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15710474 No.15710474 [Reply] [Original]

why are wages in the UK so fucking bad

>> No.15710482

Because sedentary Brits are destined for failure, all the most successful Brits in History went out and took bits of the worlds for themselves while the serfs stayed home on their little island.

>> No.15710484

it was engineered this way to ensure people get into debt.

Anyone that has anything in this country has it on finance or on CC (debt).

Its basically so banks can own your soul and you can never break out the cycle whereby you are indentured to someone else.

Modern day slavery, most just dont realise that is what it is.

>> No.15710519

Do I need to move to the US or Canada?

>> No.15710551

I wouldnt move to the US unless you are highly skilled in your field, even worse, no statutory holiday pay and terrible employment rights, also depending where in the US its pretty third world.

>also medical costs can bankrupt you in murica..
>also economic sabotage of itself
>also, orange man.

I am a britbong and personally thinking of Canada, its abit more of a socialist country.

>> No.15710559

Hong Kong

>> No.15710595
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>> No.15710597

>hurr durr my home sucks because its a socialist hellhole with low wages
>but america is too capitalist, orange man bad
>lets move to another socialist shithole instead
great thinking there bong, stay the fuck out of america

>> No.15710614

move to London, its a great place, trust me

>> No.15710620

If you actually like Trump outside of the 2016 meme election you're honestly an NPC
>B-But still a better option then Hillary!
Doesn't mean you have to shill for him this hard you faggot

>> No.15710621

try being in Indonesia you absolute entitled cunt

>> No.15710623

>why are wages in the UK so fucking bad

Open boarders.

Eastern Europeans saturate the job market

>> No.15710626

yea. ill stay away from a country that was forged by genocide which laughably has mass shootings several times a week with some of the poorest living standards in the worlds, one of the heighest incarceration rates (hurr durr muh land of the free), I dont even need to go on desu america is a laughing stock even more so that britain to most the world.

Our socialism if you had half a clue you loq IQ gknuckle dragging cuck isnt really much like socialism anymore its the 'image' but with no execution, its called 'current affairs' dumbass, educate yourself.

>> No.15710637

But you have free healthcare. That's a dystopia to the American, you're getting rekt.

>> No.15710657
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Nothing is wrong being an indon.

>> No.15710665

Fuck off we're full

>> No.15710674

>forged by genocide
britbongland was built on colonialism lol
>mass shootings several times a week
knife attacks several times a week in londonistan
>poorest living standards in the worlds
at least were not living in run down, grey brick shithouses like brits lmao
>heighest incarceration rates
unless brits we like to lock our pedos up. I know you just let them keep doing their thing like in rotherham but america has a working justice system

>> No.15710678

I'm in medicine but only just qualified, I don't have much experience.

Thought about Vancouver since a friend said it was great, but my gf has lived in NY State and loved it so idk.

Yeah no.

>> No.15710683

wow, this reads like an article out of the daily mail

>muh propoganda

these news outlets dont even need to try so hard with all the NPC's like you regurgitating they're hate.

>> No.15710691

It's free at point of use. I've paid enough tax over the years to fund at least a dozen obese fuck's heart bypasses.

>> No.15710735
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>>knife attacks several times a week in londonistan
>He's equating a gang nigger stabbing another gang nigger, two niggers at most, in London to being the same as some psycho unloading a mag into a crowd of people
>>at least were not living in run down, grey brick shithouses like brits lmao
You have one of the lowest living standards in the world, you literally can't refute this. Even out shithole urban sprawls are more comfy than your rural countrysides. Those "gray brick shit houses" you're talking about are on the low income end of housing and are usually council houses.
>>unless brits we like to lock our pedos up. I know you just let them keep doing their thing like in rotherham but america has a working justice system
America does not have a working justice system, the 3-strikes and your out rule has strained the American taxpayer to ridiculous amounts and has inflated the number of people in prisons. But it's just niggers so BASED and REDPILLED xD

You clearly know nothing about the UK, or the wider world for that matter. I doubt you've even left the US, let alone your home state. Your entire view of the world is looked at through the lense of a /pol/tard. You can't even string together a coherent argument without resulting to ad homs. State of you.

