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15733292 No.15733292 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW reading a russian hacking blog
>TFW he has interviews from criminals and discusses how much absolute bank people are making
What's even the point of being a wagey bros

>> No.15733320

If you were smart enough to do that you wouldn't be asking that question. Smarten up or get good at scrubbing things.

>> No.15733538

It's very hard to become good at it. You have no idea what's involved in what you call "hacking" or "cracking." It's not just "typing really fast XD"

It's also very hard to do it without getting caught.

>> No.15733550

They're talking about carding and dumps and bank malware shit

>> No.15733557

OP you can buy acreage, make a torture room, and be a criminal too. No one would ever know unless you fucked up. Now you understand why being a criminal sucks, most people get caught.

>> No.15733592

>most people get caught.

How do you know that? If they got away with it you wouldn't know about it. There's entire forums of these criminals and world-wide losses to fraud and hacking are said to be in the many billions, do they all get caught?

>> No.15733593

THIS, also the stories you hear about people being killed on the dark/deepweb are absolutely correct, one fuckup and your life is literally over, plus take into account that big corporations have people employed SPECIFICALLY to hunt down whoever hacked them and make their life misery, or at least their online life, also
>Russian hacking blog
Hate to break it to you anon, but the Russians are some of the biggest exaggerators out there next to the Italians and Spanish and some of the drunkest as well, they do this because they can make ends meet doing it and have no other choice also don't forget they are most probably targetting old ladies and the mentally infirm, I have no issue personally with them taking from the big banks as they are insured through the ass for this shit, but grandparents and retards shouldn't be targeted imo.

>> No.15733616

>actually people literally on the fbi's most wanted are just larping

>> No.15733618

I only believe to know it, like the rest of the netsec and ipsec do. Point is it’s a numbers game of intelligence, and most criminals are statistically retarded. So it stands to reason that statistically, most criminals dealing in hacking also get caught, though whether judicial punishment is carried out is another topic. The smartest do often get away with it, but you only have to ask yourself if you’re one of the smart criminals to know if your criminal career has potential.

>> No.15733624

It largely depends on how long they do this for, the longer they do it the more likely they are to fuck up, it's simple statistics think about how often you make spelling mistakes or grammar errors only now each spelling mistake or grammar error can literally cost you your freedom, no coder is 100% efficient and nothing is ever guaranteed.

>> No.15733631

Stop being a fucking retard kid, I'm talking about the average Russian hacker not those on the FBI's most wanted, those good at their job aren't on the list.

>> No.15733646

Risk/reward not worth it anon unless you in the .1% who mastered it or are directly connected to the government and got a badge to do what you do. You sound low iq so i advise you to keep waging.

>> No.15733665

I don't think people get caught for the most part and i'm not talking about le hacking i just mean fraud in general

>> No.15733671

Naive brainlet

>> No.15733683

Yeah you sound like a complete fucking retard, you have no idea about the skillset and knowledge base required to code to that level and NOT get caught, fuck off back to hacking forums.

>> No.15733747

But you don't need to code anything, why do you keep saying that?

>> No.15733882

scamming sites pl0x

>> No.15733891

everyone in here is a retard 4chan is now offically shit/

>> No.15733892
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you're shit

>> No.15734164

explain why though