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15720867 No.15720867 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15720884

Top kek, fuck

>> No.15720896

i dont get the pic? how does it work that wont work

>> No.15720903

Eat it up, wagie!

>> No.15720906

weird flex

>> No.15720916

People are a lost cause.

>> No.15720935

Yeah, wagies are a lost cause. Someone was paid min wage to clean that up and they didn't have a problem with that.

>> No.15720946

Based turd hammock, kek

>> No.15720948

Social darwinism has gotten so heated that it's become more commonplace to assert dominance by making strangers completely miserable. Many are degenerating into animals again.
Truly a race to the bottom in every way.

>> No.15720954

Agree, they're trying to either make fun of wagies but also try to open their eyes.

>> No.15720967
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>t. ragie wagie

>> No.15720979
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>turd hammock

>> No.15720984

Jokes on you, I've been out of work since May and now I'm drowning in debt
NEETS btfo

>> No.15721004
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LMAO, I love how the turd is just being presented in a majestic manner.

This one time a toilet seat was really dirty, so I opted to just poop on the floor in front of the toilet when my crew was stopped in town. I was working wilderness trails at the time, so popping a squat and dropping a load off was pretty natural/easy to do. To say the least, I didn't mention it, but one of my other crew members went into the bathroom later and saw it and came out to tell the rest of us about it. I played along like I was clueless and everyone was going into the bathroom to see the turd.

>> No.15721010

How much would you need to be paid to clean that turd, anons?

>> No.15721015

I'd demand a lot to clean it up, but it'd be easy to clean (just take down the sides so it plops into the toilet)

>> No.15721016

dude youre literally a fucking loser

>> No.15721018


>> No.15721022


>> No.15721023

How am I loser lmao? I've got cool life experiences and funny stories to look back on.

>> No.15721026

True revolutionaries. You won't fuck with ISPs, you won't fuck with Google's data centers, you won't fuck with the IRS, you won't fuck with computers that monitor power stations and traffic lights, heck you won't even fuck with people with retarded shit like "Islam is right about women". Nah, doing stuff this, THIS is how it begins.

>> No.15721068

You lost the poop

>> No.15721082


>> No.15721085

Oh I'm sorry Ranjeesh
>how much would you need to be payed

>> No.15721099


>> No.15721112

Based individual. Keep dabbing on wagies until they end it all. They deserve it.

>> No.15721119

I think it's meant to be a semi slingshot, It wil slack when the door closes, but if you swing it open, it will go taut and throw the poo at the next person to open the door.

>> No.15721283

Holy shit, that's based. It had to be a physics student to do this.

>> No.15721612

>implying islam is wrong about women

>> No.15721675

They are wrong about women, they go too far into actual subjugation. Victorian England is where, in my view, things were best. Extremely capable women were not entirely stifled and many were educated and had roles in healthcare and education.

>> No.15721868

I think the idea was a kind of poop boobie trap that would fling the shit at whoever opened the stall

>> No.15721874

No, a bunch of neets dying in the wreckage to effect minor expenses upon billion-dollar corporations is le true Roman centurion way. At least this is funny as fuck, fucks with people with no power, and just maybe furthers disillusionment marginally among the serfs.

>> No.15721950

I've worked at McDonald's. I can tell you that when co-workers or customers made that job difficult, it didn't make me want to "rise-up" (in case that's what you think might be achieved).

If you're looking for an outlet where you can feel power over people, why not just study hard and do well in some non-dead end job then? If you're just doing it for "fun", you're no better than anyone else who chooses to have an elitist attitude.

>> No.15721983

Men and women both need boundaries in order for society, and people, to function properly. The boundaries for women have been degraded and the ones for men have been picking up the pace in the same direction.

>> No.15722038

islam is wrong about everything sanjay

>> No.15722086 [DELETED] 

Feeling EXTRA ragie today ehh?

>> No.15722139

Based when anarchist's cookbook 2020?

