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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15705290 No.15705290 [Reply] [Original]

I have been here for around 3 years.
>deleted social media
>sold my luxury watches
>quit cocaine and alcohol
>do not want sports cars or other materalistic memes anymore
>realised that only my family truly loves and cares about me and nobody else on earth
>went from the mindset "i wanna rule" to "i wanna serve" helping people out.
>spend time mostly reading and lifting weights
Making it means nothing if you give it right back to the jews for stupid shiny things. Making it is a mindset and financial freedom is just a factor in it but mostly making it for me was letting go of the ego i built from school, detaching myself from the superficial fake world around me which brought me nothing but negativity, pressure, anxiety and depression trying to compete with normalfags who has the best life instead of just minding my own business and not giving a single fuck about society, instagram and anyones opinion anymore. 4chan helped me alot in that regard or maybe i just grew up at 23

>> No.15705316

Thanks to 4chan I have a son!

>> No.15705359

12 years
dunno lol

>> No.15705361
File: 12 KB, 296x455, 57400091_2426759024035077_4886673966728478720_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit you not it made me gay. Started with regular porn, then furry porn, then gay furry porn and finally human traps. Won't lie though, dudes give way better head then women.
To make this a semi serious post it was really good for desensitization. This board kind of sucks, it's almost like autistic spam anymore. But the last time I was here was the Etherium boom.

>> No.15705373

It gave me a new purpose

>> No.15705386

School didn't build up my ego, it tore it down over and over and over again despite successes. All the hard times made me stronger, and I'm still facing hard times now. I don't make trades because I want some flashy things to feel like I "made it". I want money so other people outside of my family see me as being worth anything. 4chan simply gave me a way to anonymously vent and expose myself to many different ideas.

>> No.15705410

Additional note. /fit/ did push me to work out and made me chase unrealistic body goals. I'll never be strong or shredded enough, but I'll be dammed if I'm not going to keep trying.

>> No.15705433

Almost all the same changes as you expect I'm not trying to get /fit/.

>> No.15705473

>I want money so other people outside of my family see me as being worth anything
Who? Friends? Why is that anon and how do you want them to show it off if not by materialistic shiny things?.

>> No.15705487


>> No.15705502

Hellooooo flyover country, keep toiling. Your family will let you down, your tesla won't.

>> No.15705658

My risk tolerance has shifted from 5% upisde/3% upside potential ratio to 200% upside/95% risk.

>> No.15705726


>> No.15706197


>> No.15706276

>3 years
Tfw you begin to realize how much of an oldfag you are compared to everyone on 4chan nowadays.

Been coming regularly since 2010 when i finished high school

>> No.15706374

i was clueless as to how to properly use money.
after 4 years of biz and daily broswing and posting here ive learned a wealth about proper finance and how to make my money work for me.
this bull cycle should see me break into the millions with my networth.
im not materialistic but i am obsessed with investing now - as all of my money goes toward it.

>> No.15706398

Sounds like you came out of the closet. Good for you!

>> No.15706415

Site become less weeb and more political strategy/autism. Expect anime to be put on the curb. But Mspaint creativity has increased :3

>> No.15706504

Been browsing regularly since 2011. I want to leave, but I realize I never will. Not until the site is shut down.

>> No.15706513
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I have been here for 15 years.

This is true. That's why I know homosexuality is a "choice". There is no "gay" allele, it's not genetic. This website made me gay - moreover eventually made me actually transgender - and also gave me impulsive impure thoughts about children, and I was able to completely rearrange my psychology through willpower and understanding the human mind (which /x/ is 1% responsible for so thanks schizos) to restore my brain to a healthy state, free from unnatural desires, and also I am now completely straight man.

I came here a lost edgy sexually confused atheist anarchist as a teen but I found my way through desensitization and exposure all free speech and thought and the study of the human mind, religion, the occult, and philosophy, much of which was discussed with other people over time who polished off the edges of my thinking. I have literally learned the power of magic and hypnosis. I can clearly see God and the purpose of life. I have no depression. I have direction, my psychology is tempered against the warfare the world wages against me. I know who I am, and I realize what others around me are, and I understand what are and aren't laws of the universe. There was nobody to explain all these things like newfags don't even realize they are lucky for. You come here you get "redpilled" on porn or gender politics or whatever the fuck, I had to literally brainwash myself without knowing it into becoming a tranny and a pedo and then figure out how to unbrainwash myself with no advice or direction because academia tells you that's "impossible".

