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15765939 No.15765939 [Reply] [Original]

Money, gym or affection didnt cure my depression lads and im running out of options. Im getting scared because this vocalist 27 year old multi millionare literally had it all and decided to necc. I need to find a solution before its too late.

>> No.15765960

Go to a monastery

>> No.15765969

some people are just mentally ill. most of use would be pretty happy to live a comfortable life without having to wagecuck

>> No.15765973

I need to take care of my siblings and parents though.

>> No.15766000

Then you won't necc. You have a reason to live. If you truly had no reason, go to a monastery.

>> No.15766010

Take mescaline, stop taking everything so seriously.

>> No.15766030

trips of truth

>> No.15766057

I dont take anything serious anymore anon. Its just that every single move requires a ton of energy to keep going. Brushing my teeth, going to the barber, supermarket. Its all so tiresome. The boredom. Everything looks so dark.

>> No.15766090

Do you have a partner? Men are meant to be depressed if they don't, so try to find one as hard as it is in the modern world.

Other than that, you can totally restart, move somewhere else and do something different. I did when i was 21 and viciously depressed. I realised i hated city life, degenerate city friends, self-hating politics and i moved away from it all.

Finally maybe try short term crutch or ketamine or mdma once or twice, just to remind you what actual happiness feels like. Depression can sneak up so insidiously you don't even know that it's not normal to feel like sleeping all the time, to get no joy from anything and just living to live.

>> No.15766097

How about you have a look at what horrific shit they have to do to get to that level before you necc

>> No.15766104

Take vitamin D anon. It genuinely helped slightly with my soul crushing exhaustion.

>> No.15766109

I do take 10k units daily.

>> No.15766120

> "just take cold showers bro!"

>> No.15766134

I dont have a partner anon. Im to miserable to have a partner. I cant love myself yet how am i supossed to love somebody else. Im thinking of just traveling somewhere. I do have the money for it im just too tired to do it but i must. I tried every single tried there is. Im 3 months clean now and its better that way. Drugs are only a short term relief and make everything worse longterm.

>> No.15766143


>> No.15766157

Are you ugly?

>> No.15766165

What do you want

>> No.15766182

No, im lean, tall, white and handsome. I was the popular kid in school. My life was amazing until 18. Idk what happened but after then i went into complete isolation and didnt enjoy socializing anymore. I hate being around people. Its like i died in my teens and im complete different person now. Im 25 now.

>> No.15766187

Go to the monastery...
>i cant i need to take care of my family
>i think i just gonna travel somewhere

Have fun with travel meme anon im sure you gonnabe happy

>> No.15766195

Peace and rest. Looking forward to my day like i look forward to sleep. Im only at peace at sleep. I sleep 14 hours a day

>> No.15766207

If you didn't have a girlfriend, then no, you weren't handsome or popular.

>> No.15766208

Travelling would be a short term crutch again, as drugs. The idea is to break the cycle and then use the kick to make material changes but yes they make things worse in the long term. Travelling too, it's fun but it disconnects you from the real framework of living that is needed to not be depressed.

You need a family who supports you, you need a partner who supports you. Most of all you need something beyond yourself to live for. You can't easily be depressed if you hold your life as expendable against some higher good. For me personally that was redpilled politics and my gf, now wife. But for you it may be some wildly different.

As for not being able to get a partner whilst depressed, yes it is hard. That's why i advocate a short term crutch to make you enjoy life now, so that you can set up longer term structure.

Finally if all else fails perhaps you suffer clinical, major depression and it's an innate thing, not environmental. In that case seriously don't be adverse to medication. Most of all don't wallow, the low mood and depression isn't you. Don't let you think anything that changes it is altering the genuine you.

I spent years thinking I was the outsider, i was bitter, dark and tormented. It felt central to my personality and confirmed it all the more as i burned bridges. Now a decade on its alien to me, that was all just a poison i had let come over me, rotten and ill never let it come back.

>> No.15766213

I had multiple girlfriends in my teens. I said in op that affection doesnt help in my case and i dont want a partner anymore now.

>> No.15766230

To add to the fact. Having a girlfriend at 13-18 is something completely different than at 25. You couldnt even call them girlfriends at that time. It was just longer periods of flings. Now at my age you have to actually commit to a partner and i dont know how that works and if i want that. I cant even deal with myself. Permanently dealing and sharing my life with somebody else sounds very very tiresome.

>> No.15766233

And yet here you are on 4chan. Looks like it worked great for you.

