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15730192 No.15730192 [Reply] [Original]

Interactive advertisement.
Appeals to younger audience.
Huge success so other companies will likely follow.
Ultimate brand placement.
EXTREME Personification of brand.

Is this the beginning of the end, bois?

>> No.15730201

fuck off loser

>> No.15730202

No. This is the end of the beginning.

>> No.15730224

I assume you know what comes after capitalism, retard. Automation/Communism/Corporation Earth™

>> No.15730256

wait that was successful? It only makes me want to vomit instead of buying KFC

>> No.15730266

either it's successful or there's a huge astroturfing campaign pretending it's successful

>> No.15730279

its been out for two days and already has 5 stars with more than 2.5k reviews

>> No.15730293

It’s pretty fresh marketing (although far from the first branded video game, Chex Quest comes to mind) but why does that make it “late stage capitalism”. I’m familiar with the phrase, I just find it optimistic/speculative on the part of those who use it.

>> No.15730375

imagine what emotional response most people associate with advertisements. 99% of the time, they are negative. No one likes advertisements, they're intrusive and usually try to sell you stuff you don't need. But once you have an advertisement that is actually in DEMAND, then you are reaching late stage capitalism, with all the pros and cons that come with it. (mostly cons)

this game has proven that you can have advertisements in demand. This game is a proof of concept for the entire marketing industry. It's been tried before and with very little success. Usually tiny budgets and focusing on brand placement than the actual game aspect. But when you increase budget and make it a good game (or so I hear), then people are suddenly wanting to play your advertisement. It is not a nuisance any more.

KFC's stock rose more than $100 after it released this ad, and that's fucking crazy because never has anyone WANTED an advertisement. Certainly not an advertisement THAT LASTS FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR AND A HALF.

>> No.15730549

>late stage capitalism
No, that's just a reddit meme. All this is, is some fucking autistic weeb person in marketing or upper management that is JUST high functioning enough to convince the board that this is a good idea.

>> No.15730552

Good example of a mega corporation resonating with the present ironic youth meme culture.
No different from what MTV used to do back in 1993.

>> No.15730583

It wasn't just a good idea, it was a great idea. Look at their stock jump on release day

>> No.15730620

What, so you didn't play Pepsiman on the PSX?
This isn't a new thing, it's been around for ages

>> No.15730639

Man the AVGN video on that was great

>> No.15730651

Pepsiman wasn't anywhere near as successful as this, man. Pepsiman was a simple brand placement skin over a dumb platformer.

This dating sim has not just done brand placement. It has personified and romanticized a mother fucking BRAND. That soulless thing that interrupts our youtube and television. It is a highly praised and sought after commodity. It is more GAME than ADVERTISEMENT in the eyes of consumers.

>> No.15730671


back to pleddit fffkings.0.Y

>> No.15730775
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It's both.

Social media could otherwise be named "social marketing" or just "marketing". There is no distinction between a social media platform and a marketing platform. The word media explicitly implies data intended for the public to consume, for what we call their entertainment, and what to businesses is just outright getting their products into the publics minds.

The more you think about this the more you are going to feel uneasy about the fact the primary purpose of facebook, insta, etc, is not for you to "connect" with your friends and family - you could already do that by calling them on the phone or using an instant messaging service - the purpose of social media platforms is to sell you shit and brainwash you. The way the market it as a way for you to "stay in touch" and "connect to the world" is a lie, you are only staying in touch with advertising and connecting to the world of advertsing.

4chan is also like this when you consider that significant amounts of posts on many boards are literally market research threads or paid shills. Threads that ask you a question not about your opinion or for advice, but about your stats "how many/how much/what type" and do not have followup posts from the OP are all market research threads, and there are FUCKLOADS of them, you notice it a lot on this board.

Almost everyone thinks they're just having fun and keeping up with what everyone else is doing and killing time shitposting and they don't care or whatever, they have no idea they are constantly participating in targeted brainwashing/marketing campaigns and erroneously believing it to be "entertainment" or "communication". You aren't communicating shit to anyone, the communicating is being done by private businesses and they are communicating directly with your subconcious.

I don't know if the solution is to abandon "social media" entirely or not at this point, but it's clear that nobody is really stopping to consider what the fuck is happening here.

