem and solve it

i personally need a thinkpad x220 with modern specs, find a way to make it

>> No.1578090

>the average person in the US doesn't have $1k in savings.
>last time I checked the average person in the US also didn't have a net positive worth.



>> No.1578092

protip: shill it on /g/ and become rich

>> No.1578103

>Be 24
>Have $17K liquid in a savings
>$5K in a roth IRA
>Make $36K a year
>Own a small 3 bed 2 bath home with $105K left on the mortgage
>Married with a daughter

I went to college and took on $32K in student loan debt. I worked through college and paid down loans as I was taking them out. It is not hard to prosper as long as you don't squander your money

>> No.1578112

do yourself a favor and halve your net worth

>> No.1578118

Why keep so much in a savings account when you only have 5K in an IRA?

>> No.1578140

Not really, there are a lot of tax breaks and I get to enjoy building the future. It's only motivation to do better and earn more.

I wanted to get to a point where I had 1 years worth of living expenses saved. I'm now contributing less to my savings and more to my roth.

I also make about 3% interest in my savings, which is a comfortable, safe return for me.

>> No.1578152

you will get divorced

>> No.1578159

>Le never get married xD meme

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post and trying to destroy the moral fiber of society.

>> No.1578164


Actually, I only married my girlfriend because she got pregnant. Luckily I purchased the house before we were married, and I got a lawyer to draft a prenuptial agreement. The only thing I might "get stuck with" is child support, but I'd happily pay that to help my daughter go to good schools and a safe day-care.

I probably will divorce her, but not until my daughter is 5+ and I have a cool $75K+ in the bank

>> No.1578170

I read somewhere that the courts don't honor prenuptial agreements anymore because they were oppressive.

>> No.1578182

sounds pretty cool to me

>> No.1578183

Not sure where you read that but it is entirely wrong.

>> No.1578186

You can always do live-in

>> No.1578191

>muh college meme
College is still a worthy investment as long as you can avoid the massive debt attached to it.
You're a faggot. Kys, dude

>> No.1578195

lol, go back to your containment board you fucking nutcase

>> No.1578235

>8,000$ in debt
>paying down 2,000$ a month
>literally pumping all my neetbux into bills while living in my mom's attic
>will try to get a job within the next year no matter what
>will be saving up all my money for the next 10 years and living frugally while investing it all into bonds

>> No.1578250

typical pleb response.

>hey guize here are real things affecting our lives and which will shape the future
>wtf this isn't pop culture and nobody is twreking you must be fucking crazy

>> No.1578269

I'm 19 with around 30k in savings, what should I do with all this money?

>> No.1578278

Diversify via putting some in a retirement fund, keep some as an emergency fund, maybe half of that emergency fund in a CD, maybe use a few hundred to try and kick start a small business. try some shit, but always have your emergency fund and retirement plan figured out.

>> No.1578285

>married with a daughter

at first I thought you banged your girlfriend and then married your daughter

>> No.1578315

> Didn't do higher education
> In and out of work for 5 years after leaving school at 18
> Worked for the last 6 years solid
> Able to afford nice things without crippling payments on any of it
> Live within my means
> Secure in the knowledge that if I fall down the stairs, or break my arm at work, I'm not going to be tens of thousands in debt for medical care

Americans are cucked. Life is easy in europe.

Land of the free? More like the land of the fee, or land of the 'free'.
Especially when most of your 'freedom' is to be left on the roadside when the ambulance crew run your credit score and refuse to pick you up, then empty your wallet to cover the expense of getting to your broken ass.

>> No.1578320

I'm gonna say this, and it pisses a lot of people off but it's still right (and I don't think /biz/ is as stupid as average people).

Millennials absolutely do have fewer and worse opportunities than their parents did. School now is 1-2 orders of magnitude (!) more expensive than it was even 15 years ago. There are fewer jobs available per capita, and real unemployment (including "labor non-participation") hasn't been this high since we started keeping records in 1975, and in all likelihood since the great depression.The situation is objectively much, much worse for young people today than any previous generation.