>> No.15766260

Vitamin D, 10-20,000iu daily. Running, calisthenics, lifting. Intermittent fasting, eat real food. Spend time in nature every day, stop wasting your semen.
I *highly* doubt you will be able to sustain your depression on that regimen.

>> No.15766281


I tried everything.

>> No.15766303

Watch this https://www.ted.com/talks/johann_hari_this_could_be_why_you_re_depressed_and_anxious?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare

>> No.15766314

natural selection is beautiful

>> No.15766316

Yeah, i love this site.

>> No.15766347
File: 51 KB, 480x475, 1569844296868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you fren.

>> No.15766400
File: 283 KB, 632x412, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happiness comes solely from quality social relationships according to science. It also comes partially from income, but only up to $75,000 a year.

However you are depressed which means that may not be enough. You have a physical disorder in the brain (see image). Your brain is broken in a similar way your leg could be broken. You need to see a certified doctor to see if antidepressants are right for you to treat your physical disorder.

Everyone else in this thread giving anecdotal, nonscientific information is leading this person down empty paths and are doing more harm than good. Fuck all the other information in this thread. And everyone else, don't EVER listen to people like >>15766260 who appear to be making medical prescriptions without a certification.

>> No.15766425


>> No.15766438

This will teach you to drop all negative emotions and desire leaving you with your naturally happy joyous state of being. Your Self is totallyfulfilling. All joy comes from within.

Try and follow the free calls here:


>> No.15766449

Sounds like total trash and trying to exploit/capitalize on OPs depression makes you bottom level scum.

>> No.15766492

people don't commit to each other in their 20s. girls had some semblance of not being "liberated" turbosluts in their teens but by now the brainwashing has set in. I've been seeing girls for ages who have dropped me when I mention that I want to make it more serious - it's the number one no-no. you can barely even ask for a date you're just expected to casually hum along and maybe fuck them when they feel like it. If anyone knows where to find women that aren't like this let me know.

>> No.15766560

Did u try meds

>> No.15766671

Plenty of women want to commit in their twenties. The harder deal is finding one who will succeed in committing.

For that you need them to have not rode the carousel and that can be hard but the girls are there. The best advice i can give is that girls run in packs of like and like. You could be in a situation where all the girls you see a such soulless sluts that you think there's no alternative or in a different circle where all the girls are decent so you don't get why guys are compliaining. These groups can exist in the same area yet never really touch.

The modest girls are also subdued by the loud, aggressive and coping sluts who vocally parade their sin as virtue and chastise any who retain virtue, backed up with the might of the media. So you have to put work into finding them and if you become bitter about women you'll never succeed, as they won't be vocal and come for you. Also there's confirmation bias with behaviour, if you dislike women they'll sense it and act coldly back, which evermore feeds the cycle.

You need to find a new circle and not the ones your male friends associate with. Take up some community hobby or reach out through friends of friends etc. Then get to know them indirectly through someone first to get an idea of their behaviour. When you're dating they would be able to lie but if you vaguely know a girl first you can see how she acts before going that far.

>> No.15766703

>go take antidepressants and be addicted to them
>dont do what worked for other people

>> No.15766707

Try drugs. Xanax works form me. Shortterm atleast

>> No.15766724

These symptoms really screams that it's in fact clinical depression.
Go to doctor, get antidepressants.
It's not weak. If you break your knee, you go to doctor and not treat it at home or by advice of strangers.
I have multiple friends, who went through serious depression and antidepressants helped them to overcome it, go back to normal life and stop using them. No one regrets doing that, some regret not doing it earlier and so they suffered unneceserily.

>> No.15766761

Unironically this.

>> No.15766773

Anti-depressant drugs are the most effective therapy as tested by countless studies. That includes lifestyle modification, these all get tested, meta-analysed and cochrane reviewed. So by advocating for them he's advocating for what has been undeniably proven to work for other people. Not "i think this will work with all my background as a /biz/ poster".

>> No.15766782

But 4chan told me ssri are made by jews and will destroy my life even further.

>> No.15766836

Ssri will help you confront your fears in a less scary way. If you want to get better you can't keep hiding from whatever trauma made you fucked up. Figure out what it was confront it head on and you will go thru the worst experience of your life and come out the other side the person you want to be.

>> No.15766850

Yeah 4chan is really unredpilled on that topic. "Psychiatry bad" is the most unresearched normie opinion.

Psychologists can be wishy washy and politically driven but psychiatry is hard medicine with some of the best cure rates out of any speciality. Also one of the most scrutinized for diagnostic criteria. GPs are the ones who are a bit bad for giving out anti-depressants, adderall etc too easily but psychs will try plenty of lifestyle changes + will use the minimum amount of meds to fix the problem.

