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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15740649 No.15740649 [Reply] [Original]

In the past 24 hours LINK had
>3 new partnerships
>1 meetup
>2 Sergey speeches announced
>1 Sergey interview
>1 new announcement from Oracle
>1 major update of aggregator demo
>2 tasks on Pivotal completed

The price keeps dumping. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.15740697

>op doesnt know sirgay is paying for press

Sorry you bought the scam retard

>> No.15740725

first time hearing his voice. His English is better than I expected.

>> No.15740737

I don't think he ever actually lived in Russia

>> No.15740748

Why don't pajeet bots use punctuation?

>> No.15740757

Price suppression.
Its easy to keep prices low.
No one wants to buy expensive if given the chance to buy cheap.

>> No.15740766

btc is still king, no announcements could prevent link from dumping in this market.

>> No.15740767




>> No.15740779

>why do pajeets do this to me?!

Is. This. Good. Enough. For. You. Reddit. Nigger.

>> No.15740787

1 post by this id.
Confirmed chainlink faggot

>> No.15740813

Come on stupid guy, where the fuck are you?

I am trying to help you fucking chainlink retards before you get wrecked you faggot.

Sirgay knows jack shit about tech. Did you read anything he ever wrote?

Sorry you are to fucking stupid to see this shit for what it is. Fucking faggot

>> No.15740823

> BTC is dragging everything down

>> No.15740829

>blames bitcoin for all his problems when people wont buy his scam coin

Look another fucking retard everyone. Point and laugh

>> No.15740832

>Hey fags I'm a friendly anon warning you even if I have no rational intention to do that and will call you stupid faggot and pretend that I laugh about you in my next post
Thanks for more buy signals friendly larper

>> No.15740853

What are 3 new partnerships in 24 hours

>> No.15740857

It's btc faggot

>> No.15740859

There are none you fucking retard. It is all paid for press by this scammer.

Sorry you are wasting your fucking money on a scam.

>> No.15740868

>1 post by this id
Fuck off shill.

>> No.15740873

>Link gets good news
>Price dumps

That is how you know it really is good news, expect action in two weeks. baka

>> No.15740888

Two post by this id. Btw the one post rule only applies to OP new fag

>> No.15740912

The spring is coiling tighter and tighter op.

>> No.15740913

>What the fuck is going on?
youre getting fucked

>> No.15740915

>In the past 24 hours LINK had
>>3 new partnerships
literal who's
>>1 meetup
meetup in asia is about like doing a presentation near the bathrooms
>>2 Sergey speeches announced
after the first 5000 announcements you say more announcements doesnt pump it?
>>1 Sergey interview
weeks old
>>1 new announcement from Oracle
announcement of a future announcement, fud if anything
>>1 major update of aggregator demo
no one cares
>>2 tasks on Pivotal completed
im sure one of which was cleaning up the inbox of hatemail

just face it, theyve abandoned the project and sergey is sex touring asia on your dime

>> No.15740934

>Calling out an anon’s first post in a thread like a nigger.

Massively checked.

>> No.15740980
File: 109 KB, 611x660, cmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cerenetwork, HPB Foundation and CoinMarketCap

>> No.15740996
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>weeks old
I'm talking about the chink interview
Cope harder nolinker scum

>> No.15741008

I wonder how much he hates that shirt by now and never being able to wear something else publicly because he made it his brand symbol.

>> No.15741031 [DELETED] 

>reddit spaces
>calls other people reddit
ok retard

>> No.15741045

>reddit spaces
>calls other people reddit
ok retard

>> No.15741052

Only cere is new. HPB is not a partnership. CMC is old as fuck

>> No.15741061

>hurr I'm a fucking fag
That's you. Keep buying chainlink fucking moron

>> No.15741088

>read this
>feel bullish
>get to the end
>realise we have to wait 18 months or more
>realise companies will take even longer to adopt smart contracts
It was supposed to be 1000 EOY. And that year was 2018. Not 2030. Do we really have to wait out another two years of back and forth between 1.00 and 2.00? Why can't they just hire more devs? They dump enough link as it is.

>> No.15741098

What was the oracle announcement?

>> No.15741101

Because it is a scam. There are already other people doing the exact same shit that chainlink is supposed to be doing, and they are already testing it.
But keep dreaming bout

>> No.15741109

you know ETH did the same shit. We should be seeing big investors into chainlink when more news information comes to the normies. Right now its not fucking pumping because again like every other time chainlink dumped because of BTC always every fucking time. Just relax and wait I bet that by the end of the year will have at least be at $100

>> No.15741115
File: 17 KB, 269x269, vjWtR0dJ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

putting in overtime
thanks for the flak
buying more link now shill
thanks again

>> No.15741117

>plz buy my bags
That's what you sound like fucking retard.