It doesn't feel like "enlightenment" or anything it actually feels like I got fucking ripped off, because this is what it was always supposed to be before they buried us in what they call culture. It took me this long just to climb my way out and see and think clearly; it shouldn't be this way. Everyone around me doesn't even realize their predicament. So pay attention to unpopular opinions.

>> No.15706526

>referring to luxury watches as ”stupid shiny things” instead of ”appreciating assets”
>forgoing competition to nurture babies
>lonely and desperate for love
get your T level checked, mom

>> No.15706563

Shut up, faggot

>> No.15706586

>Be me
>Own some Bitcoin but have forgotten about it
>Check Price
>$10 now worth over $200
>Enter months of researching, shitposting and shitcoins
>Swap arts (film) degree for economics
>Get a wage cage job
>Want to kms everyday but don't because of crypto
>Eventually hear about Link
>Eventually end up with 90%-10% Link-Btc
>Link moons to over $4
>Quit wage cage job
>Spend time reading
>Mfw getting knowledge, wealth and good grades

Only thing left is to leave this shithole of a country (once degree is complete) and get a small comfy house in a European village.

>> No.15706596

How hard is it to accept there's both a genetic and an environmental component? Genes set the needle, environment nudges it further, and then finally the individual can waggle the needle a bit further in whatever direction.

All you have to do is look at twin studies, or there was that very prominently advertised study from a few weeks ago about genetic componentry of homosexuality. There's no gay 'gene' but there are thousands of genetic contributors which in sum have some statistically significant effect on sexuality. Plus other possibly hormonal contributors like second sons being more likely to be gay, etc. There is very clearly a biological basis for sexual disposition. It's not the whole picture, but it's part of it.

>> No.15706598

put this hat on

>> No.15706605

Based brother oldfag posting cracky-chan

>> No.15706665

931ng/dl as of last week.

>> No.15706868
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>There's no gay 'gene' but there are thousands of genetic contributors which in sum have some statistically significant effect on sexuality.
This is not scientific thinking. That's not how the scientific method works. This is simply not science. This is "I don't have an explaination for my postulated and preferred hypothesis and cannot confront the alternatives so I am going to extrapolate data endlessly until I can make it fit into a possibly feasible theory that supports my stance due to being so obtuse that it creates reasonable doubt through abstraction and relativity".

This is the opposite of science. It is dogma. It is political bookending of what you want to be "scienfic". Hey we can't prove it yet but just give us another 40 years and millions of dollars worth of research and we will find a better way to prove our theory we have been trying to prove for decades but have been yet unable to, I swear!

Academia wants or even NEEDS to believe that an aspect of human behaviour and psychology such as sexuality cannot be controlled or directed by oneself because of the implication and consequences. Just think about what would happen if every influential academic came out an announced they believed "being gay" to be a "choice" and in no way genetic. Imagine what that does to society right now. Chaos. That's why it is wrongthink that cannot be allowed to be even discussed.

But I have been watching this unfold for well over 20 fucking years and I have lived it and by God the time has come to put my fucking foot down, I will not tolerate this anymore. I have done my research for decades and experienced this myself personally. This shit is not real. It is a COPE because people cannot take fucking responsibilty.

>> No.15706965

Been here since 2007, still a newfag.
It's more and more rare but you can still find some very interesting things on this site

>> No.15707191

Based anon putting his fucking foot down

>> No.15707429

>there are thousands of genetic contributors
There were also thousands of genetic factors that contributed to the likelihood of you making this post. It was still a choice. There's no post #15706596 gene. What would motivate people to frame the existence of those genetic factors as proof that you had no choice but to make the post? There is nothing it accomplishes except minimizing your personal responsibility and power over the world.

>> No.15707483

Anon it seems you're a little confused. You see you're actually supposed to click into the threads and read the content.
Ha ha I know you've had fun looking at the banner ads but that's not what it's for :^)

>> No.15707568
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Hate to say it, but it's hard to imagine my life without it since i'm in my mid 20s now and have been browsing since I was 13.

