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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15768353 No.15768353 [Reply] [Original]

Don't they realize that a literal monkey could be trained to do their job? They already have automated away cashier jobs in my city. How hard would it be to have a robot flipping burgers

>> No.15768368

Do you work at McDonald’s?
Do you eat there often?
Then who gives a shit

>> No.15768374

Apparently it's pretty tough because nobody is running a robot chef dependent store. So while these robots are being perfected, seems like businesses will have to pay whatever wages a fast food union would demand. Hope this helps

>> No.15768398
File: 13 KB, 400x400, team-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you eat there often?

>> No.15768429

OP is a cuck fighting against his own rights.

>> No.15769347

Didn't NYC raise their minimum wage to $15/hr?

>> No.15769363

you'd have to pay me to eat that garbage
i sympathize with the employees of any job but this aint it, you faggots are just accelerating machines replacing you

>> No.15769384

you do know that it already exist flipping burger robots and they even do a better job
max 2-3 years until they start using it in fast food chains with higher avg. $ per hour

>> No.15769411

>Don't they realize that a literal monkey could be trained to do their job
Bullshit. It’s a much more difficult job than people realise to work in fast food. If you are a bricklayer or a retail worker etc you have no idea. I have done all of these jobs and all had their challenges but fast food is way harder than people realise. They deserve whatever they can get. When I hear about people making $10 an hour in this industry I feel bad for them. The idea that free market capitalism dictates an appropriate wage is bullshit, people don’t get what thyyou re worth they get what people who misunderstand what they actually do think they’re worth,

>> No.15769468

commie get out
>Bullshit. It’s a much more difficult job than people realise to work in fast food.
what a braindead cuck you are
>people don’t get what thyyou re worth
they get paid depending on the demand for the job, low skilled job that everyone can do = less payment
it isn't that difficult you commie shithead homoid

>> No.15769603

None of these are arguments and you are a gay and a communist.

>> No.15769643

I’m convinced the fight for 15 thing is to devalue all jobs to the point where we all make nearly the same amount. Amazon workers make 15 an hour and that’s much harder than McDonald’s. Soon white collar coding jobs will also pay 15. Then blue collar jobs after everyone goes into trades after STEM is flooded. Everyone will make 15 no matter the job, and only the “elite” will make over that.

>> No.15769672

Not to be rude, but you have obviously never worked in fast food. It is not just some simple repetitive task that you perform over and over. It is very fast-paced, dynamic, and high-stress. You have to make all kinds of unique combinations of sandwiches and sides, some with added/removed ingredients, some with special requests, and you are constantly needing to cook more and restock. Also up-front you have to work with customers who are old, cranky, hard-of-hearing, or have very specific needs. Also during the slower hours, one person (for example me) would operate drive thru order, drive thru cash, dropping and boxing fried products, and organizing and running food.

The renovation necessary to have fast food all or even heavily automatized would be extremely expensive and would likely be much slower than a human doing it and would still probably need an overseer or two

>> No.15769687

It is true that a lot of people can do it, but few are competent and most of the speed and service in fast food comes from a few workers who are motivated and fast (and honestly could be doing something much better and higher paying). Many of the employees you work with are slow, have absolutely no common sense or intelligence at all, or are unfriendly bordering on rude. It definitely doesn't help to have such high turnover rate.

When I worked in fast food, I was doing about 2-3 employees worth of work per hour but I got about 10% more than that of a new worker. Glad I quit.

>> No.15769695

I’ve worked at amazon and fast food, a warehouse job is still more difficult and it pays 15 an hour. You have to lift 40 lb boxes all day and stack them as fast as possible Tetris style in a truck and you have a rate to keep on top of that. The other positions are just as hard, some have you packing 300 boxes an hour and you use different combinations of boxes to fit all the items in, which uses your spatial reasoning in a fast pace, considering you are being timed. I could go on, but nothing at McDonald’s could be that difficult.

>> No.15769716

All of this. Good for them, stay classcucked OP.

>> No.15769720

“I’ll pay one of you $15 an hour, sure.”

>> No.15769733

It is harder because it is heavy weight, but that is more easier automated because it is a very repetitive series of movements with little human interaction

>> No.15769747

Anyone who thinks that this is speeding up how fast robotic chefs get deployed is retarded. there is no conceivable way that a human making US minimum wage are anywhere near as cheep as burger bots. Regardless of the employee pay bots will be deployed as fast as they can reasonable be deployed.

>> No.15769759
File: 98 KB, 960x626, 99A111F3-ACC0-41A5-8EE2-901EE839E5BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the goddam picture.

>> No.15769766

Yes and no. There are still aspects of it that need human interaction, mostly stowing things in bins since a machine would need to calculate the space and perfectly fit the items in each time. Amazon last I worked there was able to automate things like picking and sorting. Not stowing or loading trucks.

>> No.15769780

mcdonalds is hiring 3rd party protestors to force them to raise wages so that they can decrease staff for automated services while saving face, this is estimated to save the company 2.5billion by the year 2022

>t. insider

>> No.15769812

Restaurant job is a hard job, they deserve that