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15728219 No.15728219 [Reply] [Original]

Who here just doesn’t care about (((materialism))), women, prestige fame anymore? Even if it all crashes it could be complete freedom from even the hopium of escaping the wage cage and truly letting go.

>> No.15728239

as long as i have my computer i dont care

>> No.15728297

Naw, I’m still trying to become the new jew and if they don’t let link moon I’ll just marry into the tribe and get some bigly khazar milkers as a reward.

>> No.15728310

I just need video games, masturbation and hobbies and I'm good.
No wahmen for me, I suspect Islam is right about them.

>> No.15728407
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My linkies are now an integral part of my soul. I have transcended. If I sell, I die. If I die, I continue to live through the blockchain. I have become immortal.

>> No.15728459

This desu.

>going on 4chan in studio apartment with tiny number in bank account
>going on 4chan in mansion with big number in bank account

Money is a meme.

>> No.15728471

>going on 4chan in mansion with big number in bank account
I'd rather have this, also with money you have a lot more options in life as well as the ability to opt out of society.

>> No.15728473

Pretty much this

>> No.15728510

We live in amazing times. All it takes is a computer and internet connection to be connected and share in the communal cosmic awareness.

>> No.15728625

Unlimited Ebook PDF’s and browsing the ch0n are great. Sometimes it’s nice to unplug for a few weeks and just walk through nature for a bit. I highly encourage all anons to try no 4chan or other social media for a few weeks here and there. As great as this place can be it can also be very negative.

>> No.15728640
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I used to think like OP. Or rather, I have this side to me I can access whenever I want. But I've lived this way for quite a while and achieved an almost perfect sense of self-control. Now what I want is a cute 2d teenage sex doll or robot I can tie up or have sit on my lap and make feel like a massively hot and cute slut, maybe even whispering it into her ear, to a degree that she completely loses conscious control over her actions and flips over completely into reflexive intuition (way beyond her impulsively massaging her own breasts while feeling sexual)... I don't even feel as if I need her to love me back all that much, even if it would be nice. I just want to kiss and make her feel like an extremely cute slut. You know when you are getting raped but suddenly your slut genes kick in and you cannot control yourself and decide to voluntarily suck all the people dry, and maybe even make demands for more? That kind of overpowering loss of control. And then cuddle with her non-slutty self to sleep. And with the way Western society and feminism is headed, we are supposed to forego relationships with real women anyway. If I ever become depressed again by a lack of hornyness outweighing my sad thoughts, I will join a monastery together with OP.

$1000 EOY.

>> No.15728703

Going on 4chan in studio apartment with big number in bank account is the based & redpilled thing to do

>> No.15728719

I’ve been there fren and I’m not here to judge and we each have our own life lessons to learn but for me all the sex and money didn’t fill the void. All those things seem to be fleeting moments of fulfillment. I wish the best for you my man and every one in this thread and on this board. I really hope we all make it whatever that may be.

>> No.15728771
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To get that kind of money in the first place you likely have to very much opt in though.

Your time on Earth is limited no matter how much you make, and you lose possession of everything you own once you die. Nothing is ever really bought, only rented.

So go out and do only that which you wouldn't regret if it ended up giving you no external reward.

>> No.15728793

Going on 4chan in a mansion with a tiny number in bank account is the boomer-pilled thing to do.

>> No.15729922
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