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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 171 KB, 1548x536, fucktheFUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15771576 No.15771576 [Reply] [Original]

If you actually fell for the most obvious pajeet FUD campaign in the history of /biz/, I am truly sorry for you. Good news is that it is still unbelievably early. Given its scarcity and fundamentals, VIDT will EASILY 100x by peak 2021 blow-off top. 200X and beyond is a very strong possibility. You have been warned.

>> No.15771589

I smell shit. Anyone else getting a whiff of feces in this thread?

>> No.15771606

How nice of you to join us, Ranjeesh. Go on, unleash your copypasta reserves.

>> No.15771609

Imagine falling for these shills when the single lone fudster (me) predicted a +20% pump and has advised bagholders before selling this shit the day it happens. Literally said buy the rumor, sell the news. You bought? Good. Did you sell? You were warned.

>> No.15771630

>looks at your ID
Stop projecting

>> No.15771638

It's also funny that this is my first time posting in a V-ID thread today (busy wagecuck Monday) and every single thread that I saw in the catalog, I apparently already posted in multiple times. Bunch of paranoid schizos LMAO

>> No.15771691

Only stupid niggers fell for that brainlet tier FUD. Where's the guy who's mom and girlfriend got fucked by someone in #satsgang? Fucking pajeet come here we're waiting for you.

>> No.15771704

KEK this guy bumps our thread for free = more visibility = $$$$ so I like him

VIDT 1$ EOY minimum 0.50$ EOM minimum

>> No.15771735

Thanks just bought another 100K.

>> No.15771838

When are they gonna announce something?
Oh that's right

The day after that
The day after that
The day after that

Get rekt fudders

>> No.15771955

I'm so confident in being correct, I already made an edit of OP's pic. I cannot wait to share it with you all. XOXO

>> No.15772003


>> No.15772037

does nothing. any blockchain can store a checksum. t1 exchange was a larp.. kucoin is all shitcoins. this project is DOA.

>> No.15772152

>kucoin is all shitcoins. this project is DOA.
Agreed. Acronis Notary does the same thing as V-ID without the use of tokens or outside investors. Why else would V-ID create millions tokens, sell it for speculative reasons, only to then buy it all back? They can create as many tokens as they want, it's not mined. It's a Chuck E. Cheese token that only has value inside their little back-end API. You cannot even use VIDT for anything unless you have an ongoing subscription plan that you have to pay yearly, 12 months upfront. It's all bullshit.

>> No.15772182

The excellent use-case, actual customers, combined with speculation and hype will drive this thing through the roof. Im expecting $50 eoy 2020, minimum

>> No.15772229
File: 81 KB, 831x468, KUcoinbestcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KUCOIN IS LITERALLY THE BEST exchange in the world the SEC told them to KYC and had over trade records and u know what KUCOIN DID???? they didnt. Did they ban U.S traders NO, Truly the Chad of the exchanges

>> No.15772248

This is the greatest FUD ever. Thank you, bagholder. Now any American that has money on KuCoin might get rekt any day. You think SEC is not going to flex their muscle for ignoring the request that even Binance bended their knee to? LMAO!

>> No.15772258

Doesn't know you can exchange VIDT tokens for company shares in V-ID, (Not based in U.S) Xrp would be mooning if u could exchange it for shares in ripple labs, to bad its based in the U.S xDD

>> No.15772276

American here. I am signing up for KuCoin as we speak.

>> No.15772296

Just signed up for KuCoin. Thanks anon

>> No.15772297

I have an account on KuCoin as well. So what? Doesn't mean however that it will not meet the same fate as IDEX. The fact that SEC cares about KuCoin's operation is bad news, the fact that they ignored the request and then flaunt it is a death sentence.

>> No.15772304

you can only do the basic verification

>> No.15772319

If any of you VIDT retards want to make more money, I suggest taking out a loan and also buying up the KCS token. It's going to moon soon, or so I've heard from SatsGang. I'm not sure why I'm even helping you after all this.

>> No.15772341
File: 8 KB, 250x249, 1543656361802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefagging this hard

>> No.15772346

Not with whales holding 500k stacks

5$ max and thats pushing it

>> No.15772574


sec btfo

>> No.15772576

We know it's you because of your typing style you absolute retard.
Also don't pretend you have a job.

>> No.15772690

holy shit, jeets still shilling this fucking token? kek. wow.

>> No.15772710

Wrong and wrong.

