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15707474 No.15707474 [Reply] [Original]

> be crypto dev
> know some people
> there's an unannounced project in the bitcoin space
> it's still pretty early in development, but really promising
> new layer 2 for BTC
> if it works, it will allow non-financial smart contracts to be rooted to Bitcoin
> almost everything happens off-chain (scalability is automatically better than any blockchain)
> some links get attached to BTC chain, but proofs use merkle trees, so an unbounded number of events can be linked to a single BTC transaction
> working name is Bitcoin Token Network, though the devs are looking for a better name
> lead dev is in his early 20s, writing it in a really weird programming language he built
> devs 100% confident it will work for non-financial smart contracts, researching how to possibly extend it to financial ones
> if so, BTC's scaling problems are over
> non-financial stuff will scale infinitely out-of-the-box, will require no forks to BTC
> financial stuff will require forks
> if any of it works, it may move tons of development effort back to bitcoin
> all of it is at least a year away from a major announcement though, it's really early

Just to let you guys know

>> No.15707485

Unironically, how do I profit from this?

>> No.15707499

Just to let you know this already exists using the chainlink oracle network and goes under the name of mixicles, it's being adopted by big financial firms and banks over the next 2 quarters.

>> No.15707515

Invest in BTC I guess. Buy now if you think we're at the bottom, otherwise wait until the price drops to where you want to buy.

Being mostly for non-financial stuff, it's probably not going to be something you can make a ton of money off of unless you become a dev.

Listen to hear any hint of this project over the next year or two.

>> No.15707518

Wtf is a non financial smart contract I thought they were all financial?

>> No.15707531

Sounds like a shitty Nyzo knock off

>> No.15707533

Good protocols are developed in the open not hidden behind 'trust me' posts on a nofap forum

>> No.15707548
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>writing it in a really weird programming language he built

>> No.15707565

>I will pay you 10 DOGE if it's sunny in Oslo tomorrow.
>Sign this contract y/n?
How does it know the weather?

>> No.15707582

>I will pay

>> No.15707603

ur mom is financial

>> No.15707628

link to project or GTFO

>> No.15707670

good luck
lightning is pretty far along already
in 1 year I wouldn't be surprised if you get BTFO before the release

>> No.15707691

No link yet.

I don't remember for sure which company it's affiliated with, but I heard something about Block26. Might be wrong about that though.

Block26 has a bunch of projects that haven't been officially announced yet. Tantra Labs is an example of one that's been under covers for >1 year, but just got announced. It's their cash cow right now, and is going to be funding a lot of other stuff. I've heard rumors about some big unannounced blockchain voting project from them.

>> No.15707745

why is it secret?
don't they want the community to get excited and help develop it?
is it not going to be open sourced?

>> No.15707761

I think they're waiting until they have something concrete to show, not just a whitepaper and a flashy website. It seems to me that a lot of people I know immediately associate people who pull that with being scammers. Can't say I blame them.

>> No.15707803

that's a good point
I wish them well, hope it's legit
are any current known developers on this team?
someone who could vouch for the project

>> No.15707852

I'm awful with names, sorry.

I know the main dev is pretty unknown right now. He's apparently some self-taught dev with a background in hardware and heavy software optimization. He's like 20 or 21. Been programming in C since he was like 12 or something. Don't know much else about him.

No idea who else is on the team.

>> No.15707938

Helo, yes very good coins. Will scale indifinitely and pump. Helo sirs, i promis u get rich. Thanks u very much. Insider info, powerfull.

>> No.15707967

Like I said, it's primarily for non-financial purposes. You're not going to get rich off this.