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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 86 KB, 1280x1280, vid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15725772 No.15725772 [Reply] [Original]


For those of you unsure about VIDT....

We gonna make it

>> No.15726049

The biggest problem as a holder of VIDT. Which lamborghini should we choose? What color? Maybe some aftermarket parts? BaanVelgen?

>> No.15726150
File: 131 KB, 1070x685, Patent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note everyone that bagholders are abandoning threads when I ask them to post the V-ID founder's response to the following FUD. They are very, very afraid.

Acronis has patented their blockchain validation technology and V-ID are infringing on it: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20180101701A1/
>A method for authenticating a chain of custody utilizing blockchain technology, whereby digital evidence or other digital content is acquired and then hashed to produce a hash fingerprint/signature and then immediately or instantly submitting said hash fingerprint/signature to the blockchain using the blockchain network protocol, forming an immediate verifiable chain of custody without human interaction or requiring a trusted third party.
Their service is called Acronis Notary and they have around 10 other patents to protect their invention: https://www.acronis.com/en-us/business/blockchain-notary/

Also, if you're new to /biz/ and never heard of VIDT, read this thread: >>/biz/thread/S15688946

>> No.15726236

I did my own research, they only have this patented in and only in the grounds of the U.S, by all means correct me if I'm wrong but this doesn't affect ViDT in the slightest....

>> No.15726252

By doing your "research", do you mean you clicked the image that I posted and read above the highlighted part that says "Worldwide applications: US"? Amazing work.

>> No.15726402

>assuming I literally haven't looked into this
>acting like you're smart I'm a fucking brainlet? That's one way to show you're in over your head......
There is no such thing as an international patent (((retard))). They are awarded on a national basis only, you need to apply for the patent to be valid in other countries.....
I, unlike you, admit I could be wrong, but this seems to be the case....
ViDT aren't breaking the laws of the patent, as the patent has no rule in the netherlands...

>> No.15726532

No need to seethe, I did not call you a brainlet. Yet. You are right. Acronis is not breaking any patent laws in the Netherlands. They cannot, however, do business in the United States. If they could, every company could start dodging patents by setting up a 2X2 feet office in Russia and China and call it their headquarters.

>> No.15726593

Plenty of business outside of the US, and this thing only has a 3 million marketcap. Aside from the fact that they would probably be able to find a loophole in the patent if they got to a size where they could enter the US.
From Vidt themselves:
"Filehashing has been around for a very long time and is widely used in very many use cases. This algorithm is not patented and can be used openly, commercially by anyone"
Why are you fudding so hard?
There's money to be made son.

>> No.15726620

you fags gonna hodl forever and make these threads everyday? this is a total shitcoin. smart fags sold months ago and have been riding everything else while this shit is just bleeding dead. kys

>> No.15726639

the fact that vidt was picked up by the obsessive faction of biz is incredibly bearish. these are the same cunts who have nothing in their life worth living forever except the dream that someday link will moon to $1000 and save them from their misery.

>> No.15726732
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I highly doubt Acronis would let them get away with it, considering Acronis has over 100 offices around the world and is a billion dollar company. Imagine how many companies V-ID would need in order to just have a 100 million market cap. Out of the 32 clients they have acquired, some of them are only paying $500 a year.

>"Filehashing has been around for a very long time and is widely used in very many use cases. This algorithm is not patented and can be used openly, commercially by anyone"
1. The patent isn't about filehashing on its own. It's about integrating blockchain technology into the mix and done by a single entity/enterprise for other people/businesses.
2. If the algorithm they use is not even unique, it sounds like V-ID us using something open-source and what V-ID's tech is nothing special and could be replicated by anyone.
3. No founder would ever say publicly "You know, after reading the patent in great detail, we might be infringing. But we're in the Netherlands unless they have a problem with us, we're going to keep moving forward"
4. Everyone knows that you have to dodge and deny facts if you're being accused of breaking copyright, trademarks, patents, or the law.

>> No.15726812

Also, funny thing about that image is, what company would ever say that they have brilliant tokenomics and under a 5 million marketcap? Or say that token burns and the price will depend on the business success? Straight up admitting on their website that it's deliberately failing the Howey Test and an obvious security token in the United States.

If anyone is interested in starting their own shitcoin, you can hire me as a contract consultant and I will help ensure you don't fuck up this badly.

>> No.15727239

Everyone knows you're full of shit faggot. Why do you even bother posting?