>> No.15772914

Fucking Ranjeesh pooin in the loo rn. Kys OP

>> No.15773020

I'm gay and I hold VIDT

>> No.15773025

Thanks anon. I never knew I needed to sign up for KuCoin until you mentioned this.

>> No.15773051

It's bound to happen widely soon.
We're very clearly going to see massive push back against the FED's feverish strong arm tactics.

>> No.15773053

So believable and organic.

>> No.15773065

It's pretty hilarious that you're so clearly this autistic. Look, man, we see right through you. We all can tell pretty plainly that your impotent FUD has been ONLY futile.
We've established a while ago now that you're doing this for no good reason. We see clearly that you're overly-adamant and frantic about keeping this technology from developing legitimately.
How fucking stupid do you think we are?

>> No.15773068

This fake shit is some of the most effective FUD I have seen yet. I need to sell...

>> No.15773111

>We all can tell pretty plainly that your impotent FUD has been ONLY futile.
I've been fudding ever since it has been dumping at 55 cents. If any anons listened to you bagholders, they would be in the negative right now. This Kucoin pump would mean NOTHING to them. I said buy the rumor, sell the news two days ago. My intentions are good. Yours aren't and you should feel like slimy piece of shit in reality, you're the equivalent of a Microsoft tech support scam phone caller preying on the tech-illiterate.

>> No.15773178

So you don't want people getting a better deal... right.

>> No.15773188

Post skin with timestamp.

>> No.15773216

Guys please sell vidt coin no good investment... Very bad!

>> No.15773246

Rakesh wtf boss say no fud anymore we need to stop sir....vidt is very bad coin!!!

>> No.15773258

Nice dodge, faggot. As if getting anons a "better deal" would be a bad thing. My FUD doesn't control the price, but it can prevent those new to crypto from falling to the blatant shilling and exaggerated lies. All YOU need is more people buying than selling. You don't give a fuck about anything or anyone else.

>> No.15773268

Rakesh please no bump this thread... people see vidt no good sir they can pump price.... sir boss say no fud coz no money broo- vidt very bad coin

>> No.15773283
File: 17 KB, 361x330, 1516985193937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how you incessantly reframe everything any of us say and pretend that you could potentially look effective to new people.
Why are you sperging so hard over this? My advice to anyone is to spread small amounts to a few different things until they get the hang of the market.
It's clear why you're here...

>> No.15773285

Hey faggot. Keep bumping this thread so that more anons will read about VIDT and realize what a fucking gem this is. Your FUD is doing the opposite of what you think. I don't expect you to realize it as you're a fucking brainlet pajeet nigger. VIDT 0.5$ EOM 1$ EOY

Now get on your knees and bump my thread you fucking slave before satsgang will fuck your mother and girlfriend again.

>> No.15773292
File: 48 KB, 1080x814, the-future-you-chose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll let you guess which section of the CHX chart is being played out today.

>> No.15773304
File: 83 KB, 550x543, 1569470221144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every chart follows the same path

>> No.15773306

daily reminder there is no proof any customer bought tokens.
weekly reminder this is the 14th reminder i've given.

>> No.15773314

Sirr vidt will dump big time no buyer no client no exchange only liquidation sirs sell fast fuckkk bagholder brooo

>> No.15773322

Why the fuck are comparing this to CHX? It has literally nothing in common. Tell me even one project which is generating more revenue than VIDT and is a better hold in the next 7 days. I'm waiting for it.

Now bump this thread nigger KEKKKKK

>> No.15773329

Sir yes IBM partner is very fake no real same amspec website is hacked sir no proof blockchain is hacked fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk dutch stoner scam

>> No.15773379

>My advice to anyone is to spread small amounts to a few different things until they get the hang of the market.
This is the first time I have ever seen this advice or sentiment posted in any VIDT thread. But I agree. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Don't go all in into any shitcoin.

>It's clear why you're here...
Because the OP image amused me (Acronis fud is in it) and I replied. Show me where you have seen any of the copypasta or "autistic" arguments today. Because I sure as hell didn't make them.

>> No.15773393

You seem so starved for my attention. Here you go. Savor it.

>> No.15773397

Bought another 20k viddies. Feels so fucking great lads. We gonna make it. Another 4 days of news coming up.

>> No.15773418

well I suppose I severely underestimated the stupidity of companies, namely amspec.
But there's no proof of IBM. and it could be just a tiny department under IBM, even if true.
only took dumb shills 50 threads to post one iota of evidence

>> No.15773419

Satsgang Indian scammer thread. Who in the fuck still falls for these scamcoins?