And I'm not even fucking British lmao

>> No.15710737

you say that, but it isnt really anymore, the whole socialist aspect of UK was built by welshmen, Aneurin Bevan and Lloyd George, since then it has been slowly being reduced back to the victorian era, the last decade unironically those white collar descendents of these ultra wealth victorians have been trying theyre hardest to auction off and reduce. Read about the disability benefits, the childhood poverty, universal credit etc.

'Free' healthcare is allegedly paid out of our taxes and whatnot, but the service delivered now is hobbled together and severley underfunded. You are literally better off going private now.


I liked the idea of BC until a canada anon on this board funnily told me how vancouver was abit like commiefornia of canada, with lots of gooks and parjeets there with shit wages to cost of living, so put me off abit. Not to say somewhere more inland would be good.

But if your in medicine id advise try sticking UK out for a few years if you can just for the experience.

My cousin is a qualified doctor but found it a nightmare in the UK but now is a 'bank doctor' (on demand) and pays considerably better without too much politics of other staff.

>> No.15710750

Universal healthcare coupled with private healthcare opintind is still more effective than Americas system. Please took at this chart >>15710735

>> No.15710754

>m not even fucking British lmao
and Im not even a burger lol why you seething so hard senpai? everybody knows UK is the asshole of europe

>> No.15710777
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Lmfao I've done you and absolutely destroyed all your arguments.

>> No.15710789

>moving to Canada for better wages
lmao good luck niggers
I work in construction and your minimum wage is 1.21 pounds more than my pay

>> No.15710831

>europoors have unironically been brainwashed to think this is reality

>> No.15710834

well its not just the wages, its relative to cos of living, in uk cost of living crazy high, tax is high and wages are low, in the last decade ive seen the margin between the two increase moreso.

Im not set on Canada yet, but it appeals to me, a few buddies live there, many people who visit really love it etc. but id be relocating as an electrical engineer in renewable sector so, there are many places I could realistically move to that would be better than where I am.

Also im getting quite sick of the UK being run by a bunch of public schoolboys that are so out of touch with reality, and just doing whatever they please (like suspending parliment with no repercussions) , driving the country back into the victorian era, and then you have a bunch of working class with stockholm syndrome thinking these eaton mafia silverspoon fuckers have their best interests at heart. its just incredibly retarded, I would rather live mostly anywhere else than here right now, but deffo not america.

>> No.15710853

Canada is just as retarded and leftist. Basically the only places that aren't are America and eastern europe.

>> No.15710857


Get a grip on reality. Not everything is about racism.

>> No.15710859

>It's the working class' fault!
Are you from the South of England by any chance?

>> No.15710860

really the best you can do? there is irrefutable evidence that contradict what you are saying I find my IQ dropping just beggining to consider how to spoon feed you facts.

cba, better shit to do.

>> No.15710881

Anon, you've been fed lies. It's that simple. Everything you listed is either outright false or a white lie. But move to Canada bro, suffer the same retardation you've been enduring in the uk.

>> No.15710883

Economically we are not that great a country, if you like the outdoors and winter then maybe you would like it.

>> No.15710884

See how this thread got derailed into workers attacking each other based on the location of their labor?

There's something deeply disturbing about this, OP made a thread seeking help and you dongle dunglers couldn't do anything but fight over things non of us have control over or responsible for.
i'm seriously tired from working for chump change while in a mid-career position (asst manager), but i have no other choices because the whole market is shit and companies are going down by the second.
but hey i guess i should shit on other fellow workers and ignore the actual cause of the problems, that will help me go through the day.

>> No.15710891

yea ive considered central europe, Czech and croatia super nice, I could work remotely so not an issue with these countries.

then why is this the single unifying common factor in all pro brexiteers I meet, they're main focal point is 'muh britain mine, muh racism, muh muzzies'. When its abit more of a complex issue than that, Czech for example is in the EU but doesnt have any muzzies.

im not, actually its all working class people I meet that are pro tory, especially in the norf, where they are particularly racist.

And see my comment above, its working classes that think 'we did fine before EU, we'll be fine after' conveniently forgetting we had things like INDUSTRY back then, and our public services were exactly that, not owned by shareholders in the name of profits, thats not europes fault. Go anywhere in europe and public transport is on time, cheap and clean, UK is the exception to the rule.