>> No.15727491

Is this the same PnD group as LIT? Seems like the same low cap scam pump of some shitty no-name project.

>> No.15727563

>Everyone knows you're full of shit faggot. Why do you even bother posting?
Sure sound confident in your investment. Everyone on /biz/ now knows VIDT bagholders are pathetic, threatened, and afraid. The thread where every single bagholder that stepped up to the plate got BTFO and ran away after making two posts, chiming in to call me names while dodging the FUD, threatening to leak my personal information. Archived and there to see for the rest of time: >>/biz/thread/S15688946

>> No.15727640

You get BTFO constantly in these threads. And it's not my problem if your info gets leaked, why the hell did you post it here?

>> No.15727731

Wrong. More lies from VIDTshitters. I'm here in these threads and I reply to everyone who replies to me, as long they talk about V-ID and not whether inquiring whether I have AIDS (you're getting pozzed by my logic, whether you like it or not). Show proof where I was BTFO.

>> No.15727848

One neurotic retard (you) claiming that everyone got BTFO doesn't make it true. You have yet to make a coherent point. Even if VIDT is not allowed to operate in the US, they are doing just fine where they are. New client discovered yesterday, revenues growing by the month. This is a good investment irrespective of your misleading bullshit.

Stop with this fucking woe is me crap. Nobody has seriously threatened to dox you. Nobody in the telegram even really cares that you exist. And certainly nobody is scheming to reveal your personal info, beyond saying it in a joking manner.

Go to any other coin, incessantly FUD as tirelessly as you do, and see what kind of doxxing threats you receive. There's a guy who does the same shit you do to DAG and those shills put a target on his back with personal info.

What's the source of your vendetta anyway? You claim VIDT holders are delusional. Delusional because we think there's a strong chance a low cap startup yielding significant revenues is a good investment? What is your standard for realism? Have you ever been to another shitcoin telegram? They are all the same if not worse than VIDT. Harder shilling, less introspection, and fewer fundamentals. So what's your deal

>> No.15728064

>You have yet to make a coherent point.
I was right about many of the FUD already, including VIDT not being available on IDEX to calling the top and the dead cat bounce by the exact day. I even did a countdown.

>New client discovered yesterday, revenues growing by the month. This is a good investment irrespective of your misleading bullshit.
Random bodegas are also bring in revenue, does not mean I'm going to invest in it. VIDT is a security token that will convert to shares in the company. Why would anyone want to buy penny stocks of a random no-name Dutch company with 32 clients? The only appeal here is that they're in the blockchain technology sector, but who gives a fuck? VIDT is a Chuck E. Cheese useless token and you're not buying shares in the company. You cannot legally convert to VIDS anyway if you're in the United States.

>Nobody in the telegram even really cares that you exist. And certainly nobody is scheming to reveal your personal info, beyond saying it in a joking manner.
Then who is the "4chan fudder" that you all keep discussing? There is no "woe is me" act here, but more like using it to my advantage to point out the lengths some of you would go to silence me. It is very strange. Ready to get the pitchforks and burn the heretic. I keep these threads bumped so, if you believe in VIDT, you should be happy that people on /biz/ see it 24/7. I give you guys the opportunity to make VIDT look good, but besides two level-headed anons, no one is taking the chance.

>What's the source of your vendetta anyway?
In reality, I have no vendetta. I'm not taking this seriously, even if it appears that way. But if I didn't post any FUD, people who are new to /biz/ probably would buy VIDT and lose their money, so I keep up posting. You bagholders lied and exaggerated a lot, including about an IBM partnership. There are worse projects than VIDT, but I never bought them. It's hard to legitimate talk about a project without knowing anything about it.

>> No.15728302
File: 9 KB, 225x225, time to stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> In reality, I have no vendetta. I'm not taking this seriously, even if it appears that way. But if I didn't post any FUD, people who are new to /biz/ probably would buy VIDT and lose their money

Unlikely, except for a few cents here and there VIDT has been crabbing along since mid-August. If someone is too afraid to lose max 15% they honestly shouldn't be gambling in the cryptocurrency market. There are loads of other coins that have performed much worse than VIDT has in the late month, but you've gone to great efforts to FUD VIDT.

I don't even care that you do, I just hate the copy pasta and 40 posting. VIDT threads used to be interesting as people would share information, now it's just one person going on about how it's a shitcoin and "muh Acronis" and people arguing with him. Please, give it a break.

