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15749449 No.15749449 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw spent $170 on takeout food and coffee this past week

>> No.15749576

learn to buy food and cook at home

It’s more nutritious so it fills you up so you have less cravings and it is cheaper and it tastes a lot better than fast food after a couple of weeks

Kino cheap foods
>chicken thighs

>> No.15749607

Chicken thighs are fucking awesome. Just tried cooking them for the first time. Quick and easy, tastier than breasts. Also had enough for a couple days leftover. 10/10, would eat again.

>> No.15749635

Guys ive been making oatmeal with maple syrup hpnestly it doesnt sound like much but its a very cheap breakgast. Rolled oast and syrup. Ok now for dinner youre gonna wanna buy some pasta, and some pesto sauce, or whatever sauce you want. Youre gonna save soo much money dont tell me you cant boil water either

>> No.15749687
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Not reading this thread but just came in to say...This is what I spend IN A DAY POORFAG


>t. Wealthy crypto bobo neet, feels good man

>> No.15749725
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Too many carbs. Also, just add protein powder to oats, no sugary shit (besides all the added junk in the powder).

Way better and way better tasting, worth the price increase (or savings if you're using real maple and not soi cancer sweeteners)

>> No.15749749

haven’t had pesto sauce in six years because pine nuts /almonds are expensive and i’m too lazy or busy to blend my own. can’t stand store bought pesto

>> No.15749751

Should have bought 1eth and starved to death.

>> No.15749758

thighs are great. more calories, easy to make. what would the downsides be? they sound too good to be true

>> No.15749760

I will spend 170 € tomorrow at wiesn

>> No.15750044

stir fry with bok choy, carrots, onion, garlic, red chili pepper and maybe some tomato, serve over rice, make your own sauce with sesame oil, onions sauce, flour, and brown sugar.
tasty as fuck and costs me like 30 bucks for a week of food

>> No.15750424

sounds delicious as fook I'll give it a try

but I am a cooklet so it might not be as good as yours

>> No.15750437

also when you say "onions sauce" do you actually mean "soყ sauce"?

>> No.15750444

onions sauce
so.y sauce

>> No.15750452

I just ate 1 mcchicken, 1 mcdouble, 20 nuggets, and an apple pie with a large drink.

>> No.15750467

You are the fuel that keeps this hell burning

>> No.15750533

oh and a large fry. $15

>> No.15750590


>> No.15750620

What a fat piece of shit you are

>> No.15750626

I just broke up with my gf and I'm gonna move into a new place and have to cook for myself. I think I'm gonna sign up for Plated.

>> No.15750647

weird flex fatty but ok

>> No.15750716

Top chef tip: put salt on your vegetables, blanche them or cook them with butter in the oven. @350 degrees: Carrot batons 12 mins, asparagus 7 mins, broccoli 8 mins. Don't bother with onions always sautée them.

Tip no. 2: stab chicken breasts (or thighs) a few times and cover them in marinade, can even just be hot sauce, chuck em in a plastic bag in the fridge a day before you cook em. blam tasty.

Learn how to use pasta water for italian sauces.

Learn what mirepoix is. Cook meat + veg in tomatoes and tomato sauce + puree with a bouquet garni of fresh herbs. v tasty and v easy.

to cook rice fill pot 1 inch above rice. boil for 5 mins then reduce heat to lowest, cover and simmer for 16. let it steam taken off the heat for another 10 mins for lovely dry rice.

It's literally just recipes anons. make sure you follow it to the t the first time then experiment. I still tend to fuck up baking a lot.

>> No.15750888

how big is your hat?

>> No.15750930

I suddenly am craving milk

>> No.15750935

you're a idiot. just buy food at the mart and cook it you dirty hipster

>> No.15751483


kys you disgusting fat fuck

>> No.15751677

>doesn't play the rigged system and has the government paying for all his food with food stamps
not gonna make it.

>> No.15751980
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bout this big and checked

>> No.15752794

Lol I spend 3k a month on takeout food. I eat out 2 meals a day everyday except weekends where I can actually enjoy cooking at home. I need me a wifey seriously.

>> No.15752833


YESSIR. Did this in college and easily will save you 90-95% of an average food budget.

>> No.15752836

I spent $54 at McDonalds just tonight

>> No.15752857
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Thanks. Don't forget to tip. :)

>> No.15752873

i've spent that much on beer and cigarettes for the last three years.

>> No.15752911


What kind of franchise you running?

>> No.15753019

Overpriced pasta.