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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15752624 No.15752624 [Reply] [Original]

no debt. Need 12 more months for a business econ degree.

Main reason I want to drop out is due to how I refuse to be an employee for life. With that said, I feel I need to finish to get a better job to obtain more capital faster and as a plan B. That and I am fed up with school in general. Have an AS degree. So far has been useless.

Was thinking of crypto hodling, crypto margin trading (maybe x25-50x), and amazon fba wholesaling (not private labeling).

Real estate end game (i.e. my mother is already having a home in another country being constructed). We want to eventually buy an apartment for passive income.

Should I just finish in case things dont work out in a yr? A job is NOTHING more to me than a source of income to build capital. Not something to take "pride" in and make a "career" out of.

I will probably graduate with about 15k debt (since I won't be touching the debt due to how I'd rather throw the money into crypto).

>> No.15752720

Depends on your risk tolerance.

>> No.15752747

>preparing to drop out
>plan is to speculate and borrow money to speculate
>also hoping to start a business while somehow not having relevant credentials because he fucking dropped out with only a year to go

>> No.15752797

>relevant credentials
you dont need credentials for amazon fba wtf. Also bought a class from a guy. Doesnt seem like a waste of money either as they explain the logistics well (and it can be confusing. Not something you can find by just googling).

>> No.15752799


yep, basically just signed onto being a NEET. OP, there are plenty of things you can do "being your own boss" for income... but it's going to pay a whole lot less than working for someone else for the first few years. No matter what path you choose, you have to start at the start - there are no shortcuts.

>> No.15752801
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unfortunately anon you're spot-on, you will need to wageslave to escape wageslavery

some retarded NEETs and summerfags on this board who have never had to pay a bill in life seem to believe that smartly investing the $100 that their parents gave them for their last birthday is all it will take to achieve financial independence.

the reality is, your income is way more important than your investment success when it comes to achieving financial independence. If one person get a job earning $200k per year, and invests their savings in a savings account earing 2%, that person will be much richer in the long run compared to a person who makes minimum wage but occasionally finds and makes 100x crypto gainz.

you should not drop out. You need to be able to get a good job and wageslave until you've saved up enough money to explore other options.

it helps if you think of wageslaving like a big game that you're trying to optimize for. "I want to make as much money as possible, I want to do as little work as possible, I don't believe in the company's bullshit but I can't let the normies know that, how can I put my boss and his boss in a position such that I will get a good performance rating even though I'm not doing good work", etc. etc.

>> No.15752842

>but it's going to pay a whole lot less than working for someone else for the first few years.
If I could get it going, that would be enough for me. Id rather make 20-30k on my own than make double that being someone's bitch

yaaa... I figured as much. Thing is I was hoping my AS could be enough to give me something half decent, but it wasn't.

>> No.15752893


Check out retail arbitrage videos on youtube, there are interesting ways to improvise supply chains. Big perk of it, keeping track of costs is really simple compared to say, ordering products through Alibaba.

>> No.15753961
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Finish your damn bachelor's you dumb retard. Don't drink the kool aid of wagies larping as neets. Work, especially in a higher education field, is fine and you don't have to do it forever if you're willing to put in extra work on the side to find new ways to live or make money. Don't be a dumb ass. "oh school is so hard boo hoo i will do something that most people fail at but I'll be the exception"