>> No.15728359

If you called the top, why didn't you sell the top? You were about 20% shy from what I remember. And I also remember you stating you'd buy some VIDT if it went below 60 vits. And suddenly the FUD has kicked into overdrive now that we're near that number. Hmm

The revenue is used to buy back the token. That's the same model as KCS or Binance coin. Are you going to FUD those too? The share conversion is optional. If VIDT never acquired another client, they are still on track to buyback all the exchange tokens within a year. You can't FUD that fact without bullshit theatrics, which we know you're fond of.

You are the 4chan FUDer. Of course you get mentioned. Name another project where you wouldn't be known for similar antics. Nobody in the telegram is scheming to dox you. You like playing the victim to try and make your point about angry bagholders. It's actually a pretty relaxed environment.

>> No.15728417

there are patents on anti gravity propulsion. means shit

>> No.15728431

they buy back and burn all exchange tokens? what will be the supply in the end?

>> No.15728514

Here's food for thought: What is more interesting to read for anons? Everyone saying VIDT is the best crypto project to put your hard earned money into or a bit of a conflict? If I felt VIDT would make me money, I would buy it.

When I did hold VIDT, I made up the pedocoin FUD because it was so obviously idiotic and full with meme potential, that it had to be done. It was incredibly bullish that the only FUD at the time was about the logo and that the token was not needed (without any links backing up why that is the case). I knew money was there to be made. Then I saw the shills come out of the woodwork, one thread every five minutes, and I quickly sold. I realized the quick positive price action was due to organized Telegram/Twitter groups and the top was already in and I had to get out. If I thought VIDT was undervalued, I would have held it. But it was and is a pump and dump.

Same thing happened with CHX. One anon copypastad that CHX was a security token over and over and over. Sometimes multiple times in the same thread. I looked into it and turned out he was right. Then I did more and more research and posted it for anons. I got the same flack. Anyone that listened to me saved their money.

First of all, the FUD hasn't kicked into overdrive. I'm putting in the same amount of effort as before. I sold slightly under 50 cents. And I did say I would buy under 0.0006ETH. Good memory. But I also said only to buy it for a quick pump and dump when organized Telegram groups are ready to buy back in for round two. I don't believe that will happen any time soon. Running out of characters.

>> No.15728594
File: 348 KB, 574x466, 1514266680251vidt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Here's food for thought: What is more interesting to read for anons?

Anything but spam. I like it when people actually provide information about a coin, it's updates, what kind of partnerships it has, what it does, etc. When people FUD I like to see why they're FUDing, I like to see unique forms of the FUD, I like it when the FUD is something more then "Angry bagholders don't like me mentioning the Acronis partnership!" over and fucking over again. In fact, any FUD that is just the same shit repeated over and over again with a "U mad bro?" as a response is boring and the fact it gets spammed makes me bullish for a 2 or 3 day suspension of said poster.

No one is learning valuable information, they're just ignoring the spam ID while trying to skim the thread for real information about the coin, and are coming up empty because anyone in the telegram group or elsewhere with info is wasting their time arguing with you.

>> No.15728613

5 days of announcements, we gonna make it boys.

>> No.15728740

>The revenue is used to buy back the token. That's the same model as KCS or Binance coin. Are you going to FUD those too? The share conversion is optional. If VIDT never acquired another client, they are still on track to buyback all the exchange tokens within a year. You can't FUD that fact without bullshit theatrics, which we know you're fond of.
I wouldn't FUD those two coins, since I think you and I know people are only holding those to make quick money. It's very risky to hold KCS for the long-term, since it could end up like the IDEX token. They also have zero meme potential.

>You are the 4chan FUDer. Of course you get mentioned. Name another project where you wouldn't be known for similar antics. Nobody in the telegram is scheming to dox you. You like playing the victim to try and make your point about angry bagholders. It's actually a pretty relaxed environment.
I don't have to try to make a point about angry bagholders, anons simply have to read these threads and see the type of responses I get for posting legitimate points. You cannot say they're not legitimate, because I didn't hack the pages of Google Patents nor modified screenshots other than highlight relevant lines. Good to hear no one is scheming in the background anymore.

I didn't ask what is more interesting to read for bagholders. Obviously meant for people who are still undecided on buying VIDT. And it's disingenuous to say you want unique forms of FUD. You don't want any FUD. If I change up the pastas, it's because I got apparently "BTFO". When I don't change it up, it's spam. "No one is learning valuable information" is a nice code word for stop posting, but it's not going to happen.