Millennials are *woefully* under-educated in all forms of personal finance, budgeting, and understanding how to "live within your means." They go out and buy the latest $800 iPhone so they can feel cool. They spend $300 every time they go to buy clothes so they can look rich. They finance a $40,000 car with a bunch of options despite only making $24,000 a year. They MOVE TO extremely expensive, "trendy" places like SF, NYC, LA, and the expensive "hip" neighborhoods in smaller places like Phoenix and Austin, rather than staying in inexpensive housing in the suburbs or by colleges. Cooking their own meals? Fuck no, eat out 5-7 nights a week, and go out for lunch 5 or 6 times a week too.

The reality is, boomers and millennials are both just as terrible at managing money; boomers just had good enough opportunities that they could thrive despite having piss poor money management. Millennials do not have that luxury.

>> No.1578331

go correct the record elsewhere

>> No.1578378
File: 313 KB, 827x1068, Half of America doesn t save any money Business Insider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1578402
File: 1.25 MB, 889x2849, Majority Of Millennials Have Under 1 000 In Savings Zero Hedge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1578409

It's not free. You can thank almost every single person you see on the street (including me and excluding the thousands of immigrants obviously) for paying for it for you. Hope you appreciate it.

>> No.1578425

And myself, because I pay tax too.
>excluding the thousands of immigrants
Most immigrants pay tax.

>> No.1578469

i dont think you understand what AI is

>> No.1578484

>Millennials absolutely do have fewer and worse opportunities than their parents did.
I don't think anyone in the older generations would disagree.

keep in mind we're trying to survive in this new economy too. We know it's way worse than it used to be. And on top of that we know where millennials' jobs went because we're doing them. The reason they can't find jobs is because we can't retire.

>> No.1578503

lol ameriburger

>> No.1578513

>refinance based on income
>work any shitty part time job until your lease is up. Even at min wage for 6 hours a week can earn you enough for food
>rice, lentils, eggs, broccoli are awesome.
>make extra payments when you can to student loans

It'll suck but I just solved all your problems.

>> No.1578713

>I don't think anyone in the older generations would disagree.
I... don't think I agree with you there.

>> No.1578977

Tfw 18 and over 100 grand saved. How do I make more though gang? Are any of you actually smart or are you all just pretending I genuinely am interested in learning more but everyone here seems to be a shill brain dead or both.

>> No.1579044

Tfw worked low income jobs and somehow my net worth is $255k

Started investing when I was 20 and now im 29.

I guess it just came natural to me how to be frugal and use my money to always be making me more money. However, i feel like im daniel planview in there will be blood. I dont relate to how normal broke people think and act with their money.

>> No.1579046


There is a million ways to make a million dollars senpai

>> No.1579049

I wish I started my retirement earlier.

I saved up a lot of money before opening a roth ira / 401k

I currently have: 30k in Roth IRA
58k in 401k
100k in Ally savings
13k in checking

What the fuck do I do with my 100k in Ally? Thats where I fucked up, can't invest it in 401k cause paycheck only, roth ira is limited to 5.5k. Fuck my ass.

I am 27

>> No.1579058

Yeah I have that idea but the thing is I need direction. I have some website ideas as a way to make passive income. If you've lived my situation and can speak from experience mind sharing some knowledge that is genuine not some kinday of shilling

>> No.1579062

>I don't think anyone in the older generations would disagree.

older generations (as well as people from the current generation who earn more than $10/hour) believe that there are hundreds of millions of jobs that require only a high school education and pay $150,000 a year, but they're empty because duh lazy mellinals refuse to just walk in and shake the manager's hand

>> No.1579072

$5k in savings, and that's from shitty unskilled work while I finish college. I'll graduate with debt in the neighborhood of $20k, which my dad's gonna pay off for me anyway. Being a spoiled shit is the best. If I can bumble my way into a professional career, I can be retired by 45.

>> No.1579075

They are pretending, just as you are pretending to be an 18 year old with over 100 grand saved.

>> No.1579076

Put that 100k into Vanguard index funds. Way better than letting it rot in savings, for sure. If you wanna be an idiot like the daytraders on this board, you can read up on that shit, then liquidate some of the hoard to play with. The wise course of action is socking away every spare cent into low-fee index funds until the gainz can sustain you.

>> No.1579082

No they don't, they shit out several kids and get back more on their tax returns than they ever paid in

>> No.1579104

It is cute you think I'm pretending but seriously I'm looking for direction not role play maybe I'm in the wrong place can you answer my question or not?