>> No.15722155

I miss the old days when people would share tips about fucking with people and society just for the lulz. All the old school stuff on here is gone now they just masturbate to tarps

>> No.15722164

Ragie wagie is a great moment to unite against modern serfdom. You really think just because one or two made it it justifies systemic oppression?
Tell me about fucking with modern things like data centres and stuff like that. I want to hear about social engineering for facebook. We need to be smarter than the systems bros

>> No.15722203

Honestly, I love destroying bathrooms, it brings me great pride knowing I can ruin someone's entire day, every day. This is why I piss on the floor in every bathroom. Hell, I remember in junior high I peed on some kids shoes just for the lulz.

>> No.15722261 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15722269

He needs to piss on the door handle too.

>> No.15722284

His piss control is seriously impressive

>> No.15722287

Why crop the penis you faggots

>> No.15722289

If there were to be a "movement", I don't think it should be about anarchism or concerns over classism. Things like that may get co-opted by other interests, not to say I'm some political historian.

The movement should be about Neutrality, stronger community, freedom of expression, and betterment of one's self without being driven by elitism.

>> No.15722405

I'm interested in privacy but does this really novitiate people anymore? People seem to have accepted that giving their data away from free is expected to use "free" services on the internet

>> No.15722433




>> No.15722451
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>> No.15722564

you are one boring faggot

>> No.15722697

You're right that many don't see it as a concern, "nothing to hide" and all those arguments. And as younger people grow up giving out their information, they'll view it as being normal.

The storer of all that information can use it to provide customized services and suggestions for that customer, and things like 5G and the Internet of Things will likely take all of that to a whole new level.

My personal concern is that I don't believe that it's possible for a storer of information to be neutral. Humans always have their views about how societies should work. This issue with the storer of information is that they may have an incomprehensible amount of "influence" on everyone else, I'm not entirely sure how that "influence" manifests though.

The thing I actually like about crypto is that it often tries to encourage Decentralization, which, in a way forces Neutrality.

>> No.15722847

Every choice is politics regardless if it's provided in your interests.
Kids growing up accepting the terms and conditions maybe rebelling against them somewhat but mostly being docile and continuing to accept their services.
We're becoming conditioned to accept new systems all the time.
Net neutrality should never die as a movement. Decentralization is key yes absolutely. But it means that in the short term things become stupid and not normie friendly which means they will never accept it.

>> No.15722872

poop hammock is life

>> No.15723194

I certainly don't do this in my personal life, but I find the memes absolutely hilarious.

>> No.15723344

t. triggered wagie

this poop hammock reminds me of the 90s fight club attitude

>> No.15723516
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>> No.15723529

>stronger community, freedom of expression
one contradicts the other

>> No.15723531

Or an engineering autist

>> No.15723658 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 591x1024, 1553202857291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this. Want to play out your rebel power fantasy? Then stop being a bitch and do something that actually matters

>> No.15723751

I take it that you mean the required rigidness for maintaining a "strong community" will require limits on freedom of expression. An example of this being how men and women often had roles set for them, historically.

I think what needs to be focused on is the incentives people have for doing what they do, which, in itself, is an immense topic. I'm not even going to pretend understand everyone's motives.

However, I've mentioned Elitism. If you have a Society were people find Validation and Status from their jobs, then what do you motivate people to do? What they want? I'd argue: No. They're doing what they're TOLD to want. And don't get me wrong, motivating people in that way will absolutely drive progress in many fields.

The potential issue with that is then if people don't have limits enforced on them (like throughout history), that may weaken family formation and communities. Why rely on someone, who can always let you down, when you're better than them anyway and you can be independent?

Now, I don't want to force people do to anything, I just want people to understand their motives. If people do what they want, as opposed to going after Status/Validation, will that help form stronger communities, without limiting freedom of expression?

We have an illusion of "choice", in my view. Very few people actually do what they want.

>> No.15723923

because it's obviously a squirt bottle

bottle control*