>> No.15729142

If you want to know who these people are attacking you, its Satsgang. They are a coordinated PnD group full of stupid dirty filthy indians. You will see them in Telegram under Luckyy, Denny Daggins, RN03xx, Megaman, Gray Mor, Bazerka, Tri Gemma, etc.

They pump and dump VIDT, RSR, DAG, MITX, etc

They manipulate the price, use their shill army in Biz and Twitter to spread misinformation about a token. Idiots listen to them and they dump on them while simultaneously bullying everyone to HODL.

These people are the scum of the earth and dont believe in anything other than running a scam. And per usual whenever someone fights back, they label that person the "only" fudder" and attack everyone as if it was a single person.

These people are trash and should be banned consuming oxygen. .

>> No.15729620

I wouldn't be surprised if the drive-by anons trying to discredit me where part of the cabal. In yesterday's thread people kept saying that anyone that was shitting on VIDT was me, using a proxy. These Telegram groups need people who HODL to the bottom because when they go for pump and dump round two, they know those people will naturally keep shilling for them. Then they start dumping on them again and use the tactic of "remember what happened last time? Price will correct. Don't be dumb by selling early, you didn't hold the coin for all this time just for nothing"

I have seen what you mention in past VIDT threads, "imagine that was the top" and "imagine selling the bottom" and then those posters would never post again... Suspect.

>> No.15729672

Just loaded up some more VIDT since this pump will be legendary. Couldn't be more comfy.

>> No.15729826

fuck out of here with your satsgang bullshit. Save it for DAG

>> No.15729924 [DELETED] 

Here you go, friend


>> No.15729957

LOL confirmed its Satsgang. Please spread awareness about these street shitting scam artists. They do nothing but lie, attack people exposing their lies, and spam nonstop. These people are the scum of the earth.

>> No.15729998


>> No.15729999

Its not suspect, its obvious. This is a PnD scam. Go look up Satsgang. Its a couple disgusting indians sitting around with a VPN posting nonstop in Telegram channels.
India in general is full of scams. They go after stupid people because they themselves are stupid and can relate. Targeting old people with IRS phone spam, credit cards scams, insurance scams, etc.
This is just another dumb indian scam.

>> No.15730063

Im going to explain how the streetshtting Satsgang works.

1. Identify a thinly traded shitcoin
2. make a deal with the owners of the shitcoin for "marketing".
3. Go into their TG channel and spam nonsense constantly, attacking anyone who disagrees with them.
4. Coordinated market buys of thinly traded tokens to make a pump appear.
5. Scream for everyone to HODL because we are going parabolic, imagines what it was like to be in BTC at 10 cents, etc.
6. Dump consistently to make it look like it has some TA formation thats bullish.
7. Overhype every announcement and coordinate market buys to pump the price
8. Go to Biz and TG to prove the price is pumping and get everyone to jump in.
9. Dump
10. Rinse and Repeat
11. Take a big steamy shit in the middle of the street to celebrate

They have so many handles in TG you almost cant tell who is who. But its always suspicious, they show up randomly and make single long posts to agree with themselves.

Its disgusting.

>> No.15730070

nah. This is why I started discarding everything you say. I bought a big bag of DAG 3 months ago. Don't really shill it, but I'm up 4x and have been slowly selling off.

Denny is a NEET who got into VIDT around 3 months ago. I was shilling my DAG bags in VIDT telegram and he pmed me asking about it. I told him to buy and he's been shilling ever since. So yeah, he's a NEET shill I guess. But you look like an absolute schizo assuming EVERYONE is in cahoots. I see you post in the DAG threads about satsgang and pennygang, i still have no idea who the fuck these people are. Maybe they exist, I don't know. I've been banned from all 3 DAG groups for trolling.

I'll post a screenshot of my convo with Denny from my phone in a minute. If you think it is 100% impossible for any of what I said to be true, then you are a schizo. End of story. Sometimes I think you're being ironic though? Anyway carry on, this is entertaining. I'm getting rich either way

>> No.15730084


>> No.15730092
File: 320 KB, 750x1334, A2181CB0-E4D7-49FC-9AFF-AD09972E6303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15730098
File: 294 KB, 750x1334, 10E4FE65-8509-4DC5-AB76-77D64B90F6B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15730110

Who is "you"? You are speaking to me as if you know who I am? I know who you are because Satsgang shills the same shit all over Twitter, TG, and Biz. Same tokens over and over again. Not hodling, just pumping and dumping. Nobody does that, just Satsgang.

