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15742881 No.15742881 [Reply] [Original]

Is it OK to use emojis and xD in work emails? I don't want my tone to come across as too serious or like I'm angry like "OK." would imply. I want to say "OK :thumbs up:" but is that bad?

>> No.15742900
File: 8 KB, 190x265, Barrack-Hussein-Obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OK sign has been designated as a white nationalist symbol by the ADL. You don't want me to report you to jewman resources, do you?

>> No.15742910

Use words and punctuation.

"Ok, no problem!"

Don't use emojis.

>> No.15742925

doesnt matter what you end writting
once the mail is sent you will loathe all the words in it

>> No.15742931

But won't an "!" come across as too eager? How is that worse than a thumbs up.

>> No.15742937

Nobody wants your childish shit in a work email. Send the information, or ask the question, get the fuck over it, Anxiety Boy. Nobody literally cares, and you're setting yourself up for a meeting with a fat HR chick if your dumbass emojis are misinterpreted.
Just respond with "okay, sounds great" and get the fuck over it.

>> No.15742943

Never use emojis at work unless the other person uses them first. And even then..

>> No.15742950

Its OK to not use a period?

>> No.15742956
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 1569308464300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's work, you're supposed to be serious. If anything using fucking emojis when trying to explain a concept is fucking stupid. If you really want to be autistic about it and NEED an answer find some way to get your point across without using emojis or acronyms like wtf, lol, rofl, lmao, etc.

Example; some dumb bimbo asks you how to turn her computer on:

Dumb bimbo:
>omg like my computer won't work properly i had to use stacy's computer to send you this!!!!!
You (a presumably responsible non-minority):
>Why yes, it appears you're fucking retarded and didn't push the power button.
Retard with nice tits:
>omg thank you it's working now!!!!!

This is where you have one of two options. You can either respond in kind with an emoji or you may do what a normal sane (and non autistic) person would do. Your response:
>Glad it worked out for you
>Sounds good
>Fantastic, have a good day
Maybe even
>we'll bang okay

>> No.15742957
File: 82 KB, 1500x918, eggggggggggggggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude just attach eggplant emoji in every email, and maybe even in you footer
Mike :eggplant:
Senior Retard from 4chan

if HR comes at you , just act like you don't know the meaning of it, act suprised, you probably look like you don't eat vegetables anyways, so tell them you thought it was a surf board, and make this stupid sign with your hand like surfers do.

>just trust me on this

>> No.15742963
File: 19 KB, 506x533, stu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is why I don't want a job. Why can't we just be ourselves and drop these stupid monkey games?

>> No.15742985

I sometimes try to sneak in utterly unrelated emojis like the weird sign ones or a black granny. It's the little things that get you through the day

>> No.15743015

i agree that emojis aren't work for for the most part, but i must admit i like to add in a smiley emoji at the end of some emails just to drive the 'im being friendly/cordial' vibe home

>> No.15743289

the only acceptable emoji in a work email (not with customers) is :) and I wouldn't even use it in most cases

>> No.15743403 [DELETED] 

You honestly can if you work at a non-clown company. Most non-FAANG non-webdev places have pretty chill people there, as long as you're not just outright yelling "nigger" across the office you should be fine.

>> No.15743509

It's not as bad as people make it out here. I would say though that it's weirder if you do it via email as opposed to an IM or Slack type of thing

>> No.15743668


Get on my level. I use meme arrows instead of bullet points on work emails. I tried them on my resume but then it just didn't look right.

>> No.15743673

I always attach images of my face to communicate my expressions.

>> No.15743679

I don't use emojis at work, I think it's silly and the only users I see using emojis are women

>> No.15743698

I would ultimately say it depends on the audience. Is this joblow from IT? He doesn’t care. Are there 100 ccs where someone might care? Is it upper management? If so, keep it professional.

>> No.15743709

It’s not ok to do that if you are a man

>> No.15743718

I steal shit off peoples desks when i stay in late and stuff it into the cealing tiles. Ive been doing this for 4 years. Theres a piece thats starting to worry me cuz it looks like it has too much weight. So ive been stacking more shit there lately and im praying to god one day it fails mid workday and everyones lost shit comes crashing down into the office space above jeffs desk like a turd from god. One day. Ill post images tommarow. Shits great bros

>> No.15743749

Couldn't agree more. 'Alrighty!' will also take the edge off.

>> No.15743797

But won't people think you're gay?

>> No.15743915

people already think you're gay, anon. i sure as shit do.