>> No.15707621

I'm 30, never got interested in crypto. I come here for the millennial hate, housing, and day trading threads mostly

>> No.15707631

looking back I've ironically learnt and grew a fair bit from this shithole

and it's all free, you just have to love shitposting

>> No.15707661
File: 90 KB, 1000x929, kirbyishappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being gay is purely a choice in so far as it is generally the product of a series of very bad decisions by the affected individual and possibly their parents.
That said, it is very easy to imagine why there might be at least some minor genetic component if for no other reason than hormone level abnormalities and certain patterns of brain development are known to correlate with homosexuality.
>Since 13
You're definitely here forever

>> No.15707718

I became a millionaire because I saw Kuckoin Shares shilled on this board. Those two words (replace Kuckoin with the name of the exchange) are still censored nearly two years later due to the extreme referral spam it caused.
I also moved much further to the political right and developed a hatred of depressed people that continues to increase the more successful I get.

>> No.15707813

fucking based

>> No.15707820

it oddly strengthened my relationship with my parents a bit since I realized it was me fighting them not the other way around (threads with shitlords doing similar things I was and me going holy fuck wow im the asshole here). and trusting people alot less and keeping more people at a distance. I also got alot more privacy based and made any social media I have alot more locked down and rarely post anything on it anymore. I also wiped as many pics as possible of me from existance online and almost rarely take pics of me for online and give people shit if they take pics of me to delete it. I also trust females alot less and focus on them alot less and more on money and investments now and have a much shorter fuse for female bullshit and shit testing. I also game a bit less and dont play video games for hours on end since I usually am reading something crypto and investing related instead lately.

>> No.15707828

You are literally proving his point that you have no argument dumb faggot

>> No.15707839

Redpill me on hating depressed people

>> No.15707841
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i guess i'm not really sure yet. I've been on 4chan since senior year of high school (2015), and followed the typical trajectory of looking for edgy shit on /b/, then got redpilled on /pol/ and then moved on to interest boards. Maybe when i'm a bit older I will be able to analyze how it impacted my personal development, but for now all I can say is that 4chan has certainly had a major influence on me, and overall it's been a good thing. I've learned to think for myself, had many, many laughs, chatted with interesting anons the world over, and gained new interests and knowledge.

>> No.15707847

I've only been on 4chan for 8ish years. Started out looking at weird shit on /b/ in middleschool or something. In my teens I found /k/, /k/ reignited my love for firearms. I would argue about bullshit on /pol/. Then as I grew to know my awkwardness I found the shithole known as /r9k/. Then I became a /v/irgin, worrying about gamergate and other manufactured bullshit. Fucked around on other boards like /his/ and /wsg/. Then I really fell into a pit of degeneracy, jacking off to traps, looking at fluffy torture porn daily on /b/, dropped out of school, started working manual labor, found /fit/ and started worrying what it means to be a man. Found /lit/ and started worrying about how limited my mind is. Eventually I found myself here, wanting to learn how to buy stock, blah blah blah, bought chainlink, yadda yadda reading about ISO20022 at 3 am, you know how it goes.
One thing this board has done for me is give me hope, as lame as that sounds. I can't imagine life without an idea that one day I can be free. It might never happen, but I can dream about it, and that comforts me.

>> No.15707883

So fit and lit are the most based?

>> No.15707897
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Started lurking 4chan during the whole gamergate thing when I was still underage now I'm like 20 and it's really fucked up my world view on things but at the very least I bought chainlink at 50 cents and I've been just holding and getting pretty steady gains gives me hope that I can escape my shitty living conditions lole

>> No.15707906
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I think the biggest thing is that it turned me into a massive pedophile.

>> No.15707926

Just look in the mirror

>> No.15707958
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Based. The best way i can describe 4chans influence on me is that it taught me to think for myself and take responsibility for my own actions. Everywhere we look these days were surrounded by people telling us what to think and how to live. It comes in the form of television, social media, celebrities, teachers, politicians, reddit upvotes, coworkers. On 4chan youre on your own. There is no authority figure to tell you what to think or what to do. Youre ultimately responsible for making your own judgements here. Theres an infinite amount of information, but its up to you to decide what information is good and whats bad. It forced me to find myself, to find values, to find out what was important to me and what i wanted out of life. Without being thrown into the 4chan fire, i dont know that i ever wouldve escaped the marxist pushed mindset of demoralization that so many people suffer from. And i couldnt have done any of that without the constant shitposts, insults, and ridicule from all of you glorious anonymous faggots. Love you guys. Were all gonna make it.

>> No.15707985

>I also moved much further to the political right and developed a hatred of depressed people that continues to increase the more successful I get.
this is a common feeling. i'm not rich, i'm just a wagie, but after getting my last job offer it completely warped the way i view people. my desire to become a neet so i don't have to deal with shit like this has never been higher
i remind myself every day that i don't deserve anything that i achieved.

