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15744794 No.15744794 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW too stupid to understand about crypto and I don't want to get scammed by not knowing about it so I just work and put my money into index funds

Can I make it bros? I have a good amount invested for my age. I just don't want to get involved in crypto, is that okay? Do you allow it?

>> No.15744858

You're wise to acknowledge reality. It's better that you avoid investing in something completely if you don't understand it.
If you want, you can still study up on crypto and gradually learn how it works with some effort
I used to have no idea how it all worked

>> No.15744892

In 20 years you'll have hundreds of thousands of dollars while these cryptochumps will still be schlepping mop buckets around Walmart (if they haven't an hero'd yet) saying any day now it will moon.

>> No.15744902

Thank you anon I tried reading up on it but it just seems like too much information and too confusing maybe I'm a brainlet but stock investing and passive investing in particular seems much simpler and dependable

I hope so but it's hard to not FOMO and try to "chase returns" which I know is always considered unwise

>> No.15745006
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If you want easy bitcoin exposure
GBTC is a trust that holds bitcoin
A company that mines crypto is HIVE.V

>> No.15745019

Go to real investing forum like bogleheads and get off this goof site.

>> No.15745031

I don't really see much point since indexing doesn't seem to change I read it all and understand the principles nothing new really happens

>> No.15745046

Investing in index funds or carefully-researched stocks is a good, stable means of building wealth.

Crypto investments are a little more convoluted. People generally go in for some mix of these three reasons:
>ethics (distrust of central banking institutions)
>technology (autists and hobbyists)
>profit (people that just want more cash and care little about adoption or the future of money)
Would you be interested in learning more about it?

>> No.15745047

Get off my fucking board, Brainlet faggot nigger.

>> No.15745063

>these are the people giving out financial advice on this board

>> No.15745279

You don't "invest" in crypto. It's essentially gambling.

Take other's advice and set up some sort of lazy portfolio like the Bogleheads 3-fund. Only put money into crypto that you're willing to lose.

>> No.15745285

NVM I missed in the OP that you're already investing in index funds. That's good

>> No.15745287

Just buy bitcoin or ethereum you dumb fuck

>> No.15745315

If you are not a reckless gambler, keep like 90% in gold, index funds, whatever and use like 10% for crypto, if there is a bull run you will more than double your portfolio, if it goes to shit you only lost 10%

>> No.15745835

If you want to lose all your money, gamble on cryptos like all these brainlets. You have been warned.

>> No.15746843

If you want to lose all your money, gamble on index funds like all these boomers. You have been warned.

>> No.15746858

>Can I make it bros?
no, sorry. but you WILL eventually learn.

>> No.15746949

there's nothing to understand. It's like the dotcom era. Everyone and their mother make some shit startup that makes no sense with fake tech to make some money.

You're smart to to stay away.

>> No.15747395
File: 432 KB, 1303x1009, BD7E0DDC-7199-4BB0-8A4C-B6FA6C41057A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now is not the time to be in stocks . It’s the peak!
Get the fuck out of equities now.
Crypto is a Ponzi.
PMs is the only way to go they have 10 - 20 X upside with little downside risk. If you can hold 5-10 years . YOU WIN
Pic related US govt stats.