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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15738525 No.15738525 [Reply] [Original]

I'm poor. Making it to me is doesn't mean never work again. It just means paying off my car and school and such.

>> No.15738538

if you think 100k means making it, maybe.

>> No.15738539

You have a shot fren. Just hold for the next 16-24 months.

>> No.15738572

Yeah I'm planning on holding for a few years and 100k could get rid of my debt and let me be more comfy than I am now.

>> No.15738607

If I threw another 200 at something what would you guys suggest?

>> No.15738618

No asset on this earth has a risk/reward as good as RSR right now.

>> No.15738627

I would get another 100k RSR

>> No.15738651

Just all in BSV with your stack + extra 100. You will have $8 million + in less than 10 years. Most likely 5 years.

>> No.15738652

Thanks for the advice and not being assholes like this board usually is. I'll just up my Rsr game. Good luck out there anons.

>> No.15738668

I don't like bsv or bch. Or even eth classic or any knock offs. Sorry. If that's what you hold tho I hope it works out for you unironically.

>> No.15738755

they're not being assholes because they're all pajeets scamming you to fall for this shitcoin

>> No.15738805

Don't worry, he's one of them, these casual threads are started by a member of the group and the others reply, it could also be a person with multiple ips

>> No.15738807

Which one do you feel is a shitcoin? Im asking unironically, I'd like to hear your opinion. And yeah I know this board is full of scammers these days unfortunately.

>> No.15738828

Naw man I just want good advice and this board has called some really good coins early several times.

>> No.15738835

It's not a larp it's oh 500usd and it's a screen's hot of my wallet not dta or something easy to fake.

>> No.15738846

It'd such a low market cap right now, and if that increased then I could see this going much higher. Also when it gets away from being heavily influenced by btc and more towards the dollar.

>> No.15738860

I have 20M rsr I am hoping I make it lol

>> No.15738885

>Don't worry, he's one of them, these casual threads are started by a member of the group and the others reply, it could also be a person with multiple ips

you can tell it's a pajeet shill by the paltry $500 portfolio.

>> No.15738925

I have 30k Lumens

>> No.15738959

I had to sell all my crypto in May because of a family illness issue. Just getting back in now. Don't pretend you talk that way in real life. Being a big tough man on the internet is pathetic.

>> No.15738974

Good luck anon. You dwarf me in holdings.if it goes anywhere you will make it.

>> No.15739012

move it all to RSR

>> No.15739150

Thy are both high risk high reward. I am trying to spread risk out a bit. I do love rsr tho. Good luck out there anon. I hope you make it.

>> No.15739181

You should throw as much as your comfortable with. RSR Has insane profitability

>> No.15739205

Is this a larp or do you actually believe?

>> No.15739230

I'd like to know too. As you can see I don't have much to invest. Nice anon here just wants to know your honest opinion. To me it seems like going with both qnt and rsr I'm spreading my risk reward.

>> No.15739236

Thats the goal, see you at the top!

>> No.15739244

Alright why would I trust this crap? It doesn’t have any real problem solving and is just another token shitcoin. I guarantee you niggers are in a discord or equivalent. 200$ isn’t a bad risk for a token that could see 15c but why the fuck would I trust a coin that looks like utter garbage and smells like a complete scam?

>> No.15739259


>> No.15739261

>Don't pretend you talk that way in real life.

oh i do, you fucking subhuman third worlder.

>> No.15739277

why would it be a scam if there are institutional interests behind it

>> No.15739289

I never come on this site but it seems like a huge waste of time with so much negativity. Sure , there are some good characters but there is too much hate and hostility here. We need more positivity and compassion in this world. Buy some RSR, forget about it, and go make a positive impact on someone's life.

>> No.15739333

I don’t like Indian poo niggers. This is a shitcoin.

>> No.15739335

Who the fuck knows mang. You're gambling like the rest of us.

>> No.15739462

Hey another nice anon.
Well to the rest of you idc what you think of me. I am tying to be nice and get this board to be a helpful place. I'm out here trying. Hate and such gets us nowhere. With such a small community you'd think we could get along or at least try to help each other.
Gotta go to work now.
Good luck out there anons. In life and in investments.

>> No.15739470

NKN does by far. Fucking risky though.

>> No.15739487


>> No.15739502

Honestly man I’d buy more qnt... maybe a little more rsr. Just trying to help, unlike some on this board lol.
If quant does what it aims to do it will be catastrophic.

