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15765084 No.15765084 [Reply] [Original]

Microsoft, Intel, Consensys and iexec joint presentation on secure computations.
Easiet 2x imo

>> No.15765111


>> No.15765285

well if they do announce some joint work it can easily go to .4$ -1$ in a few days. no need to go full linkie subhuman cumbrains faggot here goy

>> No.15765292

token is worthless

>> No.15765330

you have to stake tokens to provide computations, also node staking for sidechain is coming, so tokenomics will be pretty good

>> No.15765352

What does this mean? And do linkies have any hope? Sergers was in the latest EEA Off-Chain compute spec, but most of these guys are from iExec.

>> No.15765359

*What does overlay test net mean?

>> No.15765366

Is this thread where all the NEETscum go when they want to float a turd?

>> No.15765449

is this a thread where all low iq linkies flock to derail the thread?

>> No.15765536

we will find out during presentation

>> No.15765611

>Easiet 2x imo
you're going to need a lot lot more than that. pathetic bagholder cope

>> No.15765644

if google api blogpost pumped link by 500million then joint project with microsoft will easily pump rlc by 15million.

how coping with 700k batches is working for you estrogen tranny?

>> No.15765677

>a fan created pic with no proof

Sure thing pajet
Easy 2x

>> No.15765682

Okay, Sanjay

>> No.15765691

Is this real ? Source ?

>> No.15765715

>Room B8

My sides

>> No.15765719


Day 2

>> No.15765743
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you will take the bait

>> No.15765749

Still shilling this shitcoin? Heavy bags? KEK

>> No.15765764

Sergey will suck Gilles cock by eoy

>> No.15765768

Well it says overlay testnet so it's not iexec
Probably a side project for the devs
If chainlink or Google was attending I'd care more

>> No.15765788

you'd care if sergey ate out of googles trashcan and would call it huge partnership so who cares

>> No.15765877
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>still seething

>> No.15765904

It's hilarious Sergey wasn't invited lmao but seriously rlc is going nowhere

>> No.15766065

sirgay was not invited because their towncrier solution does not work. rlc is going to outperform link in the next 3 months. cap this faggot face

>> No.15766172

>their towncrier solution does not work

>> No.15766307
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>> No.15766407

>attestation isn't proof that something ran inside a TEE
What a fucking retard.

Imagine being this desperate to jump on the oracle hype train.

>> No.15766441

2x for rlc from random PnD groups while Golem naturally does a 100x because rlc has to use Golem software for this.
That's believable

>> No.15766459

This why congratulate tweet a competitor who is about to put you out of business? Just to keep pump and dumping every version. It's over Gilles.

>> No.15766462

learn to read faggot. oracle implementation was a two hour project for the team considering that they created a dataset renting feature.

>> No.15766470

golem is rendering coin that is 3 years behind its roadmap

>> No.15766471

>oracle implementation was a two hour project for the team
It took them two hours to come up with the brilliant idea of putting a "d" in front of "oracle"?
Damn that's pathetic.

>> No.15766510

except iexec decentralised oracles are working better than link centralised oracles. it took 24 months for link to implement binance api price feed and low iq linkies started screaming oh wow partnership with cz, thats crazy 1000 eoy while sergey keeps dumping 700k. now fuck off retard, if you cant see that iexec will outperform link in short term you are beyond salvation. link to biz is the same what nano is to reddit

>> No.15766515
File: 144 KB, 898x1076, ouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you shout about partnerships you don't have its already the end.

>> No.15766535

wow graphene. iexec had its solution for two years now. groundbreaking

>> No.15766580
File: 16 KB, 399x336, 1373039739114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all this cope.

>> No.15766590

nice comeback, cuck

>> No.15766598

>iexec had its solution for two years now.
Then why do they need to implement graphene?

>> No.15766743

lmao op, kys.

Either a part of the team of rlc, or a stupid stupid shill...

>> No.15766795

it lets you choose a solution that you are most comfortable with.

>> No.15766871
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The only redeeming quality of RLC is the low supply and cheap price, it's not difficult to acquire a decent percentage of the total current cap, especially if you're part of a group.

>> No.15766915

>low supply
what a fucking idiot argument.
market cap is what matters not some fucking supply kek

>> No.15767022

but without a burning mechanism the price of RLC won't skyrocket, it will just stagnate once there is enough liquidity

>> No.15767060

there are two staking mechanisms

>> No.15767339

but they don't reduce the total supply of RLC

>> No.15767370
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not even 1 aryan name in this list so i won't even consider putting 1 cent into this shitcoin.

>> No.15767517

Literally who are these guys ?
Marley Gray is a pajeet isn’t it ?

>> No.15767535

Andreas Freund must be a undercover pajeet in Germany then

>> No.15767559

they lock them up thus reducing corculating supply. token burns are the fastest eay to get attention from sec

>> No.15767583

yeah 1/3 of the computation value is locked up for the time of computation - so like a few hours at max. And you are trying to shill this as good tokenomics kek.

>> No.15767619

sure just buy link, ignore RLC you are not made to become rich

>> No.15767667

>Marley Gray
that's clearly a jamaican wog's name. not buying his cool runnings coin.

>Andreas Freund must be a undercover pajeet in Germany then

probably one of merkels imports with a new germanic name.

>> No.15767680

>room b8
Can't make this shit up

>> No.15767776


>> No.15768039

looks like a darkie to me.

>> No.15768329

But why does it have to be an rlc token?

>> No.15768361

there will also be a sidechain staking you mong. learn to read

>> No.15768378

Just like Windows coming with their own Internet Explorer but allowing you to use far superior browsers from 3rd parties?

>> No.15768404

nope. graphene would have to be superior first and secondly golem shoumd have more than one usecase.