Not all depression requires meds but to write it off as an option will ruin lives and kill people.

>> No.15766856

> "depression is caused by movie trauma and i just need to confront some representative foe to overcome it"

>> No.15766872

>muh brain chemistry
abnormal brain chemistry is a SYMPTOM of depression not a cause you brainlet. antidepressants are overprescribed cancer and literally have side effects like suicidal ideation. find a good therapist and work out your shit, anti depressants should be for absolute worst case patients and only a TEMPORARY solution to get you out of bed and following a daily normal routine.

>> No.15766883

> anon struggles with basic concepts of correlation and causation episode 9764876

>> No.15766905

This seems to have gotten a lot worse in the last 5 or 8 years

>> No.15766913

What meaningless drivel. You say that as the other anon said with no evidence, you just have a way you would like it to be. Against you, you have the millions who have no real reason to be depressed yet still are. For whom depression uncontrollably looms on normal life if they stop taking the medication.

As for suicidal ideation, almost every drug has a rare possibility of making the system it works on worse. PPIs can make stomach acid problems worse, anti-histamines can cause a sensitization response, just natural variation in the mechanisms of the body when you tweak it. For the overwhelming majority the anti-depressant works predictably.

>> No.15766947

Watching my chad friend I realised im so behind on the unwritten rules its over, he texts with girl 'friends' , one of them comes over for a movie, they fuck and she leaves, maybe he catches up at a nightclub later on, maybe he likes one of her facebook posts, thats about as far as it goes, its almost taboo to mention anything even to do with relationships or something more.

>> No.15766999

there is plenty of evidence if you bother doing the research. most depressed anons need to fix their lifestyle and/or work on childhood trauma. masking your symptoms with antideperssants is a losing strategy and any good therapist will actually agree that these heavy duty meds are a TEMPORARY solution only, used to stabilize patients and to get them back into a daily routine.

>> No.15767074

No, any good therapist will follow the hugely researched and tested guidelines which do not advocate anti-depressants as some secondary and temporary therapy. Again you just have a way you wish it would be and evoke some no true scotsman fallacy to confirm it. You are the one peddling anecdotal theorizing and unscientific reasoning. Most depression does not come from childhood trauma, that is much more implicated in the anxiety/ DID/ PTSD family. Anti-depressants don't mask symptoms, they remove them and better regulate the underlying chemistry. It's like accusing a surgeon of masking your leg fracture as you want it to heal naturally.

Not all depression requires the medication and psychiatrists will try many things, but you are an ideologue with pernicious advice.

>> No.15767101

Just kill yourself why the fuck would a bunch of strangers care

>> No.15767114

the chemical imbalance myth is nonsense peddled by big pharma. plenty of psychiatrists have poked holes in it and anti depressants have a pretty terrible success rate overall with nasty side and withrawal effects. but sure keep popping the jew pills, big pharma will thank you for it.

>> No.15767132

OP, try eating just beef, salt, water, with some magnesium, potassium on the side for at least 30 days. Reset your gut biome.

>> No.15767133

>Most depression does not come from childhood trauma
it literally does, pretty much everybody suffers from varying degrees of childhood trauma which leads to distorted thinkikng and causes depression alongside with a host of other problems, its a subconscious and very subtle process and trauma has literally been shown to cause brain damage (the chemical imbalance you like to peddle). neuroscience has shown that these pathways can be repaired.

>> No.15767136

Maybe because the pathophysiology of clinical depression isn't "a chemical imbalance", it's a receptor issue. Got to know basic things about the theory you're trying to condemn. As for the success rate, anti-depressants are one of the best class of medications across all medical specialities. They have a better evidence base than paracetemol. Again, you have a way you would like things to be, irrespective of the reality of the situation and base your statements on pure ideology.

>> No.15767159

Try playing video games bro, it works for me

>> No.15767168

No it doesn't, feel free to post the studies saying most depression involves childhood trauma. Once again I never peddled any chemical imbalance thesis, that's just your boring strawman.

>> No.15767175

anti depressants have about the same success rate of talk based therapy and the latter comes without side effects. not a hard choice to make and it has nothing to do with muh ideology. you seem pretty angry anon maybe need to get on the couch yourself.

>> No.15767198

>durr post studies
I dont think there are any, traditional medicine has absolutely no idea how depression forms.
>muh strawman
I was replying to a different anon before you angrily placed yourself into the conversation.

