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15770369 No.15770369 [Reply] [Original]

Should i kms via inert gas asphyxiation?
t. nothing to live for 32 year old doomer

>> No.15770388

Why not go something insane and risky instead?

>> No.15770387

I am going to do partial hanging :)

>> No.15770421

Because i dont like pain and suffering

>> No.15770427

What went wrong in your life to not make it by 32?

>> No.15770445

I never developed socially or intellectually. My life is leading nowhere im getting more depressed by the day

>> No.15770456

Sounds awful

>> No.15770467


Those aren't requirements dude.

What job do you have? Are you investing?

>> No.15770485


at least 100x all your money before just in case you make it

>> No.15770721

Im not sure money will turn my life around. What do u suggest i do with 100k

>> No.15770855

You have 100k available and you still haven't bought link? Jesus christ anon you better go ahead and kys since you are really fucking retarded.

>> No.15770898

Link seems scammy

>> No.15770916

Youre literally talking about killing yourself and youre worried about link being a scam. What does it matter to you if its a scam or not then. This showcases you have a will to live because if you truly wanted to die you wouldnt give a fuck about whether or not link is a scam. Hang in there anon itll get better

>> No.15770922

hey, anon. i read your post, but i don't really get the joke. can you please explain?

>> No.15770935
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Go ahead and kys brainlet

>> No.15770937

something something dont kill yourself something something buy link something something

>> No.15770947

Id rather give my money to my family than getting scammed

>> No.15770950

Nothing to die for. Don't kys. Clown world might get interesting one day and you will be able to just sit back laugh and watch the shit show.

>> No.15770958

I am going to OD on heroin. I have no tolerance so I anticipate it being quite simple, provided I use enough.

>> No.15770999

Is this painfull? Actually thinking of doing the same thing

>> No.15771000

That showcases attachment to family. Live for your family and work to help them have a good life.

Idk dude its 2019, killing yourself right as we are on the brink of exponential technological advancement seems like a waste. Just think of all the cat girls you can fuck in the near future.

>> No.15771037

Thanks for the kind words. I guess hurting my family would be the only thing holding me back

>> No.15771053

Just hang in there friendo. Good times are coming.

>> No.15771073

From what I understand it is nearly, if not completely, painless. Be sure to do the research to ensure it is the right method for you.

>> No.15771074

Give life your absolute best 1 last time. Go all out, stop at nothing. If then after you truely feel you've done EVERYTHING you could and still you didn't move forward.Then maybe kys. Just know, most people who survive suicide attempts regret ever even doing attempting in the first place.
Should be relatively painless though it might be discomforting mentally cause you're high af.

Myself it will be the rope. I looked trough a lot of different methods of suicide but I don't think anything really beats a simple noose. Unless you can get the ''secret substance'' but it's really hard to come by.

>> No.15771079

Most people who survive regret it because they didn't die, retard.

>> No.15771096

I think they're more regretfull that you're always such a faggot.

>> No.15771097

typical link faggots trying to scam a suicidal man into pumping their bags.
You know that in the end you're only making the fat man richer while he dumps 700k on you repeatedly?

>> No.15771099

shut up and let us have fun, clown

>> No.15771106

I think I would only consider a rope if I was a guy. Heard you get a super hard boner before you departure. So if I had a dick, that would be my method too. But I just want a painless and quick death.

>> No.15771119

Imagine interpreting my post as "you need to buy link" and not "your worry about whether or not its a scam is proof you aren't willing to just gg yourself for no reason."

I didn't tell anon to buy LINK, I told anon their fear around LINK showcases they actually give a shit about the way in which their money and life operates. Thusly they shouldn't kill themselves cause they still have attachment to this world.

>> No.15771129

fuck Link, I bought years ago and still no moon, if it doesn't moon by the end of the year I am giving up on life.

>> No.15771144

Fuck you family, you are one generation away from genetically engineered TRAP cat girls with laser beams for eyes.

If you don't want that then you are giant faggot that honestly should kill yourself.

>> No.15771145

yeah, meant >>15770935 actually, sorry

>> No.15771163

I am big white knight no worries

>> No.15771327


>> No.15772125

The grief would be enormous and they'd forever feel guilty.

Don't do it. If you're really feeling down and you've already tried exercise (gym/team sport etc.), meditation and other stuff, then maybe try moving into a monastery for a while to get your head right. Back to simple stuff.

Whatever you decide, I hope you decide to keep living. The world can be a cunt, but that's not reason to quit. You can do better.

>> No.15772155 [DELETED] 

Wow good people actually exist on 4chan. Crazy

>> No.15772175


>> No.15772469

dont do it anon, BTC will be over 1 million dollars by 2030
LINK will be $1000 by 2025
RSR will be over $10 by 2025

for fucks sake, just hang in there and buy up as much of this shit as u can.
sure the world may be boring and shit might suck but hey, there is no evidence to suggest that death is any better.

>> No.15772634

Thanks anon

>> No.15772995

You can’t do much with 100k in the West, but you can for sure live like a king in developing countries for under 1000 a month. Choose one with the best women and head there before you mistakenly end it all