>> No.15710898

It's always the Americans who start this, can't blame everyone else for actually providing intelligent counterpoints

>> No.15710900

You are the cancer killing the UK

>> No.15710908


>> No.15710916

>another boring post where a snarky brit generalizes a country bigger than Europe

>> No.15710918

>It's always the Americans who start this
>t. jealous yurofag who cant stop obsessing about based burgers

>> No.15710921

this is so true, devide and conquer, whilst we are all squabbling amongst each other, we cant attack those in their ivory towers.

Anyway im somewhat responsible for the derailment, and at this juncture will take my leave.

All the best OP

>> No.15710934
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>im not, actually its all working class people I meet that are pro tory, especially in the norf, where they are particularly racist
No, they only vote Tory because they hate Corbyn. The actual racists vote for meme parties like UKIP or BnP.
Labour needs reform if they hope to actually make a difference, plus I think it's only the most hardcore brexitmongs who think it's actually happening, because I seriously doubt it is.

>> No.15710935

great food, but shit tier wages

>> No.15710939
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Says the faggot who is still replying to me and sticking around in this thread looking for opportunities to take potshots at me. I think you'll find it's me living rent free in your head lmfao keep giving me (You)s and non arguments cupcake

>> No.15710965

Wages are supposed to be bad.>>15710482

>> No.15711041

This isn't adjusted for cost of living. Would love to see similar but for disposable income

>> No.15711045

Labour doesn't need to do anything. Eventually all the whites who voted for Brexit will die away, and the young, dumb masses - often with foreign backgrounds - will vote for them.

Labour is revving up all the gibsmedats policies because they know there is a recession coming, and if there is a mess post-Brexit they'll take advantage of it as a "failure of capitalism".

This is why Corbyn won't declare won't stick to Remain solidly, because he is betting on taking advantage of any mess post-Brexit

>> No.15711082

It is actually very expensive to hire someone in the UK, your wages are low partly because it is about half of what a business has to spend on you because of costs like national insurance, pensions, business insurance, etc, all enforced by the government.

That plus, there is an oversaturation of people compared to high paying jobs, e.g. there are 4 CS graduates for every 3 programming jobs. It happens all the time, every time the media comments on a lack of people trained in something, 3 years later there is an oversaturation driving wages down as people and students desperately try to get a decent paying job in a overcrowded country with few opportunities. Immigration also plays a factor, and I'm not just talking about minimum wage jobs being flooded with uneducated immigrants. The NHS claims there are not enough doctors, yet they refuse to raise salaries (average nhs salary for doctor is £40,000 compared to £85,000 in US) to attract more people. Why? Because they know that doctors and nurses from India and Africa will happily work for those wages. NHS medical staff is about 40% non-white compared to estimated 15% non-white for UK as a whole (https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/workforce-and-business/workforce-diversity/nhs-workforce/latest).). So the natives can't demand higher wages because they can just be replaced.

Everything here is designed to suck as much money out of wages and income of the individual person as possible; high government taxes and regulations, yet companies doing everything to pay the least possible. The whole country just seems to hate itself.

>> No.15711147

i asked for a red pill and i got one


>> No.15711199

Try working as a lifeguard in a swimming pool. You just sit on a chair while being souless for minimum wage.

>> No.15711220
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>> No.15711243

I can't blame you for wanting to move. It's a little bit like that 'moving down under' BBC programme or whatever it's called. You see all the time that an NHS nurse would make a lot more in Australia or America with lower taxes, so can you blame them for wanting to move? I would move if I weren't a disabled mess, which makes >>15710482 also partly true. There just isn't the same freedoms or opportunities here any more.

>> No.15711254

Sounds like you'll fit in with the leaf's

>> No.15711264

I actually get paid well

>> No.15711287

u.s. is a third world country right now under trump. Wait until yang is elected

>> No.15711319

If you work a stable job in the US, me you have insurance. The people who don't have insurance all have flimsy jobs or are unemployed.

>> No.15711351

most people in the u.s. are fucked. Cherry picking a few examples is retarded

>> No.15711379
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Yep, This little bitch eats all the propaganda that's been fed to him. Not government guaranteed does not mean non-existent, I've found jobs in the United States with excellent benefits and there are many of them.

>> No.15711394

You're an idiot. Most people are gainfully employed and have insurance.

>> No.15711407

its the other way around, idiot. You're cherry picking. Want me to btfo you with a wall of stats?