>> No.15773421
File: 21 KB, 228x320, 1508857209787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the hell are you at all fulfilled by just sitting there and saying the same things in the same types of threads every single day?

If people are so stupid that they have made it to this board, learned enough about the projects we frequently talk about, seen a tone of your posts and are still stupid enough to ignore you despite your being right, they deserve to lose money.
So, if any of that above is correct, why are you still trying THIS HARD every single thread every single day? Is it really your responsibility to ensure no one loses money with this specific project? How are you this focused on helping people not lose money on this particular project? What about another shitcoin? Do you do the same for any other shitcoin? Why or why not?

>> No.15773434
File: 1006 KB, 500x248, 1509318085792.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw (You)fag insists someone else is starved for attention

>> No.15773459

Fucking 80k volume on KuCoin surpassing that shit exchange Idex not even 24 hours in. About time we got a good exchange. VID team keeps delivering as promised.

>> No.15773461

No proof of IBM? Holy shit you must be so dumb.

Now keep bumping this thread pajeet. I hope that satsgang will not fuck your mother and gf for the second time.

>> No.15773488

Unironically a legit shot at 30-50x by springtime if the client accumulation (domination) continues.
People (you) posting this tired FUD either have $0 invested into anything because you're broke, or you're bagholding scamcoins like harmony, holochain, iexec, req, etc. Either way you're committed to losing, so move along now. This thread is for people who want to actually profit from their investments and I'm afraid you don't qualify.

>> No.15773502

>asking for proof of valuation claims is dumb
kill yourself.

>> No.15773508

not buying ONE is a mistake, anon...

>> No.15773519

You've are a paid shillers so fuck yourself that is a disgusting job only a dumb nigger would do.
Your streetshittng pump and dump group has been scamming people here since 2017 promising them riches.
I on the other hand warned them all you are fucking scumbags.
If they listen to me they have more money than if they listen to you. That is a fact

>> No.15773541

Can't you do your own research? Fucking idiot. It took literally 10 seconds to google it. No wonder you're living in a fucking village.

Bump this thread you little shit

>> No.15773544

i think you replied to the wrong person, anon.

>> No.15773581

tell me what your search terms were then. googling vidt ibm gives me nothing sourced from IBM.
also why are you so upset that a potential investor does due diligence?

>> No.15773605

"vidt ibm internet of environment" It should show you V-ID's tweet about their cooperation with IBM. That tweet has a link which I just linked and it's IBM's own website.

>> No.15773688

We are about to close on 850k validations this month alone. About 85k viddies will be bought from the exchanges and burned. This makes me sooo hard!

>> No.15773811

>How in the hell are you at all fulfilled by just sitting there and saying the same things in the same types of threads every single day?
Good question. I enjoy arguing in general and my arguments being tested. Especially about the viability of small business plans and prices. How are bagholders fulfilled when chatting about VIDT in their Telegram? Exchanging messages about the project and its future. That seems more like a waste of time to me. Making anonymous internet buddies out of college... And I could not imagine going "yes yes yes I agree" and "VIDT will make us rich" all day and every day. Boring and validation seeking to the max. Note how almost no one validates any of my points. I get called an idiot in every thread at least ten times, so I'm surprised when another anon does chime in to agree with me. I never made a single thread about my coin of choice, created any memes about it, or talked about it with anyone outside of /biz/. Don't care enough. I believe in it.

>So, if any of that above is correct, why are you still trying THIS HARD every single thread every single day? Is it really your responsibility to ensure no one loses money with this specific project? How are you this focused on helping people not lose money on this particular project?
There aren't that many threads on /biz/. I can't argue about shitcoins I have never held and talking about BTC/ETH at great detail is a waste of time. BTC is like arguing about Donald Trump, while VIDT is like arguing about which professors to take in a college. I can't influence anything about Trump, but I can steer people away from taking a class.

>What about another shitcoin? Do you do the same for any other shitcoin? Why or why not?
UOS, SNTVT, EVE, CHX, FTM, and LTO. Depends whether I researched it.

>> No.15773854

>But there's no proof of IBM. and it could be just a tiny department under IBM, even if true.
>googling vidt ibm gives me nothing sourced from IBM.
>only took dumb shills 50 threads to post one iota of evidence
Don't believe the shills. The IBM partnership is an exaggerated lie. V-ID is not partnered the global IBM. They've simply signed up to talk IBM Netherlands's "Circular Economy Data Network" meetup group: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/circular-economy-data-network-session-3-tickets-63862673977

It's like a workshop for local tech businesses to network, which is where V-ID met LTO, if I recall correctly. IBM has their own IBM Blockchain Trusted Identity service, so they do not need V-ID for anything: https://www.ibm.com/blockchain/solutions/identity/networks

>> No.15773861
File: 730 KB, 208x168, doit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now do the opposite, (You)fag.
Shill me on a coin. Pick one yourself. Prove your authenticity.