>> No.15730864

The difference between social media and marketing is that social media gives an equal voice to consumers as it does to companies. Platforms like twitter and facebook can be used to bring down big companies in the same vein they can be used to prop them up.

>> No.15730888

It's an interesting juxtaposition, the alluring, clean, perfect escapism of anime backed by the filth, destruction, and suffering of fast food

>> No.15730934

Untrue because Joe Blow cannot take out an advertisement to appear randomly in people's feeds that they'll see when they're scrolling down that reads "fuck niggers" or "overthrow the government" or "don't buy McDonald's their food tastes bad" or really anything else at all, I can only do that if I am a business and I am selling a product. You can't just have your opinion appear in my feed, so you don't have an equal voice to McDonald's or or whoever.

>> No.15730994
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>Is this late stage capitalism?

Lmao, no. Commies want this to be true, but in reality capitalism is still only in it's early stages, the fourth industrial revolution is going to bring about a boom in capitalism that will make the 1920s look tiny by comparison.

>> No.15731008

I would consider the advertisements that appear on those websites to be separate from the intention of the website itself. Joe Blow can't pay for an advertisement to appear but he can use his likes and share his opinion on subjects that matter to him. Those opinions don't have to be positive and therefore can be used to sway companies away from doing things they don't want.

>> No.15731054

Not really, I mean, capitalists have been doing this shit over a hundred years. Real late stage capitalism is that the US empire is losing its grip on the rest of the world.

>> No.15731202

Saw this earlier. It’s fucking disgusting.

>> No.15731215
File: 281 KB, 687x521, Screen-Shot-2019-09-22-at-3.45.36-PM-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heard about this on the radio
>normalscum dj says they're releasing a dating APP before describing it

>> No.15731251

>I would consider the advertisements that appear on those websites to be separate from the intention of the website itself.
What do you think their intention is? To give everyone a better life, or to make money? Facebook doesn't care about you, Zuckerberg doesn't care about you. They care about making money. So the intention of those websites is advertising, no?

>> No.15731409

The intention of those websites is to allow people to share information that they want to share. For some people that would be giving details about their life status and events. For others its giving their opinion on current social events. For companies it's giving info about their products and generating interest. Your not wrong that the intention is to make money but it's the same with any other product. A children's toy is produced with the intention of making money for the company that made it but the intention of the toy to the kid that buys it is not making money. Equally, Facebook was created by make Zuckerberg to make money yet Facebook itself is a product that has other uses for the people that use it.

>> No.15731622

>yet Facebook itself is a product that has other uses for the people that use it.
People only believe it does. It's usefulness is for communication is less valuable than a phone call or an instant messaging service and it's utility is very low. If a product is a less useful version of other product, it's not a useful product. But if you have fun using it, then it has entertainment value. So I guess you could say the primary consumer use of facebook is for people to entertain themselves, but entertainment itself is ostensibly just a drug, you use it to tune out so you don't have to think about your problems or have your own thoughts for a while, you can just consume someone else's thoughts or creative thinking. Whether entertainment as a product is valuable is a different discussion so that's fine.

So the trade is that the end user gets to turn their mind off, that's the product, and the business gets to shill advertising to the people who are choosing to turn their minds off. It's very much a one way street dressed up as a highway.

You could make an argument that a facebook post from a user is more public and reaches a wider audience than a phone call or an IM service, which itself seems like a valuable use. But the truth is that if I want to organize a protest and I create a facebook page, it's reach is actually still extremely limited to my immediate friends unless they choose to share it. So on this point facebook is still less useful than twitter or even reddit. The actual utility of facebook is almost 0 because there are significantly better ways to reach individuals directly and significantly better ways to reach a wide audience; unless your goal is to just tune out and scroll through data. So it's primary function is as a marketing platform. Even then, creating a group or event on facebook to organize a protest or mobilize citizens against their government is in it's own way still marketing of that idea, not to extrapolate too much.

>> No.15731724
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That was from KID. They made the GI Joe games on NES too, strange direction
Kek, I've been getting back into the AVGN again after falling out like 10 years ago. It's been fun

>> No.15732345

based and golden age pilled

>> No.15732393

this. It's late stage capitalism when people realize the entire economy runs better without them.

>> No.15732439

Damn this post hits.

>> No.15732449

beginning of the end. The us is fucked and things will only get worse with automation. No longer are humans the center. Now its AI.