>> No.15711427

Lel retard faggots.
heres the btfo of all btfos:
1. Discouraged workers (someone that wants a job, but gave up and hasn't applied in over 4 weeks) are NOT counted as unemployed.

2. People who make HARDSHIP wages ARE counted as employed.

Putting those 2 together = makes the unemployment stat look better/lower than it actually is. It is a lie that fools without critical thinking believe.

44% of 22-27 yr old college grads are underemployed (inb4 just do computer science as if everyone is capable of that. Even they have like a 24ish% underemployment rate for 22-27 yr olds: https://www.newyorkfed.org/research/college-labor-market/college-labor-market_compare-majors.html
Think about that. NEARLY 1/4 cs graduates aged 22-27 will be underemployed (don't know how it evens out over time. Still not amazing though. It's around 34% when including all ages and all majors).


78% of full time workers live paycheck to paycheck ( *LITERALLY one paycheck away from homelessness and that is basically poverty* ). *42% of americans will retire broke* (so you give up the best years of your life being someone's bitch just to retire with nothing), 57% of americans can't afford an unexpected 500 dollar bill, 50% of renters are cost burdened (spend over 30% of their income on rent. Half of those spend over 50% of their income on rent), 30% of metropolis city jobs (where most jobs are created) pay hardship wages (not enough to move out with) and 32% pay livable wages (basically poverty) which leaves 38% that are decent (I say decent because you also have to take into consideration the toxicity of work culture. Also, some jobs ONLY pay livable or up BECAUSE of the hours put in. For instance, the average american works 47 hours a week. 49% work 50 hours or more a week. Both of which inflate the wage stats into looking better than it actually is), etc.

>> No.15711438

how does the btfo taste, ignorant oblivious dumbass?

>> No.15711464

best post in this thread. sums it up

>> No.15711603

You're a neet aren't you?

>> No.15711638

keep coping faggot. ik im hurting your feelings when I criticize the u.s. Im actually underemployed

>> No.15711648

>average nhs salary for doctor is £40,000 compared to £85,000 in US
more like 200k in the US

>> No.15711663

>So the natives can't demand higher wages because they can just be replaced.
This applies to so many fucking industries here. poos and africans aside, the europeans will accept such low salaries in engineering.

>> No.15711676

Why are you ""underemployed"" cuckboy?

>> No.15711681

how do i profit from brexit?

>> No.15711696

read the definition of "underemployed", omega retard

>> No.15711711

fucking dumbass trying to get a leg up on the conversation after that btfo lmfao

>> No.15711764

what field of eng you in?

Tbh alot can be said though across the board, my friend lives and works in prague as CS and earns more than the police average wage, he actually has a much better quality of life and has more expendable income than me and I work in finance.

The thing is not exclusively the wages you earn, but the cost of living. For example I lived in spain 5 years and cost of living was like a 3rd of what it is here, I was lucky enough to work for a british firm in finance at the time so I was making megabucks.

For me in the UK your money goes nowhere, if your eastern euro working in UK your probs saving like a motherfucker to be a rich big dick back home.

But for most brits as per my post >>15710484
everyone I know who is 'ahead' in life has numerous credit cards with 0% balance transfers, they're car is on finance, they're house is mortgaged, even they're mobile phone is on a contract, mattress and bed on finance, tv on finance blah blah blah.

You are indentured, you have to work these shitty unfulfilled jobs to maintain this huge tower of debt from collapsing in on them.

>> No.15711784

Whew you are seething. Try applying yourself and maybe you wouldn't be """underemployed""". I'm sure you'll squeal "but I have!" But the reality is you haven't.

As far as your wall of text goes, the fact remains the majority are gainfully employed and have insurance. Most of your post really had nothing to do with anything, other than pointing out that many people don't save and invest worth shit. As well as live outside their means.

>> No.15711804
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au-australia is nice at this time of year right?

>> No.15711812

>Whew you are seething.
>Try applying yourself and maybe you wouldn't be """underemployed""".
retard doesn't understand scarcity LMAO
>I'm sure you'll squeal "but I have!" But the reality is you haven't.
I have. Theres this thing called scarcity, retard

>As far as your wall of text goes, the fact remains the majority are gainfully employed and have insurance.
the fact remains most americans are fucked. Deal with it
>Most of your post really had nothing to do with anything, other than pointing out that many people don't save and invest worth shit. As well as live outside their means.
Nope. Shows most people make shit money and high cost of living makes it barely possible to survive. Keep crying over how great this country is. This whole country could be on fire and you'd still think its a country with no flaw lmfao was a fucking indoctrinated sheep

>> No.15711825

Australia is fucked too bro. Heavily leftist, real estate has been bought up by chinks so it's outrageously expensive, everything is imported and costs a fuckload.