>> No.15773896

Do you have proof? I believe V-ID team more than some anon who claims to do all this brainlet fud out of his good heart. IBM is working with V-ID and I don't think that anyone were thinking that they're working with anyone else than IBM NL currently. Nobody with any buying power if going to fall into your fud at this stage when we're getting 4 more announcements in the next 4 days. Easiest 3x minimum of my life.

>> No.15774019

It's a lot harder to shill than to fud, but I'll give it a go. I want you to buy EDGE. Their product solves many issues traditional webhosts cannot currently deal with. EDGE is targeting normies and boomers who want an easy affordable hosting solution without having to worry about their website going down at the worst possible moment. Hosting with them is nearly 20 times cheaper than using Amazon's AWS and they provide 100% uptime and DDOS protection.

A celebrity promoted your product on national TV? Website still up and operational. Write about controversial topics, such as politics or the differences between genders? Content won't get shut down by EDGE.

Here is their pricing structure: https://edge.network/en/pricing/

EDGE: 1GB of bandwidth costs a penny or less.
AWS: 1GB of bandwidth costs nine times as much.

EDGE: 1GB of storage costs a penny.
AWS: 1GB of storage costs 25 times as much.

Web hosting is a multi-billion industry in the United States alone. Even if EDGE only captures 1% of consumer web hosting in the United States, the coin will do a 10X-20X based on revenue alone. But EDGE isn't competing against Amazon or Google, but rather smaller companies like 1&1. All you need is one marketing agency to start using EDGE hosting for their clients and they can pocket the difference. Mom and pop shops don't care where their sites are hosted, of course. There's nothing like EDGE out there for consumer applications (consumer being the keyword, to you RLC shills). And if you decide to stake, you get a really nice ROI every month on your investment and will generate you passive income for years to come.

EDGE also has paying customers already, such as Empire Magazine, which is running 100% on their hosting: https://www.empireonline.com/

>> No.15774044

Did you look at the links I posted? You can look up what "Circular Economy Data Network" really is yourself, if you don't believe me. And if you do a Google search for "IBM V-ID", their Trusted Identity service will pop up on YouTube first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bAewVLl1TI

>> No.15774091

mommy daddy please stop fighting

>> No.15774128

Anon... I just lost all my credibility to you. This is going to be another Siacoin without a pump. Failed niche product used by nobody unlike VIDT which is adopted by multiple billion $ companies.

>> No.15774147

Because deep down you are a good fren. I will miss you faggot

>> No.15774158

don’t criticize siacoin, it’s a great project

>> No.15774185

>tfw EDGE dumped harder than VIDT
Literally just do basic math.

>> No.15774188

Yes, web hosting is a niche product when every business and professional has a website, from your local lawn service to your hair stylist. They're targeting agencies and professionals who make the sites for these people, not Tom and Jerry specifically. The tokenomics also ensure that people hold onto the token for at least year, as without EDGE you cannot stake or host websites and get % of the revenue.

>> No.15774210

That's not much of an argument. You wanted shilling, I gave it to you. Never said the price of EDGE is hot or that it's pumping. I don't even look at the price until I'm reminded by the occasional thread.

>> No.15774236
File: 43 KB, 600x600, 2fb3c222b93a61b63e1f066f7335b266e99581edf37fe435a0c156a8131bdf70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're going to come to these threads and FUD projects other people are interested in and in response to asking what you prefer, you suggest we purchase something that's devalued more than what we're discussing, thinking this will add to your credibility?

>> No.15774242

I've been looking into EDGE since you mentioned it. Seems legit.

>> No.15774266
File: 73 KB, 808x805, green wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we mooning baby
acronis-funded pajeet fudders btfo

>> No.15774282

>you suggest we purchase something that's devalued more than what we're discussing, thinking this will add to your credibility?
You asked me to shill you a coin. I said here >>15773811 that I don't shill it on here. I don't shill it because you won't make money with it for a very long time. If you buy EDGE, your money is going to be stagnating until next year. I would feel like a slimy piece of shit shilling it and making threads and making up bullshit about it, just to temporary pump the price and create bagholders and disappointment. I even "week" trade EDGE. I buy it low, wait until it pumps a bit, sell some, then rebuy it.