Satsgang is a criminal pump and dump organization. Everyone knows who you are, but dont try to pretend you know who I am you silly bitch.

>> No.15730114
File: 338 KB, 750x1334, 762BF460-1E56-4E75-BAF4-6FD31219478C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15730122

The infamous satsgang is up to no good again I see. Those nefarious ne'erdowells should be locked up for their crimes.

>> No.15730135 [DELETED] 

Here you go, friend


>> No.15730141

you're the same faggot from every DAG thread I stumble into. You speak with the same expressions and hyperbole every single time. A literal obsession with satsgang and pennygang. It's just become an annoying trope.

I don't use twitter. I'm banned from DAG threads. Look, I don't know if DAG is being targeted by PnD groups. I don't really care. I made money and they seem to have a legit project coming.

But VIDT is my baby and you need to stop smearing your shit everywhere. I know everyone in the VIDT channels and nobody is part of some covert organization. We are just biz NEETs. Fuck off schizo retard

>> No.15730157

LOL you just posted screenshots of Dennys phone LOL. That makes you Denny you fucking idiot. You are part of Satsgang, everyone knows it.
This is funny as fuck. Denny you are a fucking retard im sorry man.

>> No.15730164

that confirms it. You're a fucking troll. Now get lost

>> No.15730193

Nope, im not and there is no one person going to DAG threads. They have a laundry list of people who hate them and rightfully so. They lost all their investor money and wont say where it went.
But ole Denny loves to claim its just one guy. Do you have any idea how much money they lost of presale investment. $33M. People lost $33M fucking dollars. Those people post in those threads and used to post in TG until all of them got banned. But you claim to have been kicked out of DAG TG and hate them now, but protecting Denny and Satsgang. Hmmmm a little suspicious.

>> No.15730267

don't give a fuck about your drama. This shitcoin doesn't impact my life in any way beyond how much money I can suck from it.

Stop putting words in my mouth nigger. I don't know who or what the fuck satsgang is. I don't care about your bullshit. That's why I never post in the DAG threads. But now I see you're posting shit about Denny, who I know, so of course I'm gonna speak on that baseless accusation. Send a DM to someone on telegram. Their username is the one that appears in the screen, not yours. Fuck off and die

>> No.15730315

I slam DAG anywhere I can those people are rotten to the core. Satsgang is real most people know they are a scam group and follow them to get the quick pumps but often get rekt being put of the group

>> No.15730614
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>> No.15730640

LMAO. The absolute shills. I wonder which bagholder sponsored it...

>> No.15730646
File: 1.27 MB, 854x1200, 7D8522D8-FDFA-4824-B2F7-B3A6A88E8A74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30K VIDT First Lieutenant reporting for duty.

>> No.15730712

vitd is a fucking shitcoin, the price will never rise above 50 cent and the entire market is about to crash. acronis makes this obsolete, the brown autist is correct.

>> No.15730786

Daily reminder there is no evidence businesses bought tokens.

>> No.15730907
File: 42 KB, 640x633, 1536741861548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you still shilling this shit?

>> No.15731141

>Daily reminder there is no evidence businesses bought tokens.
This is true. Because V-ID is the one buying up the tokens on behalf the customers and there is no proof that it really does cost 12 VIDT per validation.

>> No.15731167


>> No.15731216

>inb4 usage dashboard and etherscan, which does not show the dollar value

>> No.15731253

name a single company on the earth that posts their full revenue in dollar amounts on a public ledger. This is as close as it gets. And the dollar value only matters in so far as 10% of it gets spent on buybacks, which it does.

You are being unreasonably scrupulous, because again, you are employing post-hoc reasoning. Take a philosophy class or look it up. You are the embodiment of that term.

>> No.15731265

*itemized in real time

>> No.15731328

You are such a dramatic little bitch. Your fud sucks and no one cares about you except to the extent you post >66 times in our threads for no apparent reason

>> No.15731386

And you bagholders are all about argumentum ad hominem.

>> No.15731407

There, a perfect example of an ad hominem. No argument against the actual topic at hand regarding VIDT, but instead my posting behavior. As if the number of posts I make somehow invalidates the points raised. Muh philosophy.

