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File: 169 KB, 800x533, American-Poverty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15746117 No.15746117 [Reply] [Original]

Like how the fuck do poor people exist? Making money is so fucking easy in this day and age.

>> No.15746126

Tell me how to make money then Anon, I've been trying to get a job for 2 years and got none Because of my disability.

>> No.15746135

What disability?

>> No.15746139

invisible hand's a myth. capitalism is a zero sum game: that there are losers is hardwired into the system.

>> No.15746156

>capitalism is a zero sum game
get a load of this boomer

>> No.15746161

Mental retardation.

>> No.15746184

They don't know that and don't know how to understand it even if you try to explain it to them. Edgy neocon types say poor people are stupid and they appear to be correct on first inspection of the underclass but that is not true, the improverished are just hypnotized by language and cultural devices which limit their psychological flexibility and ability to self actualize. Most poor people can be taught how to be rich beacause wealth is not a sum of money it is a mindset.

>> No.15746202

it is called matthew effect. if you are at point zero, chances that you gonna stuck at point zero is quite high

>For to every one who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away. Matthew 25:29

>> No.15746350


i have tried helping people out of poverty many times over my lifetime. They are too lazy and stupid to understand things like time equals money. How 40 years of work has to support 65 years of life. How a simple expense of 10 dollars a day can destroy or make your retirement. How a simple 3 percent fee eats all your profits and finally simply how interest works.

poor peple are bad with math

>> No.15746369

lazy and dumb fucks most of them.
>Saw a 50-60/yo homeless dude the other day picking cigarette butts of the ground
>Drunk me thought fuck it, I'm just going to buy him a pack so he atleast for this day doesn't do that.
>Hand him a pack of Marlboro
nigga what the fuck
go fuck yourself.
Never giving a single penny to a hobo ever again.

>> No.15746599

they are quite disgusting tbqh, even the smell makes me gag

>> No.15746600

libtards need poor people

>> No.15746602

He's not wrong. Wealth is created by extracting it from the environment or from other players. You don't get shit for free in this universe.

>> No.15746619

So what's the mindset?

>> No.15746629

Time doesn't equal money when nobody wants to employ you. Even when you're self employed, finding customers can be difficult.

>> No.15746932

should've asked him what he smoked
also maybe he was afraid you're trying to poison him

>> No.15746976

You don't extract wealth. You create it. Oil in the ground is not wealth. That's just a resource. The wealth is created in the process of either refining or transferring the resource in a way that is useful to someone in some way. Without it being useful, it is worth nothing; it has no value whatsoever if it is not useful. Money is not wealth either; it's just an instrument in this process. Of course, money is however useful per se, so that's why you can argue that things like trading on the stock market is a process of wealth creation.

This is textbook shit, so have a smidgeon of humility and read some basic textbooks.

>> No.15746984
File: 11 KB, 501x504, IMG_4274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good goyim

>> No.15746996

so in order transfer these resources u have to extract the labours and time of a person and the resource.

>> No.15747014

It's actually harder than it has ever been. But you don't know that because you were born silver spoon in hand and think poor people are poor because they enjoy being poor or some stupid shit like that.

>> No.15747054

You do work on them in way that produces USEFUL results. That is by the way why the labor theory of value is wrong; it ignores the usefulness part. It doesn't matter who does the work. You could do it yourself, in a very inefficient way or you could offer the opportunity to someone else for a contracted share in the wealth created, which increases with the scale of the operation. Everybody wins, except maybe the owner if the enterprize fails for whatever reason (the laborers get paid anyway, unless it's a socialist system in which case they just get screwed). This is where risk comes into the picture. The owner takes on the greatest amount of risk, because he has agreed to get paid last and guarantees compensation to all other parties. His returns are proportional to this risk.

Again, textbook.

>> No.15747182

Anal tentcular cancer, makes sitting imossible, standing as well.
He has to float in a tank filled with mayo to soothe his angus. Which makes it impossible for him to flip burgers.

>> No.15747241
File: 256 KB, 1280x960, cmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're willfully retarded, I'm watching it happen in real time to someone i know right now. She keeps calling me and mentioning her money woes, I think her assumption is if she mentions it enough times I'll eventually offer to give her money.

There was a slight chance of me loaning her a small amount at first, but I've become more familiar with her situation because she keeps calling me and I see there is zero point in giving her money because it'd just be throwing good money after bad.

So, we work at the same place, and the workplace model is being perpetually on-call. So I can just sit at home doing whatever and if I get a call, I get off my ass and go to work. You do not get paid if you don't get called, and generally, it's not an issue, there's plenty of work to go around.

Sometimes though, there isn't. The whole past month, it's basically been no calls for anyone. For me, that's not a big deal, because my monthly rent is 400 and I don't have a car to pay for, I just walk to work.

For her, holy crap, she pays 1400 a month in rent, and a car payment and gas and whatever else she has to pay. The work slowdown has made her run out of money entirely.

I knew that there was always the possibility these events could occur, so I am weathering it just fine. But she just has no handle on reality. She keeps telling me she's moving, but she doesn't have a damage deposit for the new place so I don't really understand why she thinks she'll get a new place with no money.

AND she's not even moving to a cheaper place. she's going from 1400 rent to a 1200 rent. I'm very confused about what this is supposed to accomplish.

I tell her that her options are simple. Either reduce expenses or increase income. I told her to get a job and recommended good places but she just told me she has a job.

"Well, no you don't, not really, if you haven't shown up in a month, you're employed in name only, so just go work at the shoe store, they have had the help wanted sign in their-

>> No.15747247

window for six months and they barely have customers there so you won't do much other than play with the nice shoe store cat".

but she doesn't want to work there, so I told her she should move in to the slums where I dwell, but she refuses to do that either, she told me she'd rather live on the street than in the slums. Then she says to me that no one wants to help her. There's no point helping someone who won't help themselves. Her mentality is just completely baffling to me. I understand not wishing to reside amongst the crackheads and whores like I do, but why on earth would you prefer sleeping outside? Winters are cold.

>> No.15747361

Any textbooks you recommend?

>> No.15747379


So who created the original wealth then, commie? Most work these days is knowledge and information related.

>> No.15747751

most homeless have mental illnesses that's why they're homless.

>> No.15747869


>> No.15747877

>Bitmex Liqs

>> No.15747908

Where do you live? Where I'm at a roach infested studio starts at $900, 1brs at $1100.

>> No.15747935

sounds like you live in an expensive area

In my area, I can live in an old motel for 400 dollars a month, but that's not the baseline price of the area because not many people want to live in such conditions. But I'm a single guy and there's a roof over my head so it's good enough. but a typical normie dwelling for one guy averages 800 dollars a month here. I'm actually moving tomorrow though, my low rent days are over for now. Time to get with the program.

>> No.15748841

It's largely substance abuse and people with disabilities, mental diseases and shit. Still shameful that you can't take care of them. Thanks Reagan.

>> No.15748852

these people are mentally ill. we used to lock them up but Reagan dismantled the federal institutions where they were housed and laws made it harder to commit people.

now we just give them anti-psychotics and let them roam the street.

>> No.15748915

Explain how we have far more resources available to us and have a population that could never have been possible before?