>> No.1579128

>Divorcing your wife when your child is five
>Literally fucking her emotional development.
>She will become a landwhale, SJW, commie or some unholy combination of all 3

You might as well divorce her before she can remember. And for the next time you fuck a broad, wear a hat or make she's on birth control.

>> No.1579147
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>not getting a full-ride scholarship


>> No.1579405

>this is what ukip voters actually believe

>> No.1579562

You're just shit at running a company then. Marketing yourself as a "startup" will defer any serious investment away because of the ridiculous level of risk involved with a startup.

>> No.1579691

The trick is do all of the above on expenses.

>> No.1579745

>$7000 bank
>$32000 Roth
>$41000 457b
>$16000 brokerage
>$2000 HSA
>five years into state pension that fully vests at 10 years(doubtful I'll stay here that long, cash-out value of $12000 or so)
>$900/m rent
>16yo Honda that might not get through the winter
>receiving $50000 annuity payment in March

How am I doing lads and should I buy a cheap house?

>> No.1579797


Trust your own mind and dont follow the crowd. If you have gotten to 100k by 18 you have good intuition. Always be learning more finance and accounting. Understand risk and how much you can take before you lose sleep at night

>> No.1579873

>not having your employer pay for your shitty MBA so you can make more money

This is where millennials fucked up.

>> No.1579894

24 own a home, usually have excess of 6000 in checking. I've already gained around 40k in equity since the housing boom accelerated on the west side of Puget Sound.

>> No.1579903

LOL... you're too stupid to be here.
Everyone knows it comes from taxes, the point is people who go through uni drive the economy as wageslaves or entrepeneurs. Thats the point of the system... go ask some refugees to thank you instead.

>> No.1579917

>tfw fell for STEM meme and now work retail for 22k/yr before taxes
>tfw inherited $190,000 two years ago
>tfw dividend checks are bigger than my paychecks some months

Feels... interesting, man.

>> No.1579930

>>$900/m rent
If you're an employer/don't work for someone and aren't geographically stunted by buying a home, you'd be better off putting 20% on a <$100,000 home and investing the rest to beat the mortgage/get a free house basically.

>> No.1579943

I make 50k a year and plan on mortgaging a house around 150 to 200k.

How did you do it on such a low income?

How much are you paying per month?

>> No.1579958

>Went to college
>Graduated in May
>Had job with modest income at big 4 investment firm lined up
>Enjoy the job
>Enjoy my co-workers
>On management track

None of that would have happened without "wasting" my money like you say, OP. College works for a lot more people than it doesn't. It has a consistent return to investment that continues to grow in comparison to not going to college. If, in your lifetime, you can make more than you would have saved by not going to college, then it's an easy economic decision. Stop being stupid.

I have over 30 grand in debt. I'm on the standard payment plan. It's going to be easy as fuck to pay off, i'm still putting 20% of my paycheck in active savings, and 11% in my 401K (to increase by 1% each year). It's not hard.

>> No.1580000

how much do you make?

>> No.1580023

>Thinks he has it figured out
>"On management track"
Have fun building someone's business for them! Hope that salary's good for all the unpaid overtime you'll be working!

>> No.1580079

15k at 19

will i make it goys?

>> No.1580152

only $3000? tafe?
Im in uni and by the end of it ill have $28'000AU debt

>> No.1580160

Look into Merus Capital

>> No.1580164

I've saved up £20,000 from working and I've just started my first year of Uni, age 22. The plan is to not touch my savings so I can get a house deposit fairly easily when I graduate and "Hopefully" Get a decent job. If not its still there.

>> No.1580182

I'm young but hey, at my school the starting salary out of school is average 1 mil.

>> No.1580199

literally didnt want to go to college, its all my mothers fault.