>> No.15767289

imagine not changing your diet first and foremost
straight to the pills and psychiatry like...nothing else on the planet does?

>> No.15767298

>Depression can sneak up so insidiously you don't even know that it's not normal to feel like sleeping all the time, to get no joy from anything and just living to live.

>sleepy all the time now
>have hobbies I want to do but never do because I just spend my free time reading /biz/ or on YouTube
damn, I was hoping I'd never have depression again but here we are. I don't really feel sad either

>> No.15767334

op, you are depressed because you are a faggot. go suck some dick, take it in the ass and stop supressing your feelings

>> No.15767347

No, talk therapy does not have the same success rates. Cochrane reviews have proven that beyond doubt.

> there are no studies on the pathophysiology of depression
I don't even know how to respond to such a stupid and intellectually lazy statement. Also you weren't talking to someone else, the post was directly to me.

>> No.15767399

I always thought it would be money that would validate me, make me happier. The more I obtain, the more valueless I feel, I am in my young 20’s and have seven figure assets. But the more I gain, the more it feels like circumstance, luck, I didn’t earn this, it comes too easy. A small fish moving into larger ponds is all I am. The big fish know I don’t belong, atleast that is how it feels. Instead of freeing me, I am more empty. I have everything a young man could ever want, or atleast that is what I am told. I will keep walking this path even though the darkness grows, maybe light comes at some point.

>> No.15767426

>talk therapy does not have the same success rates
it does. https://www.bmj.com/content/351/bmj.h6019
you can throw big words around all day but the fact is there are a whole bunch of different and sometimes contradicting theories on what causes depression. at the end of the day you can boil it all down to lifestyle and/or distorted thinking which is often times caused by childhood trauma or just upbringing. most therapists who are not just sales reps for big pharma will agree anti depressants are overprescribed and should be a last resort to temprarily stabilize patients. and lets not even get into the whole thing that the entire western model of medicine is flawed to begin with. are you sure youre not sponsored by big pharma? you seem pretty angry for someone who shouldnt have any skin in the pill game.

>> No.15767451

Unironically spirituality and meditation OP as well as eating healthy. Check out the whim Hoff method and read the book the mind illuminated for meditation gains and get in touch with God. Pro tip life isn’t always sunshine’s and daisies you will still have bad days even if you are “enlightened”. Dig deep enough and you will see you are the root of all your problems.

>> No.15767455

Boring, i said cochrane reviews which take all studies, give them weightings and come to an authoritative conclusion. Your own link says it has small power due to sample sizes.

As for pathophysiology being a big word.... No it's just literally the word for what we're talking about.

>> No.15767482

>ignoring my argument
>my study is better than your study
uh-huh its boring indeed

>> No.15767514

I did not ignore any argument. Also i never said my study is better lmao. Cochrane reviews are not studies.

As for the rest of your post you went straight back to no true scotsman even though you've already been embarrassed on that front. Then you whined about big pharma, an inane argument easily solved by looking at treatment guidelines and success rates in nations with nationalized healthcare, where the overwhelming motivation is curative medicine to keep cost down. The US doesn't tend to differ much in guidelines from these.

You have a desire for things to be a certain way and are recalcitrant attitude towards any evidence of the reality of the situation. It's not a healthy manner of thinking.

>> No.15767551

Tim Ferriss has some good info and interviews about this.

>> No.15767830

>Do you have a partner? Men are meant to be depressed if they don't,

This shit. Not having a gf makes you undesirable to women. Also:
>be NEET, cant get gf because poor and live with parents. Still want gf
>become wagie. Have own condo, money, etc. All desire for gf dies

>> No.15768521

When you recognize you're getting that way you should fix it before it's too late. Because soon you won't want to, you'll wallow and seek out being depressed. You cut off everyone around you and retreat into your own world.

Things should be fun to you, you should be excited with life and don't waste another day not enjoying it. Your time is just all too short for that. Even if it means antidepressants. Nothing will shrivel and kill your life more than surrendering it to depression.

Take care of yourself anon.

>> No.15768803

Was going through MDD while living in Sydney.

Switched base to Asia 2 years back. Suddenly among thick crowd, don't feel lonely anymore. Figured out I'm a traditionalists and few pockets of Asia are still traditional. So following works

- Love / Social inclusion: interaction / celebration / festival ideally over a traditional background
- Optimism (business is booming; market research / SEO etc.)
- Ambition (masculine energy): ambition is highly anti-depressive
- Religion-agonistic spirituality: business and spirituality have no conflicts.

