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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.11 MB, 1161x855, QNT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15727451 No.15727451 [Reply] [Original]

I have looked at quite an extensive list, obviously not all in great detail but those that have peaked my interest i have delved deeper. Normally i look for how good the team is? is there a need for the problem they are trying to solve? What competition is there? and what's to prevent someone from copying it? Wha'ts the use of the token? Is the token needed and will it be needed with enterprise adoption? Other tokenomics like what's the inflation / max total supply / vesting schedule etc

Normally projects get a few of these but fail on others. Quant was a project that not only ticked all the boxes above but took them to a different level.

Gilberts CV - enough said. Head of Security for Vocalink (Mastercard) where he managed security for the entire payment system for the UK, in charge of £6 trillion a year. Has a lot of contacts with previous job experience with governments, big 4 consultancy firms, banks, regulatory bodies etc. Also have the likes of the MD of Rockefeller Capital joining the board that open a lot of doors.

Founded the ISO TC 307 standard which 55 countries are all working towards now. (of which each country consists of a standards organisation that represents their country - so for example the UK is led by the BSI where Gilbert is chair for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technology which has members such as IBM, Microsoft, HSBC, BAE, Sony, UK Government etc) - Thats just one of the 55 countries to show the scale.

Problem of interoperability is clear and the way that Overledger is performing it is far superior to what others are doing. Instead they abstract it in layers to achieve maximum interoperability with no overhead or scaling issues whilst remaining fully compliant and secure (again having the experience of running security for the entire bank of england payments is crucial to understand that your product meets the requirements)


>> No.15727458



Core code is patented so their IP is protected to prevent someone / large enterprise from just forking their code and copying it. Lots of important features such as universal utility token, Treaty Contracts, Zero Knowledge Proofs, Tokenisation of Assets, Privacy, the ability to test different blockchains easily / migrate between and use a combination of them all etc.

Able to connect to any blockchain / DAG / Off-chain network without them having to fork their code / place restrictions on their development. They don't even need to be in contact with the team of the blockchain they want to connect to enable it to happen.

Has huge scope and targeting many verticals Finance, Health, Supply Chain, IOT, Governments, Security, Military etc. It's like many different projects rolled up into one.

Overledger doesn't work without the token and importantly is required even within enterprise use with permissioned blockchains / consortiums and so will see heavy demand with the mass adoption of enterprises over the next few years.

Has a smaller total supply than bitcoin and no inflation, all tokens are in circulation, and tokenomics are extremely good with supply being reduced via taken out of circulation for licenses etc, transaction fees, gateways, Universal Utility token - where users have to hold a minimum amount of QNT similar to XRP, Team doesn't hold huge amounts of tokens and enterprises can pay in FIAT which gets converted to QNT, removing the issue with price volatility.

I have not found anything that has come close so far (and the above is just a tiny segment and far from an exhaustive list of benefits), and the current market cap was the icing on the cake to have found it this early.

Go all in QNT and get rich.
This is the one.

>> No.15727598
File: 219 KB, 1280x959, 88323d97-3986-4ec5-9d9a-6add2505ce6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /biz/ doesn't buy after this this board is truly beyond salvation.

QNT added Oracle Blockchain as one of their connected blockchains today by the way. (See most left connector) Shit's brewing.

>> No.15727954

I only have 50 :(

>> No.15728013

That's unironically going to make you rich.
Equivalent of 75 BTC (ish).

>> No.15728018

This is so cringe kek

>> No.15728042

Nobody wants to hear it but anything that has a currency or token tacked on to it is dead in the water.Either Quant fails miserably or they dump the uneeded token.

>> No.15728050
File: 20 KB, 502x588, 91810d84-0cc3-4cb4-868a-c30d6ce8ec3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling so fucking quamfy right about now.

>> No.15728063

Why is it cringe?

That's where you're wrong, fucko.
Don't speak on QNT when you know absolutely nothing about it.

>> No.15728144

I have 2.2K link and 25 quant

>> No.15728212


>> No.15728228
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 6BD64643-4472-46D8-B2C0-3C5FAF976715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quant did 100x in a year. I wish it would do that again. Im so tired..

>> No.15728232

Cause this is so incorrect and exaggerated
Literally it’s a run of the mill erc20 shitcoin

>> No.15728263

If anons truly want the coin to make it, look at howdoo

>> No.15728277

It's going to 1000x from here. Unironically.

Be specific, faggot.
Explain how exactly it's incorrect and exaggerated.

>> No.15728334


>muh cringe

>> No.15728495

$100 EOY

>> No.15728795

That's what I thought. No reply.
QNT fudders are literally assblasted.

>> No.15728878
File: 139 KB, 932x1039, EFamnxSXYAEB1HY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Network of fucking networks.


>> No.15728899

Thx just bought 100k

>> No.15728953

already all in, got 600. gonna host a gateway probably.

this is the only coin i feel can easily do a x100 from here. in a bullrun x1000

>> No.15729030

You literally cannot buy 100k of this.
No-one is fucking selling.

>> No.15729045

Only 8% of the supply is on exchanges with all tokens unlocked and in circulation.

A 100 stack of QNT is literally going to let you make it within 3 years.

>> No.15729052

Can someone tell me in a few sentences what Qnt does and why I care?

>> No.15729094

Sure, join the official telegram:


>> No.15729136

OP is mega cringe, imagine doing that much research. I barely know what quant does and I have nearly 100,000 of them. I took one glance at the website in 2018 and bought at ICO.

Took loans to buy a fucktonne more last summer when it was cheap.

Anyone not deep (or all) in QNT honestly is a newfag who has no fucking clue about crypto.

This will be a top 5 coin
There will be another bubble

QNT will be well above $10,000 for an extended period of time.

>> No.15729150

Cool story, bro.
DYOR or not, just fucking buy QNT.

>> No.15729282

Yeah I'm not gonna do that

>> No.15729290

Yea I would if I didn't already have half a mil in it.

Busy partying on Ibiza atm with drugs and girls 'cause I can plausibly believe I'll make it. Go see my tattoo thread.

>> No.15729310
File: 58 KB, 356x381, Bosch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol hi Bosch

>> No.15729330

bosch youre such a giant faggot. your tits suck. you're ugly as fuck and no one likes you

>> No.15730119