>> No.15739555

There’s a few people who genuinely hope that everybody out there makes it with their selected coins/stocks/metals etc
I’m one of those! Goodluck to all

>> No.15740131

seconded, thirded, fourthed, fithed, sixthed, seventhed, eighthed, ninthed, tenthed, eleventhed, twelvthed, thirteenthed, fourteenthed
this new kind of scam prolly be immensely profitable after years of running

>> No.15740166

my stack - all qnt - 0.06 eth + 2 000 000 RSR

>> No.15740173

op, go all in RSR.. everything else is a scam.. btc and eth are legit but overpriced

>> No.15740231

Rsr where to buy it?

>> No.15740256

its a scam, dont bother

>> No.15740289

I’m all in with RSR. My goal is between 500k to 1M RSR then hold.

>> No.15740307

simpleswap huobi idex hotbit

>> No.15740318

Huobi or idex but you need vpn. You can also just use simpleswap.io and swap any crypto for it and they send you RSR directly to your wallet of choice. I use coinbase mobile wallet, but any ERC20 compatible wallet will do.

>> No.15740373

>people all in on rsr
i had the same idea about tron, xrp, xlm, ada, hot, btt (high volume low cost)
>its so cheap, its below 1 cent, it could easily hit a dollar look at all those other coins that did
its a scam and garbage.
when you read these threads you will always see the pattern of people saying "1 rsr will equal 1 dollar" like it will replace government currency's, it never will

theres some good tech options in crypto to invest in and eth is one of them. but stables and anything trying to replace currencies will be whipped out or made illegal by governments, just look at libra as an example

>> No.15740439
File: 119 KB, 990x317, CEFC6E9D-D5E5-4952-A55D-456CBEE7301F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always do your own research but there’s a reason people are convinced it’s going up. If you think you know more than Thiel, Altman, and Coinbase Venture then good luck to you anon.

>> No.15740501


>> No.15740506

>coinbase venture invested

>not only is the price data not available on coinbase, its not even listed in the "not available" section
you think they forgot? or dont want normies to see them dumping on you? all three of those literally dump extra money into random projects hoping one hits it big. RSR is just part of a "throw shit against the wall and see what sticks" collaborative

>> No.15740652

did you remember to do Coinbase Earn for the free $50-$100? add 10-20% to your stack. convert it all into whatever coin you want

>> No.15740704
File: 376 KB, 1125x2436, B07C03E4-481E-47B8-8E4D-7BD94025488A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see price on coinbase just fine. Anyway you can also see the coinbase venture website lists Reserve. Thiel and Altman giving advice to the team and Thiel bought actual RSR tokens because he recognized their value.

>> No.15740746
File: 110 KB, 1125x1182, 2B37B036-C75E-477B-B8DA-4C967205292F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinbase will most likely be listing RSR/RSV before the end of the year. I never claimed it was already listed.

>> No.15740889

No bullshit response here. Go all in on RSR, FTM and pick up the normie-friendly Coinbase/Binance USA coins like BAT, ADA, VET, LINK. They won't make you millions unless you invest somewhat "big", but you can easily turn hundreds into thousands on the right play. I started with $10 in 2017, turned it into $280k, and now am playing with $50k stack right now. You can make it if you spend a bit of time with DD.

>> No.15740921

Dump that RSReddit shitcoin for more based QNT.

>> No.15740952

doesnt even have a sub

that's sad

>> No.15741029

>knowing plebbit terminology
>defending RSReddit
>shitting on based QNT
go back.

>> No.15741126

>dude buy this coin with 80mil map that has already pumped trust me it's le based and the other coin is le reddit

>> No.15741138

>dude buy this coin it has a $2 market cap you're going to make so much money bro just buy it. Upvotes to the left xDDD

>> No.15741148

doesnt libra eliminate the need for RSR project? its unnecessary and the developers most lilky know that

>> No.15741205

No wonder you're an outcast failure.

>> No.15741207


>> No.15741214

>dude just help me stop bagholding

>> No.15741233


>> No.15741254

The only good point made about the coin that nobody acknowledges

>> No.15741273

why are you quoting yourself?

>> No.15741292

I have 500k rsr and I really think this has a lot of potential. I'm not going all in though because I fear that countries will ban it once it gets to successful.

>> No.15741462
File: 241 KB, 640x550, 63F85999-30DD-414E-85A3-86759CE3270C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15741490

you know that shit will be going down

why do faggots want to support facecuck?

>> No.15741496

They're hoping the government will just keep harassing libra forever, and that rsv will be able to slip in and take over while libra is still gummed up in various legal and regulatory battles.