West is highly feminised now and for male its toxic. Get your masculine energy flowing (No, just doing a HRT won't fix it; ambition / goal-attainment / small-successes are all feed into T/DHEA)

>> No.15768833 [DELETED] 

Good post anon. May i ask where in asia and what your job looks like?

>> No.15768970

Living in Takayama City. Running a SEO / Market Research firm and work remotely often. Took a long time to set this up as Japanese are a close society culturally. But once integrated, it feels warm and fuzzy. Working on adventure tourism venture.

>> No.15769183

Tried this. When you start exercising, eating properly, getting fresh air you start craving social interaction and intimacy. Since you're unable to get these last two pieces of the puzzle you revert back to depression. Loneliness hurts healthy body even more for some reason.

>> No.15769257

I’ve been depressed since I was five years old. Here is what helped me finally shake it (Most of it. I still get down but only for several days at a time.):

1. A good therapist who focuses on my behavior and life balance.

2. Antidepressants (Effexor)

3. I got a dog that wakes me up every day at dawn. We go to the park first thing every morning so she can play with other dogs. I made some friends there.

4. Cutting off any friends or relatives that use guilt to make me do what they want.

5. Keto diet.

6. Limiting alcohol. It blocks the antidepressants.

7. Learning about mindfulness. Limiting screen time and living in the moment.

I hope this helps! There is hope. Don’t give up. Depression can be cured.

>> No.15769287

>Loneliness hurts healthy body even more for some reason.
Loneliness reduces oxytocin. In a health body oxytocin increases but remains unsustainable without social / love aspect. And then it dips lower than earlier. One tip: don't exercise regularly. Balance HIIT/SIT with a gentle yoga session in between. Regular HIIT would generate much oxytocin which you are unable to sustain without social/love aspect.

>> No.15769626

Depression is a perception change the way you speak about it because as of now you are letting that perception take over your life.

>> No.15769665

i feel you OP

i'm too scared to necc, but I think I have to do it.

>> No.15769694

OP, there's actually a lot of good advice in this thread overall even if they're arguing about which methods will be most effective. Over time you can pull yourself out of depression without drugs, but this takes an almost Gurren Lagann-level of blind obliviousness and ambition and could in theory work to get you where you want to be in a period of time. If you're physically not able to function you should take the advice of the anons recommending you try antidepressants even if it's only for a short period of time. Supposedly supplements such as inositol in large doses could help as well if you're leery of the pharmaceutical jew. Nothing will be an instantaneous fix and even if you fix this for a period of time you'll run the risk of falling into a rut again which will be amplified by personal failure a thousand times over. However, you need to make the decision to love yourself regardless because this is your one and only life. If you envy your chads friends success with women, don't fall into that trap. Fucking women will NOT make you happy longterm. The confidence from pulling yourself out of this self-induced grave compiled with successes of your own accord will give you a confidence that won't be easily broken even if only for a period of time. Stop looking at where you think you should be, and start doing what you could be doing right now. If you physically aren't able to force yourself then take antidepressants, but these are only a means to an end in most cases. Shitty diet, lack of sunlight, minimal social interaction all have a hand and putting you into a state of darkness. Write down the advice given to you by the kind anons in this board, and come up with a plan for yourself using the information provided in this thread. Find someone or something to look up to, and ask "what would they do?" Until you can successfully ask what YOU could do in those situations.

we're all gonna make it.

>> No.15770004


>> No.15770027


>> No.15770033

Carnivore and water. Trust me it will change your life

>> No.15770240

That’s because acquiring wealth is mostly luck, anon.
You think buffet, gates, etc. knew they would be as successful as they did?
You think trump earned is generational wealth?
Yeah they have the task of “not fucking up” but in general that’s really easy if you have an IQ above 110.

>> No.15770242

Worst drug ever.

>> No.15770248

Man you really have no idea what you are talking about.
Were you brainwashed by Leo from Actualized.org? You sound like one of his drones.

>> No.15770291
File: 127 KB, 820x1087, TSophia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im thinking of just traveling somewhere.

>> No.15770292

This, their brain chemicals are naturally fucked up

>> No.15770411

You need to learn to manage your expectations.

You need true friends/family.

You need purpose.

>> No.15770451

The only thing that ever cured my depression was becoming NEET
Best year of my life, i was 25

Now i am a wagie again, i think about it every day. I can't imagine being happy and employed at the same time. It makes no sense.

>> No.15770666

Luck combined with preparation
Was Gates sitting on his ass?

>> No.15770883

Happiness is found within anon.

Necking yourself is admitting that the game beat you.

We’re all in this together.