>> No.15731438


>> No.15731446

Your hackneyed, melodramatics antics and schizophrenic posting actually do affect your arguments directly after a certain point

>> No.15731455

The pump from earlier today already dumped LMAO

>> No.15731468
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>> No.15731496

You seem rattled today. I remember the last time we pumped you frantically posted 7, and I literally mean 7, Acronis threads at the same time. Buddy, it's going to be okay!

Why do t you give it a rest w the screen time and go outside for a second

>> No.15731510

Don't bring your weird love/hate internet romance with philosophy anon into this

>> No.15731548

ad hominem is perfectly relevant here. You get shit explained to you time and time again, and you always come back. Because you aren't interested in truth. You have a preformed conclusion and look for all evidence to support that point. You're worse than a shill, because shills have to have basis in reality or the market will wreck them.

You have yet to explain why VIDT is a bad investment, or worse than any other crypto project. Your arguments are largely non sequitur and do nothing to substantially undermine the value proposition. No US market? Ok great. There's billions of dollars to capture in europe alone.

>> No.15731555

>I remember the last time we pumped you frantically posted 7, and I literally mean 7, Acronis threads at the same time.
Seems like you had too many drugs again and had wild hallucinations, as I only posted one.

>> No.15731581

>ad hominem is perfectly relevant here. You get shit explained to you time and time again, and you always come back. Because you aren't interested in truth.
This is where your argument is flawed. Just because you "explained the truth" as you see it in your bagholder brain, it doesn't mean I am incorrect because I don't accept your opinion or views on the company. If I switched VIDT to "god in the sky" or "big foot in the woods", your argument that I'm not interested in the truth would sound even more ridiculous.

>> No.15731586

I wouldn't even give him that. you can patent a big Mac but you can't patent a hamburger.

>> No.15731605

Then how do they hold the patent in the United States? Talk about rejecting reality.

>> No.15731663

>You have yet to explain why VIDT is a bad investment, or worse than any other crypto project.
Because VIDT was a pump and dump and it has already dumped, for one. You have yet to explain why you think VIDT is a good investment. Your only backup is that it's not worse than other crypto projects. Is the only draw for V-ID is that it's better than BRAPPER? When you look at it as a standalone business, it's a nothingburger. And no Burgers allowed.

Small Dutch startup. Do you see threads on here telling you to buy penny stocks in someone making a really cool app in San Fransico? Or someone starting yet another subscription box for shaving products. V-ID is about as appealing as those.

>> No.15731667

What do you mean "the patent." It's "a" patent. If you keep looking Acronis is one of many companies getting patents related to this very basic and generic blockchain/DLT application. Your fud is idiotic.

>> No.15731684

Someone post the Subway Jared VIDT pic. That is Pajeets best work and actually insanely bullish. The VIDT FUDding pajeet autist is sick at photoshop tbqh

>> No.15731713

Arent Fox Obtains a Patent for Verifying Data Integrity Using a Blockchain Network:

If what you're saying is true, then you should be able to link to at least two patents that have been granted for the same application and industry. One of many, by your words.

>> No.15731715

Explain to everyone here very clearly why they should listen to a word you are saying, when your conclusion is already pre-determined? If I determine VIDT to be a bad investment then I will sell and put it somewhere better. I am not shackled to my bags. You are shackled to ideology. Not only that, but you've already admitted to shilling VIDT back when you held it. Now you sold and say its the worst thing in the world. Why should anyone listen to you?

Show me an app that is generating a growing user base/sales and I will buy it if the numbers line up.

>> No.15731722

Bought another 10k viddies. Pump imminent.

>> No.15731794

There are patents for literally almost everything in the United States, from 4k TVs to mobile phones to software. And yet you have near limitless options and freedom of choice as a consumer amongst similar if not nearly identical product offerings from different companies. You either don't understand how capitalism works AT ALL, or you're being intentionally stupid. At this point I'm willing to grant a third option, which is a combination of the first two possibilities. It's a weird and weak argument for you to desperately rehash and I'm just going to paste this every time you lazily post your drivel.

>> No.15731796

>Explain to everyone here very clearly why they should listen to a word you are saying, when your conclusion is already pre-determined?
Your conclusion is already pre-determined. VIDT is your investment and you're balls deep in it. The only way you would sell at this point would have to be incredibly extreme, such as Netherlands being invaded by China, V-ID made up every single customer and is hemorrhaging money every day, or the team starts selling all their tokens.