I shilled EDGE as a thought exercise, has nothing to do with credibility. Thought you're going to FUD it properly or something. Gay.

I'm glad you looked into it, I remember the thread where you have asked about it.

>> No.15774303

I do apologize for the satsgang fucked your mother rhetoric. Unbecoming and not effective. But we know how anons are.

>> No.15774330

Market-cap is too high. Buy Zuckbucks.

>> No.15774353
File: 54 KB, 620x465, 1510757351656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're here to make money, (You)fag.
Why in the hell would we not care primarily about how much money we make? We're all motivated by money. This is a simple maths game and you've failed.
How do you expect us to even take you seriously if you don't take yourself seriously? The best you can do is shill a token that's devalued more than the coin you incessantly FUD every single day?
This is sheer lunacy.

>> No.15774362

I appreciate that. You're the most reasonable VIDT holder, hope you make back your money and some. Just don't hodl until 2029.

>> No.15774388

So which part of "don't put all your eggs in one basket" and "thought you're going to FUD it" did you not understand? You said pick a coin, so I picked a coin. No one is falling your manipulative spin on what you have asked and what I have provided.

The reality is that you cannot FUD the logic behind the tokenomics of EDGE or their business plan and the actual product.

>> No.15774399

EDGE is literally a pajeet version of VIDT. VIDT 1$ EOM.

>> No.15774410

How impartial and unbiased. I guess might as well dump all my EDGE!

>> No.15774434

ive got 25k boys- is it enuff to make it frens?

>> No.15774438

Well now I'm obviously not going to do any research at all if it's dumped more than the project I'm already watching.
You seriously lack any capability of basic sensible thought.
Acronis is still obviously bullish as fuck.

>> No.15774439

This is the shittiest shitcoin of all of 2019. I can't imagine the type of dumb niggers that would actually buy this. I know it's 99% paid pajeets and only like 5 people actually hold it but still who are those 5 retards and how many times did your mother drop you on your head as a child?

>> No.15774443

Anon's fud is weak bro. I don't know why anyone replies to him. Let the baby have his bottle.
Can we have some more details on IBMs and V-IDs IoE partnership? What part does V-ID play in that infrastructure?
The Internet of Environments development is aimed at enabling decision makers, whether in government or housing associations or any other organisation with a large social impact, to make better informed decisions, based on data that is as accurate and independent/unbiased as possible. V-ID plays a major role in this, where the Validation and Verification API secures the authenticity of the data from the raw sensor data to the app that suggests actionable insights.

The longer term vision is to cover The Netherlands with enough sensors that provide unprecedented amounts of precise data. IBM is eager to connect Watson to all this, so with machine learning and enough data, you can start seeing patterns in air quality and make predictions. The sensor grid would also function as an early warning system when something causes a peak in one of the values. You obviously need measurements from lots of sensors that measure all kinds of things like microdust, temperature and such.
Yesterday, we were at IBM, where one of the engineers mentioned Weather Underground, which enables anyone to connect their weather station to contribute to the data set. In that light, we are in contact with sensor suppliers, who are able to provide cost effective sensors with, that would have a Pi connected running the scripts to gather and normalise the data, and run the V-ID API.

>> No.15774447

i would honestly be okay if all these curry niggers killed themselves and let us holders carry on. here's to hoping they all sell at a loss, even if it hurts my bags.

>> No.15774448

Holding EDGE = More testosterone, staking, hosting websites, getting ROI.
Holding VIDT = Hoping a bigger idiot will buy it off of you.

>> No.15774459

I'm done increasing my stack. It will be pretty easy to profit, and very easy to break even. I'm not as bearish as you are, it's a very exciting project in terms of adoption and revenue. I wish you'd acknowledge that a little more readily.

My next move is finishing up my sui bag of LINK. What's your opinion on Sergey and co.?

>> No.15774539

I'll acknowledge that V-ID is a decent small business and can become #1 validation platform in their home country.

>My next move is finishing up my sui bag of LINK. What's your opinion on Sergey and co.?
My take is that LINK has already pump and dumped and it will take a long time, if ever, to reach $4 to $5 again.

>> No.15774553

So basically you think the project will fail then

>> No.15774570

I don't think it will fail, but it won't be widely used by major businesses around the world.

>> No.15774585

Because smart contracts and oracles are overrated? Or because competing oracles will find success

>> No.15775132
