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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15771534 No.15771534 [Reply] [Original]

>just turned 18
>no bills, no debt

how am I doing bros?

>> No.15771542

Ready to start life! Good luck young Anon!

>> No.15771563

should add that I almost am done with an Associates degree and will have it before I'm 19

>> No.15771582

>Still needs validation through literal digital strangers.
You sound like a fucking loser

>> No.15771597

my thread was instantly drowned by all the NEET pepe spam last night, I don't feel too bad about making it again. Also there are way stupider threads up right now anyways.

>> No.15771619
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>> No.15771626

Depends, do you know how to talk to the normies? The real money to be made in the future is in being able to communicate between internet autistits and the normie population.

If you answer is no go have sex and listen to hip hop or else stay poor

>> No.15771957

Im twenty and started out with a little less. got a few small jobs, bought and sold a bike, discovered stocks, then crypto, went all in in BTC, now i own 0.5 BTC, just HODLing until 100k.

>> No.15772300

Better than most mericans desu.

>> No.15772820

>No bills, no debt
Keep it that way for as long as you can and you will be better off than 99% of the entire population

>> No.15772866

you haven't done anything.

>> No.15772892
File: 21 KB, 345x304, F937F9C0-9570-4798-8231-4140C05591FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys fag
This is now a bobby thread

>> No.15773023

>>15771626 care to expand?

>> No.15773041

$5000 in what? Assets? Cash?

>> No.15773070


>> No.15773079

You'll probably spend it like a faggot on some downpayment for a new car or buy a used car with it. If you were smart, You would put that into LINK. Not in stocks though, Wait until the stock market crashes and then invest. I would suggest all 5000$ in link and when stock market crashes you can buy in low. Around this time chainlink will be worth far more than 10$ so you can sell say 1000 link and put that into a good stock like AT&T while the market is down.

>> No.15773164

It’s all downhill from here, have fun while you can without going into debt.
You make me feel so old. Best of luck to you, your next four or five years are your best chance to make it

>> No.15773184

Degrees are almost entirely worthless. Stop thinking school credentials are an achievement. The only thing they do is get you a job interview. Degree-getting is a shitty useless side-effect of it being illegal to test peoples IQ for employment

>> No.15773192

do you have a car or house?

>> No.15773490

how about turning that $5000 to $500,000 with VID. In just 3 months its already at 160x.

>> No.15773514

buy holochain

>> No.15773515

Lookin’ good. Keep building your stack. Grind it hard as fuck.

>> No.15773613

Is it really illegal to iq test people for jobs?

>> No.15774685

Dont buy crypto, invest in yourself at that young a age. School, trade, body. Dont fall for pyramid schemes for lucky fools who got out with cheese.

>> No.15774972

There isn't a single job that requires a certain IQ score to perform the job properly. If a test is irrelevant to job tasks then it is illegal to make that test part of the recruitment process.
t. HR

>> No.15775821

> there are other stupid threads up
And apparently we're meant to congratulate you for having $5k in your bank account because of this?
The next time you want to contribute to making garbage threads, just kill yourself instead.
It goes in all fields

>> No.15775930


>> No.15776441

Dont pilot trainees essentially get IQ tested before starting training

>> No.15777187

It's possible they take a specialized test with piloting-related questions inspired by traditional IQ tests, but you would not be able to give them a test with questions that have nothing to do with their job.

>> No.15777254

the kind of people who tell you this are people who wasted their 20's studying world history or women's lib or some dumb shit. there are obviously many high paying fields that a degree can get you into that are absolutely worth your time.

>> No.15777359

> got a few small jobs
> bought and sold a bike
> discovered
Bought and sold a bike? Jesus is this your pinnacle achievement you zoomer
Scum? When I was 14 I was selling weed. By the time I was 16 I bought a sports car cash & had $20m leftover. At 20 I went balls deep in bitcoin (that was 10 years ago). At 21 I bought a Porsche 911 in cash. By 25 I had a house, motorcycle, cars, boat. Now I own multiple businesses that are all extremely cash flow positive.
Meanwhile you bought/sold a single bike? Zooners will NEVER make it. You guys are lazy, weird, ugly, & can’t talk to girls or normal people.

>> No.15777499

>>just turned 18
What country/state do you live in?

>> No.15777799

thank you mommy and daddy!