>> No.15741498
File: 81 KB, 572x942, 1555772904379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an obvious RSR shill thread this is sad imagine reading this thread and thinking yeah how totally organic this are totally anons on 4chan communicating naturally kek

>> No.15741521

>actually implying a fucking wallet screenshot is hard to fake

Is this your first day on the computer you stupid motherfucker? Or do you just assume we're all retarded?

>> No.15741673

Yep, it just so happens that most world renowned VC's all picked Reserve as one of their blind faith picks. Stop coping and buy a bag. You'll have no one to blame but yourself in the next three years.

>> No.15741691

rsr/rsv/rsd seems like the ultimate goal of crypto, not sure why so many want to see it fail

>> No.15741741

>Reddit flavored Tether clone
>ultimate goal of crypto

>> No.15741811

No need to assume when you're exhibiting textbook behaviour.

>> No.15741915

You’re not that important. No one is gonna fake anything to convince you bro lol stay mad and stay poor

>> No.15741953

Yeah for the record I didn't fake that I have 500usd. Back to work.

>> No.15741963
File: 10 KB, 171x176, 1569513811818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, you think it's gonna 200x from here? Pure fucking delusion. You need to have at least $50k invested in crypto RIGHT NOW if you want to make it.

Anything less is cool but not life changing. Pay off student loans or buy a mid-range car, sure. If that's what you call making it

>> No.15741991

That is my goal as sad as it might seem to some of you. Just trying to be debt free. I don't care about being a multi millionaire. My happiness comes from other places believe it or not.

>> No.15742070

>My happiness comes from other places believe it or not.
Look not trying to pick on you or anything but even you have to admit that sentence is COPE as fuck.

>> No.15742074

no, capital too low

>> No.15742082

qnt is good. Def not enough

>> No.15742105

If you really think that's cope you need better friends and family.

>> No.15742146

Agreed. Just wondering if it'll be enough to be worth keeping it in if I hold it for maybe 2 years. I have 13k to pay off in a car and 20k left on school bills. Just hoping to pay that off earlier than I could by waging.

>> No.15742394

What should a poor person like me put my $5500 into?

>> No.15743370

Do you literally just see threads on /biz/ and make your investment decisions based on them? Why are you so fucking stupid?

>> No.15743399

thats how you make it, its all about timing

>> No.15743426

Crypto scams rely on your impulsiveness and you bought into it because you think doing so will make you ahead of the curve.
The coin will be worth nothing in 2 years. If you don't believe me then tell me what about the coin makes it have potential.

>> No.15743438


stay poor faggot

rsr can go 1000x - 3000x.

>> No.15743478

You are a delusional bandwagon hopper. You invest blindly and that makes you the stupid majority that the smart minority profit off of.
You don't even know what it does, but strangers on the internet keep mentioning it so it must be good, right?

>> No.15743503

have fun not understanding how /biz/ works.

>> No.15743516

I literally just described how /biz/ works, you're just in denial.

>> No.15743533

I made $120,000 off of link. once again, have fun not understanding how this cesspool works.

>> No.15743553

Is Link still good or do you think RSR is a replacement for it in terms of reliable high ROI

How do you think /biz/ works? I'm curious

>> No.15743574

KMD because it'll x500. or XSN x200, XMR x 20 or BCN x 2000.

>> No.15743670

you will stay poor with that lunch money

>> No.15743707

memes, hype, fomo

>> No.15743713

How is this thread still going? I'm off to bed. Nice anon needs to sleep because I have a job I hate to get to in the morning on a weekend. Let's try to be a community and not an argument board please. Hope you guys are doing alright.

>> No.15743857

QNT bitch nigga

>> No.15743927

>guy argued that you cant buy rsr on coinbase
you being autistic sperg

>> No.15744138

he literally wrote

>not only is the price data not available on coinbase


>> No.15744251

These threads are so sad. You're 2 years late for the bubble. If you didn't already make it from crypto it's not happening. This is the truth.

>> No.15744267
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, photo_2019-09-27_23-12-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only way to make it with pennies is to leverage it. Open up a 100x long (or short) with a good entry and you can turn that $500 into $5000 with one lucky swing.

>> No.15744375
File: 154 KB, 840x814, 7-73999_7856537-pepe-the-frog-punch-hd-png-download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no LINK

>> No.15744429

go buy some boomer rocks

>> No.15744447

No. Sell all of this over-priced bullshit, and buy Zuckbucks. Then, wait until Libra launches. This should net you a cool $40-50K if you sell the top. Take profit along the way. You might think I'm joking, but it's going to happen.