>> No.15711827

also, do you even know what underemployment is? The fact that you dont even know the definition of scarcity just shows me im arguing with a sub 100 IQ monkey

>> No.15711895

>i-it's just scarcity!
Lmao. What an excuse. What's your field of expertise? Sucking cocks? There is a lot of positions open for that.

>the fact remains most americans
Prove it. Your wall of text was garbage as I pointed out.

>Nope. Shows most people make shit money and high cost of living makes it barely possible to survive.
Lmfao. Look at this teenage angst. Muh survival. What a joke. These fucks are buying 4k resolution TVs while living "paycheck to paycheck". They finance cars with a $400 car payment. They constantly spend frivolously.

If you retire with zero dollars in your account that means you've been a fuck up for literally 50 years.

>> No.15711902

Living expenses are also very low. (relative to the other western countries, and implying off course you're not a retard consumerist NPC)

>> No.15711917
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>> No.15711930

both of you need to leave this thread and go do something else, theres no point in this back and forth regardless of who's right, go do something constructive with your time.

>> No.15711942

I'm shitposting while waging bro.

>> No.15711953

and when i talk about retard consumerist NPC's im talking about my 'friends' who earn £1200 a month and have several pairs of £600 trainers.

Unless you're around other zoomers like i am day by day you have no idea just how hopeless the future really is.

>> No.15711962

>Lmao. What an excuse. What's your field of expertise? Sucking cocks? There is a lot of positions open for that.
god damn, youre an idiot. Scarcity = limited supply. As shown by the fucking stats, the majority of jobs pay shit and that is an objective fact, you fucking shit for brains.

>Prove it. Your wall of text was garbage as I pointed out.
literally relook the motherfucking stats, YOU FUCKING MORON.
In particular, the cost burdened stats and the hardship+livable wage stats. I DID prove it, you omega retard. Holy SHIT, what a Dumbass. Do you have an extra chromosome by any chance?

>Lmfao. Look at this teenage angst. Muh survival. What a joke. These fucks are buying 4k resolution TVs while living "paycheck to paycheck". They finance cars with a $400 car payment. They constantly spend frivolously.
prove it :)
I just proved how its actually the low pay plus high cost of living. You on the other hand are pulling assumptions out your asshole.

Literal retard. You are getting completely bodied by me. Are you a masochist? Is that why you come back for more, dumb bitch? Try to understand the definition of underemployment and scarcity. Dont just be a motherfucking retard and call those things "an excuse". Only dumb fucks with 0 IQ do that. Learn to understand statistics to, jackass

>> No.15711982

you had to look that up?

>> No.15711994

Imagine being this angry about being poor. Pathetic. You aren't gonna make it. You have no ambition and rely on white lies to make excuses for yourself.

>> No.15711993

Well, Im obviously the one in the right considering I backed up everything Ive stated with stats while that down syndrome faggot is too indoctrinated like a brainless retarded sheep to see truth.

Reminds me of the people that think global warming is a hoax lmao. I have to go now anyways. Anyone with half a brain can see I destroyed that boomer retards logic anyways. That dumbass monkey will probably say more bullshit like "scarcity isnt real waaaaah america is perfect waaaaaaaah". Kek

>> No.15712003

>white lies
they are called statistics, indoctrinated retard.
Keep crying and lying to yourself about scarcity not being real like the omega retard monkey that you are

>> No.15712073

Accurately and succinctly stated.

>> No.15712087

>XTX Markets pays 150k base
>Jane Street, Jump Trading and Citadel are 100k
>Facebook, Microsoft, Palantir is around 100k

Just get good anon

>> No.15712123

>t. Poorfag

>> No.15712287

yes. I am not well versed in europoor

>> No.15712364
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btw how do you guys work 40 hours a week?

>> No.15712389

I'll accept your surrender on that anon's behalf.

>> No.15713585

Because most Brits lack the intelligence to perform their work at a level that would allow for higher wages. I blame their poor education system.