>mother gives me two options
>get a shitty job so i can afford the school i wanted to go to (Vancouver film school)
>or i can go to the local college
um duh, i'd rather work hard and go to the school i actually wan to go to.

its mainly a business school that..


yea, last fucking year, they have zero skill in this field

>go talk to the school
>we had 30 students last sememster for digital animation
>2 graduated
... ok... what projects are they working on now?
>Oh they're the schools advertisement team!
are you fucking serious?
>literally get smacked by my mother
>she cant stop talking about how an awesome school it is
>it was 2010 and they had alienwares from 2005 in the computer lab
>try to explain to her everything thats wrong with this idea

>forces me to sign up
>first day in class
>teacher talking about websites
um what, i'm here for digital animation
>we dont have an animation course, we have the "digital multimedia course" which covers everything from flash to 3d modeling and advertisement
>try to get out of it, cant, only option now is to change course
>change to computerscience since i've been teaching myself programming in my spair time

it was at that point, i found a local (paid) internship with a local software company, and now 6 years later i'm making decent money.

>mother bitching i'm not paying the $30K bill for 2 fucking semesters of classes

I buy everything in cash, that looks like your problem mom.

>> No.1580202

and this year my brother is graduating highschool.

unlike me, he has ZERO idea "what he wants to be".

my mother is refusing to let him take a year off of classes to relax and find meaning.

Instead shes signing him up FOR THE EXACT SAME SCHOOL.

god knows what classes shes forcing on this kid.

why my mother feels like she needs 400K of debt is beyond me.

>> No.1580246

> Made
> Forced
> Made
> Forced
Nobody 'forced' or 'made' you do anything. They told you and you did it.

>> No.1580350

I'm almost 20 and I have 60k saved working in a shithole factory for nearly 2 years. Saved 99% of my money living with my parents and leeching off them.

I'm just not sure what to do with it.

>> No.1580473

We should also talk shit to them by calling them super entitled

>> No.1580486

Enlisted in the air force as a meteorologist for 4 years, never went to war and traveled all of Europe.

Got a free BBA and MBA GI bill also paid me $1700 a month to get them.

Zero debt

Stongly advise younger anons to do this.

>> No.1580555

You are a different person. Not that anon but you don't know how easily a parent can brainwash you if you are not the headstrong type. Its like literally living inside a propaganda machine that pumps in stupid shit into your brain 24/7 and you have a biological desire to make your parents proud so you do it, like a Lena Dunham sex scene, you close your eyes and you do it.

>> No.1580626

>STEM to retail

you dun goofed

>> No.1580627

Got told to work or go to college or simply be kicked out, no real desire too but was 'smart' enough to half-ass my way real far. It's still not hard, but I just don't see a path forward from here that will let me happy.

Only real interest had been military but was pressured out of it since I was the 'smart' one seeing as my siblings both sucked at school and couldn't hack it in college.

Just waiting off my medical DQ for the air force now, only 15k or so in debt but sitting on 200% returns thanks to a gamble on motherfucking AMD so I can pay that shit off whenever I decide to sell.

Tell me about being a meteorologist in there, I've heard it's pretty shitty from some sources but I'm still kind of interested.

Still probably going to try for aircrew first though for extra bucks and cool factor though.

>> No.1581078

>almost 30
>no education and 5-figures debt
>still working at McDonalds
Good thing everyone else is a loser too

>> No.1581098


this is how my net worth is $150k at 24

>> No.1581365

>Most immigrants pay tax.
But get their income form taxes so fuck you

>> No.1581389

>10k in 401k
>4k~ in amzn
>$2k~ cash
>literally no debt
>virtually all the gunz and car bits I wanted

The parent home ride is coming to an end, though

my only regret is not having invested some of the money I put into guns instead and I guess generally burning money I could have saved

trying to buy a house soon anyway though.

>> No.1581588

What the actual fuck? I have what equals 25 grand usd, and I'm 19. I work maybe a day or two a week. Is this really not normal?

And many of my friends work full time..

>> No.1581592

No it's not normal. The delusion of yuppies is unreal

>> No.1581603

I have 6k USD and no clue what to do with them.

Can I just open up some shit with Vanguard? I'm working in the US but I'm a foreigner and I'll be here for like, 3 years and then fuck off. I don't even know what to invest it in, or how.

I mean I could send money and invest it in my home country, but the dollar keeps buttfucking my third world shithole currency so that would be stupid.

>> No.1581606

Well, I know for a fact that all of my friends are retards. Just yesterday a friend of mine told me she wanted netflix on her TV, so I mentioned chromecast, but she'd rather have apple tv because "apple tv" sounded better.

