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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15755355 No.15755355 [Reply] [Original]

What are you gonna do with your UBI?

>> No.15755367

8 ball + hookers

>> No.15755374

buy ammo and food, build a bunker, wait for inevitable collapse

>> No.15755427


>> No.15755780

short the usd.

>> No.15755801
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The same thing I always do - post on /biz/.

>> No.15755862

Buy Constellation and Link.

>> No.15756016

Give it to insta thots

>> No.15756047

diversified into bitcoin

>> No.15756054


>> No.15756494

I would literally retire, no joke

>> No.15756895

Save half, invest the other half. Seriously $1000 a month can go such a long way if you’re not a complete fool. HONESTLY I’d probably use it to sell drugs.

>> No.15757803

Split it 50-50 between nike stock and BTC

>> No.15758341
File: 65 KB, 1080x1440, OTA4NjU3OTc5Xzg1MDYwNjM5MTQ_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evolve into anime

>> No.15758344


>> No.15758363

buy Indian bonds

>> No.15758376

people will completely change. They will buy quality over price and help each other more. I really hope he wins and the world adopts his transformation

>> No.15758736

>crypto will instantly rise as soon as yang gets the presidency
too bad most people are retarded when it comes to voting

>> No.15759336

Actually get an apparent rather than living at my parents and saving 90 percent of my money.

>> No.15759480

cocaine and roulette

>> No.15759494

crypto+amazon fba wholesaling

>> No.15759504

Hell being assassinated before anything is set into motion. Also white people are not allowed gibs apparently so if you are a shitskin then this is the guy to vote for. If you’re white get fucked.

>> No.15759523

Are you mentally retarded? His plan is to give 1k to everyone whether rich like jeff bezos, poor, or stupid as shit like you. Youre literally talking out of your ass and make 0 sense

What the FUCK do you mean "white people are not allowed gibs"? What a fucking retard making shit up out of thin air

>> No.15759525

>Paying every single citizen 1000 dollars
That’s a sign society has gone to shit

>> No.15759540

Yet alaska has ubi too and has had it for over 30 years, fucking brainlet.

>> No.15759557

You’re not allowed gibs if you are white, he literally stated this. Ofc I’m paraphrasing but he is going to put colored people ahead of white people. Perhaps some welfare people that are white will get it, but you will be denied it most likely because you are white.

Sorry to break the news, how about researching your candidate more?

>> No.15759570

Uhh dumbass. Again youre talking shit. If jeff bezos is getting ubi, so is literally everyone else, you omega fucking retard.

How does it feel being immensely stupid? I wouldnt know.

>> No.15759618

Uh well that’s okay if you don’t believe me but he has stayed this a couple times already that white people would not receive gibs. I think it’s a good thing honestly because white people are privileged, something the leftist is right about. But I don’t agree with the reasons in why he would not allow whites to get it. If he stated it was because of privilege then okay, but he didn’t do that, so I don’t support him.

Congrats on not even knowing your own canadidite you’re rooting for lol. Bye

>> No.15759672

he said only white zionists wouldn't get UBI the rest whites can get it

>> No.15759701

i'd spend it on hookers

>> No.15759707

jesus you are an omega retard. Literally never said this. Not ONCE. Keep having diarrhea from your mouth though and putting words into other people's mouths to further your own agenda.

>> No.15759715

chingchong vote me i give munny

>> No.15759730

Lets nuke hurricanes and make america great again!

>> No.15759731
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>> No.15759735

I haven't followed amerilardfatobese politics for a while.
How's he doing/polling?

>> No.15759739

pay taxes with it most likely. already make good money.

>> No.15759759

I’m gonna use it toward my slavery reparations payments

>> No.15759804

Buy deep OTM SPY puts

>> No.15760317

>can't refute his points honestly so you flat out lie in an attempt to fool a few low IQ anons
What a fag!
Sad! Many such cases on biz.

>> No.15760335

What ubi? Hes not winning. Fucking socialist no matter how you look at it.

>> No.15760383

Fucking boomer quit shitting up comfy threads

>> No.15760423

I'd buy a borgur but Yang is planning to make meat illegal so I guess I'll just convery to Islam or some shit, because that's mandatory under the democratic dictatorship.

>> No.15760439

buy $1k worth of weed and sell for $1.5 k down in the park on my free time

>> No.15760451


Donate it to fringe right groups

>> No.15760470

>give everyone free gibs
>burger from mcdonalds now costs $100
>television costs $10k
>good desktop costs $20k
welp thats slant eyed economics for you, atleast he’ll speed up my metals moon mission.
Fucking dumbass commies

>> No.15760477

>people actually think they'll $1000 if that chink gets elected

I'm still waiting for the "Peace Dividend" Bill Klinton promised everyone when he cut the military budget back in the 90s

>> No.15760483

He won’t be allowing white people to receive UBI. Any white who participated on 4chan will be barred from it. He is also heavily in favor of social credit systems. Look it up trannies, stay mad.

>> No.15760493

>implying this gook has even 0.000001% of winning

>> No.15760505

Guys, it won't be cash.
It will be a card that can only be spent on groceries and gas and rent.

>> No.15760514

I know, I just like rubbing it in the wound for tranny commies.

>> No.15760522


>> No.15760526

If he gets voted in, removes all welfare, replaces welfare with UBI of $1,000 per month, economy doesn't change drastically (eg food/housing prices don't increase noticeably), and I'm still alive, God willing. Then I'll likely stay a neet and work on my personal desires.

Personal desires:
Becoming closer to God.
Creating a video game with less pressure of it needing to show big changes in short time periods lest I have to get a job.
Playing the stock market more carefully rather than doing big moves that could obliterate a decent chunk of my savings compared to a mere 20% gain (granted I could've made a few months wages last week had I gone through with a certain move albeit risking a decent chunk of my savings).
Becoming more patient as the fear of needing a job is gone.

Thanks for asking anon, I just learned a large chunk of my impatience and some anxiety stems from fear of needing a job/having to spend time at a job.

>> No.15760556

Implying the political establishment would even allow this commie cuck to win let alone have his way in congress.

>> No.15761082
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