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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 1080x895, uk59b7g9y4z11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15732113 No.15732113[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we just start assassinating some rich people? (Not good guys like Bill Gates. I mean selfish fucks.) Would it really be that hard? It'd sure solve a lot of issues.

>> No.15732140

Which issues would it solve?

>> No.15732144

I remember when I was 12

Playing Morrowind then beating my meat to my uncle's porn mags

Those mags had a certain smell to them that I associate with good pussy idk

Oldfags know what I mean

>> No.15732148
File: 73 KB, 1242x1222, ox5i0l5l3ldz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't we just start assassinating some rich people?

>> No.15732158

>bill gates
>good guy

you fucking retard

>> No.15732179

This question is too complicated for me.

Just give me money, please, and this'll all be easier.

>> No.15732187

>hey guys I made mosquitos into bioweapons so they can transfer the cure for malaria to Africans! :^)
>Ignore the West Nile Virus and EEE suddenly appearing in the northeastern USA goy
Literally a population-control cultist icon.

>> No.15732228

>good guys like bill gates
bait or you're legit retarded

>> No.15732254
File: 2.89 MB, 640x360, Jewish bird 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oy vey why do we Jews suffer so much persecution?

>> No.15732257

Please use simple words on me

>> No.15732258

funny and honest-pilled

>> No.15732274

If only my ID were WiseJizz. Oh well.

>> No.15732287

What part of "Jizz" would be wise to you?

>> No.15732310

I've learned where not to stick my dick. They'd call me the Wise-Jizz wizard.

>> No.15732319

ok you are a wizard now

>> No.15732383


Goodbye friend.

>> No.15732400

>good guys like Bill Gates
Medium quality bait.

>> No.15732409



>> No.15732427

Okay man. But the sad truth of society is actually the based truth of society if you're the guy the bank is handing out money to and not the guys underneath in that pic. Banks don't help poor people they help rich people, and they also help middle class people to become rich. So all you gotta do is get to middle class, and then the bank will help propel you into wealth if you want it. You just gotta change your thinking and be prepared to do what it takes. Study hard and work hard. You can do it bro.

>> No.15732447

After you killed the richest man, then what?
You kill the second richest man?

After you kill enough, when is it your turn?

>> No.15732457
File: 152 KB, 678x960, 1569196215934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those doctors, lawyers, and highly skilled tech workers must be pouring in from Syria and Somalia

>> No.15732470
File: 66 KB, 570x856, 1561363666264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fellow anons, where are we meeting up for the conspiracy to commit murder?

>> No.15732499

Can't stand these tacky little maghrebi political comics. They're even boomier than new york times comics. The only worse thing are those malaysian muslim mange-style comics.

>> No.15732592

Why not Billgates. Fucker is a vaccine shill and is obsessed with feeding starving niggers in Africa.

Fuck him to hell.

>> No.15732775

george soros' house

>> No.15732777

Did these diseases really appear here recently?

>> No.15732839

We live in a society of the spectacle

>> No.15732842

Yeah, just imagine how much better it would be if he just drew two pieces of bread and a steaming log and titled it "life".

>> No.15733801

>Not good guys like Bill Gates
>Bill Gates

let me laugh in open source, anon

>> No.15733812


pay your student loans faggot, paper for my bags, eggs and bread on the top.

>> No.15733893

No need. We can just strengthen affirmative action. For high status positions such as CEO we use a lottery system. We can even adjust for privileges to make certain it is fair. Women get 10 tickets, black people of color get Hispanics get 3, Jewish get 6,000,000, Asians get 2, and white males get 0.1. For other jobs we put in classes. Office and other productive important jobs the wages are randomized each paycheck. That way the boys club of white men in suits don't dominate the good salaries while the people actually doing the work like middle management, data entry, etc. make a pittance. Take all current salaries, then randomly match employees to them. For the sexist bullshit jobs like welding and construction we can find a way to match their wages with the people they victimize and put it in with other low skill/busy work jobs like retail workers and fast food, places minorities and women are usually forced into because of boys club nepotism fucking white males.

>> No.15733911

you will realize that most of your problems will be solved after you kill yourself, anon. DO IT.

>> No.15734206

thank you for your input, officer

>> No.15734291

Absolutely this.

>> No.15734302

Listen, Danny, we get it. You're a game grumps host and depressed af. So you shitpost on 4chinz. Just come out of the closest already holy fuck
>t.autistic pattern recognition

>> No.15734318

fuck off commie, ancap will rule.
Stop violating NAPtime

>> No.15734344
File: 735 KB, 2217x1618, 1568670479262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15734354

>be bill gates
>save millions of shitskins from dying to the unhealthy conditions that they create for themselves
>lower average global iq by a standard deviation in half a century
>'pls don't kill me, i'm a good guy'

>> No.15734357

You're next for that dumb fucking post

>> No.15734368
File: 24 KB, 350x401, 1555426918485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does your picture show Arabs and hooked-nose individuals as "poor" people?

Isn't that just the opposite of reality?

>> No.15734396

Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein were scheming together

>> No.15734425

>guy on top has a massive nose
Checks out

>> No.15734467

That's what happened to John Lennon. He was a selfish fuck and somebody took care of him. Didn't turn out so well for him.

>> No.15734472

he was a shitty artist, thats why he got killed.

>> No.15734680
File: 84 KB, 1882x874, augur-screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have all tools for this, anon. Just crowdfund death of these people on Augur dapp.

>> No.15734855

Back to shareblue retard

>> No.15734931
File: 600 KB, 650x994, communists2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communism is Jewish and Antifa are feds.

>> No.15734937

atleast he wants to sterilize niggers.

>> No.15734948

good guys like Gates lol, guy is a crypto-jew. Intelligence handed him over tech.

Jobs was another frontman from the billionaire families.

Rags to riches?Not in the real world, these are all from billionaire families and they are all jews or crypto-jews.

Also you can't kill them, they have private security and they also own the military, police, etc.

>> No.15735990

>good guys like Bill Gates

>> No.15736001

Cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.15736019


So are you telling us to just continue to be slaves?

Death doesn't sound too bad.

>> No.15736027

why dont you try practicing on yourself you dumb uncreative waste of a cunt

>> No.15736056

What would it solve? It's not like you can loot their money like in a RPG.

>> No.15736243

That's completely retard. Kill an oligarch, an other will take his place.
What you want is changing the mode of production.

>> No.15736322

how in the FUCK is this stupid shit relevant to business and finance

>> No.15736335

wait okay i had a good lel

>> No.15736359

ok that makes up for a lot., because that's what needs to happen