>> No.15741122

You are painfuly obvious. Be more subtle unless you fundamentally want to be a buy signal

>> No.15741127

Good, keep buying more of this scam. I'm done trying to help you morons.
No really let me be your buy signal so it pumps up again and sirgay dumps another
On you fucking morons

>> No.15741128

Why do you think the price reflects anything? It's not good boy points. It's speculators playing eachother around a narrative and it's been made clear that any positive movements above $2 will cost you your capital through bot movements or (if it gets too out of control) the devs themselves. Why the fuck would you throw money at this right now?

Chainlink shit itself up with the constant 700k raises to the point where they now need real world demand to support price movement beyond the amount they've personally crushed. The only thing that changes this narrative and restores trust is Chainlink putting their tokens into an emitter contract so the market can act without their looming god hand(see what happened with XRP).

>> No.15741132


Just buy and hold and stfu.

>> No.15741142

I'm never selling fuding faggot.

>> No.15741144
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you certainly seem to be overly concerned with my money?
a lot

>> No.15741192

I am long nose tribe. So there is that.

>> No.15741242
File: 46 KB, 487x458, 1569376617920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok retard

lol the last transfer was over a month ago at this point
and is it even up for debate that the transfers were distributed to partners of link? like, if the price of link held relatively steady when there was 700k supposedly being dumped on the market every day, isn't that bullish as fuck?
pic related is you

>> No.15741293

>Muah 700k
It is known since 2 years that there is a stack to be distributed to fund development, that has long been taken into account and there is till today no prove of the claim of muah binance market dump. Either they sold it to Binance OTC and Binance is supplying exchanges listing link or it was sold to third parties otc. a market dump would have brought Link straight down to sub 50 cents. Leatn to read order books before spamming boring low quality fud

>> No.15741429
File: 11 KB, 216x255, 6b3fa73d832f98b2b2932b853e19569e0d8e073cef39017fd11f128fd79a9976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say no more
thanks again schlomo

>> No.15741816

Nigger u dreaming? I’d be glad we’re at $2.5 again

>> No.15741850

its crypto. no one actually cares about this shit, they just grab the money and run

>> No.15741857

Based schizo poster.

>> No.15741888

Suuuuuuuuure. Dummy. They want the price high, because they're funding their project with 700k dumps. That's what the coin part of the project is for - to pay their bills. On that angle, he's been successful, and his start up is funded. Gotta give him credit for that. Your get rich quick fantasy? Womp womp.

>> No.15741907

So, three "partnerships" that will do fuck all to bring any money into the coin at all. LOL. He can announce partnerships like this every hour, and the red dildo won't have any fucks to give.

>> No.15741917

First time with a start up, huh?

LOL. Get used to moved goalposts and unfulfilled expectations.

>> No.15741947

The price of the coin is a side effect of the actual product he's trying to build. It's there to fund the project, not make you rich. His network can (theoretically) run without a cryptocurrency attached, and that I bet is his real end game, selling it to a bigger company for a nice big fat check - because that's what start ups DO.
If you can't see this, and that the coin is to pay THEIR bills, and not yours, (because they couldn't attract mainstream investors), then you deserve every red dildo coming your way.

>> No.15741964

Linkfags don't want to hear this, they want to throw a parade in /biz talking about the millions they think they're getting, lol. You're talking to a literal retarded brick wall.

>> No.15742134

>Oracle startups on the 28th
I'm so tired bros

>> No.15742182

This post is the definition of moron. Kek

>> No.15742440

IF you don't believe in chainlink then sell you stupid faggot. Everything tha thas been going on this month alone proves that chainlink will be $100 by the end of the year if btc doesnt keep dying. btc has been taking everything with it

>> No.15742474


Gee what could it be

Maybe bitcoin dumping?


>> No.15742596

>>1 new announcement from Oracle
>we would like to make an announcement
>were writing a blogpost


>> No.15742725

Shut the fuck up poojeet.

>> No.15742795
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That favela nigger dropped the ball and cancelled everything.

>> No.15743954

>>and is it even up for debate that the transfers were distributed to partners of link?
>ERC token distributed through a 3rd party OTC provider and not a smart contract on Ethereum itself
>having absolutely no idea how Ethereum even works and what the characteristics of ERC tokens are

Imagine being this much of a clueless, tech illiterate linkoid shill. Linkoids literally don’t even understand how Ethereum works, no wonder it’s easy to dupe these retarded toddlers into parting with their allowances.