I don't know.. I just hoped that the rest of my generation would be better. I guess not. Minimum wage for unskilled work for 19-year olds is like 17$ - 20$ where I live, so saving up shouldn't be hard

>> No.1581673

what's wrong with trades? which one did you pick?

>> No.1581676

my grandma started building her own home when she was 18

>> No.1581864

>If you have like $10,000+ saved

It's really terrifying to realize you have more money than your fucking parents.

I'm basically a loser, and somehow all of my peers are doing so much much worse than me.

I geniunely hope that some of you fags are actually millionaires. It gives me hope.

>> No.1581896

I am 24 and will be a millionaire sometime within the next few months at my current pace. I actually don't think "successful millennials" is as uncommon as OP makes it seem.

>> No.1581905
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How'd you do it? I just want a little money and a little happiness but I can't do anything.

>> No.1581936

It sounds cliche but the best way to describe what I do is simply internet marketing.

You know those ads you see browsing the web "Doctors Hate Him! Click To See Why This Diet Pill Is Taking The Country By Storm"? Shit like that. It looks like some trash that some Romanian scammer is flooding the web with but these are actually all very sophisticated funnels that are netting the owners millions. You wouldn't see the ad otherwise. I have met several other internet marketers (I don't make shit compared to them) and interestingly enough they are all in the 24-30 age range. It's amazing, there is a whole crowd of these autists that are just really fucking good at selling shit to people online.

>> No.1581942

you are a fuarkin liar m8

>> No.1581965
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Whatever helps you sleep at night man, I am just trying to offer the anons some genuine input.

>> No.1582001
File: 49 KB, 620x798, bengur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when everyone on /biz/ is fucked when the economic collapse happens

>muh retirement
>muh 401k
>muh roth

lmao fuckin plebs.

>> No.1582010

Can you spoon feed me where to learn about internet marketing?

>> No.1582012
File: 1.84 MB, 1000x512, 1445741810557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to be an affiliate marketer for a while but there's not a man on earth retarded enough to buy a $200 magic 'diet' ebook from a .info site that has thousands of shitty misspelled testimonys from 'buyers' no matter how much I shilled it.

Maybe some men just weren't meant to be rich.

>> No.1582038

I have 15K in savings. Owning a home is the only thing I really desire materially as far as big spending goes. My meme dream is to put in enough work and reward to be able to get a custom home but thats a stretch.

I currently work a crap job at $8.10 an hour doing overnight stock, but at the very least I'm using a good half of my off time trying to follow my passions to flop them into a personal career which I don't see a lot of other people my age doing surprisingly.

I was originally in college but I had a scholarship going into it, so I backed out when the funds ran dry. I realized in that time that college was only really necessary for people who can't learn specific skills on their own accord. I.E Doctor, Surgeons, ect.

Don't need a 4 year education to do programming and draw.

>> No.1582040
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60k a year salary job
120k mortgage left on 3b2b house
Around 5k in checking
11k in 403(b)
16k in Vanguard

Doing okay I guess, when I make more money will I be more happy?

>> No.1582049
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1460684039424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, why have money at all, hurrrrr

>> No.1582057

American, nice try eternal Anglo

>> No.1582068
File: 2.62 MB, 464x352, smh milton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he puts numbers in his roth/savings account
kek they're fuckin numbers.

Buy something tangible that doesn't fall as hard as this fiat currency we have.

>> No.1582294

What's the products?

>> No.1582299

>has more money than their debt
>still has debt
This makes no sense to me.
Why don't you pay off your entire debt right now? Do you really think that interest from your investments will accumulate more quickly than your from debt?

>> No.1582352

Yeah it was through tafe, fuck uni if you don't need it.

I understand if you want to be a doctor or a lawyer or something but if you really don't need it then save your 20k and just do tafe.
Tafe gets a lot of shit but it's mainly people that have no idea what they're talking about and they're wasting fuckloads of money just to say they've "been to uni"

>Why don't you pay off your entire debt right now? Do you really think that interest from your investments will accumulate more quickly than your from debt?

