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File: 34 KB, 831x443, 1569709024673[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15751733 No.15751733 [Reply] [Original]

Why are China and Japan gradually pulling back from the US treasuries market? Their combined holdings have sunk below $2.25 trillion (out of more than $18 trillion outstanding), the lowest ratio in decades. And their reluctance to buy new treasuries is a factor in the recent bank/repo market liquidity issues. What are they afraid of?

>> No.15751743

Nigger, everyone with half a brain knows US is about to go bust.

>> No.15751857

No reason to be insulting, anon
That's not nice

>> No.15751932

If the US goes bust everyone gets even more rekt than us.

No one wants to happen any time soon, not even Iran or venezuela

>> No.15751951


Whats that you say? An old racist with dementia doesn't instill faith in the international market?


>> No.15751975

Japan has more bank debt than any other country in the world and China is going into recession, defaulting on its debts and also in a trade war.
QE was the easy fix and like most easy fixes you get a short term boost and then you go into a world of shit.
World of shit incoming, sell your hyperinflated assets and buy guns.

>> No.15752011
File: 15 KB, 590x351, USD-1787-log.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't imagine why you wouldn't want to hold pic related

>> No.15752038

It's literally in the chart
Transfer of wealth
Maybe US won't fully implode, rather go the way of UK from imperium to mutt island, but the transfer of wealth into China is happening and will happen further