Read it again, a supposed ‘smart contract’ company, using a 3rd party to facilitate the sale of an ERC token. Tell me this makes perfect sense to you so we can all laugh at you and linkoids in general. Go ahead and tell us right now, or return to rebbit.

>> No.15743985

Any kind anons have a link to the new interview?

>> No.15743988
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>>I can’t belive anyone would dislike my 2 year long shitcoin spam campaign laden with newfuck 2016 migrant rebbit memes and overload mannerisms on their only outlet from normie social media
>>I am convinced that 10 people posting jokes is enough to suppress the price of a 1 billion dollar marketcap shitcoin, yes, this is how either important to my shitcoin
>>I find this place or how worthless my shitcoin is due to the fact it can be swayed by 10 nobodies
>>Alright boys! The Fud died down a bit, let's post the same 15 threads again!
>>Pajeet, get your men on it! Keep shilling, keep posting. Form a false groupthink that everyone loves our shittoken, damn the easiest money I've ever made.
>>The irony that paid pajeets shilling some imaginary sirgay skydaddy token with esoteric garbage have the balls to call true-blooded europeans posting here pajeet
>>shit streets shitting up this board

>> No.15743999
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It's all fake. All the partnerships, all that bullshit, a wink and a nudge. It's the google cloud thing all over again, it's just one developer who probably bought some LINK bags acting like the whole fucking enterprise is going to make use of LINK. There is literally nothing to indicate that SWIFT is going to integrate LINK into their system. It's just one random company presenting some shiny new technology that'll eventually go nowhere. Big fat nothingburger and now the LINK shills are out in full force acting like they all made it, because they are trying to pump their bags off of the hype.
Once the dust settles it'll be glaringly obvious. It's all fake. In fact, if you google chainlink you'll see it's just a scam. Please reddit don't get duped into this. Don't buy this, DYOR, google it and you'll see what I'm talking about. Remember the google cloud thing, it's fake. Just check its price after the pump-and-dump from that news and you'll know what I'm talking about

>> No.15744003
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Who is actually using Chainlink to connect outside data to blockchain? It's not happening just like Sergey's other project that failed before Chainlink. Somehow thousands bought into the ICO and are bagholding. It became /biz/'s coin somehow. What makes linkers believe that Chainlink is the only project trying to create oracles? There are none. You won't make a lot of money staking either. They are holding 65% of the fucking supply. That's a bad model to follow. Unlike Bitcoin where even though Satoshi mined 10% of the supply, they did it to get the strength or difficulty of the network going. Anyone can become a node and it's proof of work so no printing tokens from nothing like Chainlink.

>> No.15744006
File: 22 KB, 357x150, doubletop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's dumping

>> No.15744014

So glad this nazi coin finally tanked

Get fucked

>> No.15744027

>3 new partnerships
>1 meetup
>2 Sergey speeches announced
>1 Sergey interview
>1 new announcement from Oracle
>1 major update of aggregator demo
>2 tasks on Pivotal completed
because all those points are literal nothingburgers compared to the facts:
>team owns 65% (650,000,000) tokens and are aggressively dumping above $2
>zero adoption from developers since launch
>all partnerships are fake/p&d/nothingburgers. None of the partners are using it.
>tech not decentralized, KYC to prevent sybil, no reputation, no staking, no consensus algo. Sergey lying through his teeth about the network being decentralized
>Swift was just proven to be another fake partnership (not that there was ever any doubt it was fake)

>> No.15744033
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>> No.15744062

I can understand why you're annoyed by the link spamming and retarded fanboys. Understandable.
But that doesn't change the fact that Chainlink is going to succeed big and make half of biz rich in the process. It will happen.

Link to the new interview, anyone?

>> No.15744100

>Chainlink is going to succeed big
No it won't. It took them 3 years and $50mil to create centralized oracles (hint: it already existed) and they've acquired close to 0 users.

They've pretty much proven their incompetence at this point. It has/will fail. Reminder than ETH had a finished, decentralized mainnet 1 year after ICO and thousands of active users.

At the current rate of progress, Chainlink will take 10 more years (if ever) and $500mil to actually be decentralized and acquire any significant user base.

I suggest you learn to code and stop talking about technology you only understand at a superficial level.

>> No.15744269

How many times did he fuck that lady boys bum again?