If VIDT was available for Americans to purchase and I saw signs that the pump and dump squad is ready to get a fluffer on that graph and make it rise from the dead, I will buy in. It's okay if I'd be buying it for 50% more. Or even 200% more. I'd be making money, because it's going to go to $1 and more, by your estimation. However, I don't believe it's going to go up like I did before. I'm here to make money, not having it sitting stagnant doing nothing.

>Not only that, but you've already admitted to shilling VIDT back when you held it. Now you sold and say its the worst thing in the world. Why should anyone listen to you?
Because I never told anyone to buy when it was dumping. I told people to buy before it reached the top. And by shilling, you mean the pedocoin FUD and maybe making a handful of posts going "yeah this is going to pump hard" (and it did). You bagholders kept saying to buy while it was dumping. Which is worse? Be honest.

>> No.15731814

This. It’s all a PnD, the billion dollar clients, the token burns, the buybacks, it’s all a smoke screen in front of the pump and dump. Amspec and Airbus are actually notorious securities fraudsters that are pumping and dumping this coin to fund their CEO parties on the backs of honest hardworking crypto investors. That dump started with the airbus CEO, who is notorious for his love of underage hookers and cocaine, to fund a yacht party for V-ID on your dime.

The team isn’t even trying to hide it anymore. The CEO took a scan of his ass and balls, validated it on the blockchain, and sent it to all the learn and earners. I verified the file, it’s real.

>> No.15731863
File: 202 KB, 600x600, bagholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to add to the whole shilling part of my post, I told everyone the minute after I sold. So not only did I encourage getting in on the action, I came back on here after selling on IDEX and telling everyone that the top is in while the shills went full hardcore and posted gazillions of threads. I saw all the signs and I warned you all. All you had to do was listen. I didn't sell at 55 cents on the dot either, so it's not like I dumped the price by 30% because I'm a whale. I'm not.


>> No.15731906

Those are all a lot of words, yet none of them are patents that have been granted for the same application and industry. I understand how capitalism works, as you cannot have a monopoly. But you also cannot make a broom that has strong lights at the very bottom, so you can see glass shards easier on the floor due to the hard shadow they would cast from the harsh lighting. I know this because I came up with that idea on my own, but turned out there was a patent for it and I knew I would get sued out of the ass if I continued with it.

So about those patents. Post them up.

>> No.15731927

Because the amount of effort required to generate fud is minuscule in proportion to what it takes to genuinely debunk it.

All you have to do is post a link and make up a story about it. I on the other hand am required to read through hundreds of pages of legal documentation to sufficiently answer your question.

Your arguments are stupid. And you will be proven wrong with time. The only way you actually win is by continually putting the burden of proof on me and persuading me to waste an inordinate amount of my time responding to your bullshittery. Not going to do it at the present time. You will be a distant memory soon enough.

>> No.15731992

>Because the amount of effort required to generate fud is minuscule in proportion to what it takes to genuinely debunk it. All you have to do is post a link and make up a story about it. I on the other hand am required to read through hundreds of pages of legal documentation to sufficiently answer your question.
So what you're saying is, you have not actually debunked my patent FUD.

Seems like it would be fairly simple to find a patent that has been approved and in the same industry and application, if there are so many of them. Why not post a few from your browsing history? Then it would be my responsibility to counter those documents as being "incorrect". Of course, if you do post one and turns out to be in the same ballpark, then you were merely grasping at straws and making things up.

Otherwise, as we can all see it, you just have been BTFO.

>> No.15732293

It's been debunked sufficiently, but not exhaustively. You say I can just post a simple link, but as you know it's very difficult to debate someone who is dishonest. I would have to do much more than that for you to concede defeat, and it's not a good use of my time right now. I might later if I'm ever bored, for my own curiosity, however unlike you I have other priorities.

>> No.15732351

>You say I can just post a simple link, but as you know it's very difficult to debate someone who is dishonest. I would have to do much more than that for you to concede defeat, and it's not a good use of my time right now.
Why are you so concerned about me conceding and admitting defeat? It's as likely to happen as you telling me I was correct. This is not a win or lose situation, it's a discussion/debate. I'm not concerned about who is making the posts, unlike you, I merely look at the arguments presented. I have been honest about my beliefs on the project and this investment opportunity. It's up to lurkers and the market to decide who is right.