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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 489 KB, 828x1003, DCC1BD60-76D3-4157-9E1D-646392FF4474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15749407 No.15749407 [Reply] [Original]

“Oh yeah that’s Anon, he got filthy rich by investing in some German energy company” -ever Stacy in 2020

>> No.15749659

Tell me more about that piece of shit, anon. What is it for, why does it have potential?
>inb4 dyor
Do your own shilling.

>> No.15749753
File: 65 KB, 1122x548, lition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a project which will go to 0. Its main selling point is 'b-but we can make GDPR-compliant blockchains!', and the question you should ask yourself is, should I give a fuck? The answer is obviously no. Public blockchain technology will never be seriously used by any respectful company simply because...why should they? First of all, why store personal data on a blockchain, and not on a company server? Sure shit gets stolen, but blockchains get hacked into all the time as well. AND it will be always much better to have FULL control over your data rather than to give it over to some fucking Krauts. 2nd of all, what is LIT's utility case? There is no utility case. The token is not needed, because why would it be? Let's say I'm SAP or whatever they are claiming right now. Why the hell would I PAY EVERY TIME I want to make a change in the blockchain instead of, hmm, setting up such a blockchain for myself if I do need it (spoiler: nobody does)? I can simply ask Lition for such a blockchain, pay 10 mil euros for it, and go my own way without even looking at LIT. And 3rd of all, MOST IMPORTANTLY, READ UP ON LITION WARS. It's fucking hilarious how much they've dilluted the supply and how fucked the tokenomics are for LIT. It's fucking laughable. And you must be deluded if anything will come out of LIT's CEO having met up once or twice with the German government for 'advice for legal framework for STOs'. Nobody gives a fuck about anything they're doing. Right now Lition is supplying electricity to one or two cities in Germany, I'll give you that...but so fucking what? DYOR and DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT BUY LIT

>> No.15749818
File: 47 KB, 1406x568, lition wars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally pay people for shilling, but it's not even good. Have you ever seen any of the promo materials created by Lition Wars participants? Right now we're in the middle of the 'mainnet lunch', have you seen any of their videos? Who is being paid and for what?

>> No.15749848
File: 56 KB, 1278x586, 11 mil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11 million LIT will be dumped in October. That is all I have to say

>> No.15749915

7.7million are being burned in oct. DYOR

>> No.15749927

Did you hear this, guys? I admit, I was wrong, so only 4 million LIT will be dumped! So nice :)

>> No.15750084

If you are off by 75% of the amount of tokens being released, why would I listen to anything you have to say about the project

>> No.15750092

have fun losing your money you retard who can't even reply to a post

>> No.15750120

Also 11 -7.7= 3.3 Not 4

>> No.15750345

Bullish lol someone really doesnt want the ship to take off... look fool just market buy here the price is going to 100x within 2 years just buy and chill

>> No.15750589


Literal every single information posted by this user is wrong and I love it! Thank you so much. Now I am really sure I did the right buy for the upcomming alt season/ mainnet.

>> No.15750711

for sure man, just like IOTA was supposed to be used in every city all around the world, just like XRP and XLM were supposed to be used by every single bank in the world, just like ADA was supposed to...do fucking something to do with credit, just like Vechain was supposed to be used by every single producer in the world...this time it's different, and huge corporations will do anything they can to get their hands on a GDPR-compliant blockchain!

>> No.15750737

I have a stack of lit that I'm writing as a loss. This is just like vidt. Both are shit coins that Americans can't even buy anymore. It's dead

>> No.15750890
File: 86 KB, 800x900, Noose-chaaaaaan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said EVERY SINGLE INFORMATION, you fucking moron. If you dont understand why GDPR compliance is important for any business in the world (Eu is just the beginning) than you are helpless. Also why the fucking fuck do you bring up these obviously hyperbolic aims from some failed shitcoins up? LIT already has usecases going for them. They are gaining revenue already. It is a fairly fresh product/coin and they can therefore survive a bear market if there would be one comming up. But its fine dude...I think you are acctually accumulate-FUDing ;)
If not make friends with pic related.

>> No.15750898

Not my problem. Just sell it so you can forget about it :).
Also stop comparing Vidt to LIT you from ADHD suffering Emo.

>> No.15751633

Ok, so why would companies need a GDPR-compliant blockchain? Why not their own servers?

>> No.15752436

Same dude, always inverse /Biz/. Now I’m glad I got a 5 figure stack of LIT

>> No.15752744

Still didn't read the memo?
Blockchain is public verification.
Lition is privat deletable data, which is a fucking law in a lot of countries
Combined it is public verified data that is still private deletable.
THATS whole the point.

>> No.15753816

Stoppp.... keep fudding plz... mainnet comes Monday and I’m still trying to buy more. Wait until it pumps to the moon to shill to these low-IQ undeserving neets

>> No.15754723

Yes this...its not gonna melt faces when it takes off its going to just keep increasing in value with use until its multibillion market cap