No interest on our student debt here, only adjusts for inflation. I'll just pay it off when I'm older and rich

>> No.1582362


I'm finishing uni next year, already paid off my debt by working and going into a job that I'm extremely passionate about. So glad I didn't become a low ambition low aspirations TAFE fluoro shirt brigade cuck.

>> No.1582365

>going into a job that I'm extremely passionate about

Good for you, so am I

>So glad I didn't become a low ambition low aspirations TAFE fluoro shirt brigade cuck.

>Implying im some tradie cunt
You do realize that there are more courses in TAFE than just picking up bricks and moving them and how not to die on a construction site right?

>> No.1582387


Reverse mortgages were super popular.

>> No.1582391

No they forced me, refused to let me get a car, and refused to let me get a job so i could pay for the insurance.

They never knew I dropped out until about a year later, and when they found out kicked me out of the house since "I obviously knew better" and forced me to living on my own.

Was basically homeless for a year until I landed a better job.

I had to sell a lot of my belongings just so I could afford a $1000 car to get the fuck out of that town and have a reliable transportation method that wasn't my bike.

Had to sell ecstasy for a month or so when my laptop broke and needed a new one for work.

My life has been hell thanks to my family.

>> No.1582400

>tfw 186k net worth at 24

You need to be able to work the market and you will never be in debt.

>> No.1582404


So where do you start with any of this?

>> No.1582490

No student debt, I just started a good job but I have $5,000 in a car loan so can't say I'm debt free

>> No.1582492

>tfw had 80k student debt.
>Score a solid position in government.
>they pay off my entire student debt in exchange for staying for 5 years.
Comfy stuff.

>> No.1582519

Gen z here. Cannot fucking wait to cuck millenials in the labor force

>> No.1582527


>Owning a home


Mortgage cucks will always be poor.

>> No.1582532
File: 65 KB, 601x601, 1405604877832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be 24
> net worth of 30k euros + own a car

I should be glad but I still feel like I'm incredibly poor. A 12 sq meter room costs 100k in the city I want to live in

>> No.1582540
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>he pays rent instead of mortgage

wew lad so successful

>> No.1582564

>living in the city
>in europe
but why tho

>> No.1582578


it's a fun city for young people
We don't have affordable countryside anyways for single people (house is around 300k)

>> No.1582589

not anon but ill tell you the electrician trade is fucking garbage as far as pay grade goes. My area is so cut throat, its just a race to the bottom at this point.

>> No.1582597

topkek there is no way that's true.

>> No.1582601

obviously put it all on red.

>> No.1582640

The obvious solution is for millennials to go into the military if they don't have a full ride scholarship.

Military pays for school and gives you a savings.

>> No.1582719

>obviously put it all on red.
what does that even mean?

is this a meme?

>> No.1583216

Maybe help witha solution jagoff

>> No.1583220

>work the market
bs, proof and details faget

>> No.1583294

>They go out and buy the latest $800 iPhone so they can feel cool
Not all millenials are niggers

>> No.1583306


I am considering making a webinar series covering the topic. Would any of you faggots actually listen in?

>> No.1583799

yes please. At the moment im reading Dan Kennedy and Seth Godin.
Is this a good start?

>> No.1583808

>literally paying someone elses mortgage

>> No.1583813


I have a shit phone, shit car and i live in a shit neighbourhood, I'm 21 and I own a house. Building it all now so I'll have good everything later when i fall for the kids and suburbs memes

>> No.1583863

>Not Anglo
Hello shitskin.

>> No.1584041

>not just living at home with parents while you save enough to buy a house outright

>> No.1584092

>We are about 30 years away from creating True Artificial Intelligence of the Matrix and Terminator varieties
>Then the AI will kill everyone
It was alright until you went full retard here.

>> No.1584125

This is retarded

>> No.1584367

>tfw 22 and own a home with about $1500 in my savings
>have another $2500 in savings bonds my grandparents left me

What do? I feel like I could be making a fortune with smart investments, but I don't know where to start.

>> No.1584392


My parents both have $10k in savings only for emergency use then another savings account for whatever they want. I'm 18 and currently have $3.3k so far. Taking a gap year to work my ass off at my no taxes cash under the table at the end of the shift job then apply.

>> No.1584492

man you do a webinar with substance and not sales, I'll mail you a handyj when I'm making enough money to just pay my regular bills