>> No.15707995
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Extremely based and redpilled to the core.

>> No.15708000

I don't care what people think anymore.
I also have a different perspective on people in general.
After having been unplugged from mainstream society for so long, it's pretty surreal to look at normal people from an outside perspective and see how much they act out like characters from television shows and movies. As if they are just responding to certain stimuli the way they were programmed to.
I unironically believe that the vast majority of "people" aren't even real. I have seen and heard way too many things that seem to hint at this. It really freaks me out just thinking about it. I know it can't be true, but it still seems totally logical, considering the state of society.

>> No.15708012

>completely warped the way i view people.
Interesting, elaborate please.

>> No.15708021
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It taught me my troubled mind at youth (I'm 45 which should only be allowed to be a caliber I think in nights like these) were not unique, as I kissed a girl (rather awkwardly and comically, since I had NO idea how to - learned fast, she was great) at 21 and only had physical interaction with other two after her (three years gf).
Saw anons at 30+ with the same problem (well, WORSE) and realised here
others shared my pain. Unfortunately, these anons are not in a IA (Incels Anonymous) local group but giant geographical leaps apart. So you picture it properly, I live, and have never left - saving for rare trips to what we call the southwestern region of this continental country, which is the same I'm in - in Rio.

>> No.15708035

4chan made me smarter than all my peers, it helped me learn to think

>> No.15708045
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It's internationally known for its beautiful girls. None cared much about me. My looks were alright, some conpared me to Lennon and I might resemble the actor of The Pianist, say others. But I cared about /x/ related stuff since I was nine and not much else,so I was always "that guy" and today have literally no one to call except family, which would tie me to a rubber room if they could.
4chan helped me to cope with not only past but present and enhanced my view of things worldwide in ways school and TV could only shred - I, naturally, haven't watched TV in ten years, saving when someone turns it on somewhere I happen to be, much to my regret). Here I saw horrors untold that the media and academia (which I did attend but left right at the end when all I had to deliver was my monograph - on Philosophy nonetheless) supress and switch for the notorious garbage. I bought one tenth of a Bitcoin which are down to two Litecoins now - yes, fuckedup big time - thanks to /biz/ and will put any money I may have into crypto if possible. Without this place I wouldn't know, as you young say. My mind has still rapport with this trapped - pun - generation for my interests and yours are pretty much the same, saving for the fact I'm almost too old to dream. But this place welcomes all and is the closest we got to a true free speech platform these days if not ever. Washington would approve. Except for the traps and lolis, of course. Sorry for the cumbersome ramblings but this is like a great pub or bar with some Scotch and frens to me. Fuck rl, long life 4chan.

>> No.15708135

I don't know if it made me smarter than my peers but my brain was certainly full of way more useless knowledge and obscure facts. It was actually pretty alienating.

>> No.15708228

Nice blog posts favela monkey

>> No.15708259

my title is prestigious and even the most normie of NPCs associate it with money. people treat me very differently as compared to before, in exactly the ways you'd imagine. it's like to most people now i'm nothing more than just the rich guy. my already existing fear of being taken advantage of has been amplified as well

>> No.15708274

Now you know why wealthy people tend to live in secluded or gated areas. Also why classism exists...poor people are poor for a reason.

>> No.15708277

4chan gave me advice and hope, enabling me to find my first "real" job. I went from a being a desperate NEET to being employed in the tech industry. I was surprised that I was actually able to accomplish this.

This board helped me gain then lose my money.

>> No.15708286
File: 364 KB, 1072x1200, 1569344059538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That bondage and gangbangs aren't dirty, violent, or degrading, but perfectly fine acts as long as your girlfriend is a cute and slutty princess like pic-related and these are her unspoken secret fantasies. It's the mindset that counts. As long as you mix it with enough caressing tenderness and base it primarily on love instead of pure lust... As long as there are hearts in her eyes instead of tears and she can get emotionally dissolved in the passionate act...

Real girls? Lolis with unrealistic body-type (since you posted an anime picture)? Or 2d in general? Liking 2d teens (or maybe 2d in general) isn't really pedophilic. There's no rule saying that you aren't allowed to be attracted to (sexy)cute things. Or that sexuality always has to be uncute, violent and involve harmful rape and murder. I am sure there are many cute species in this universe that maintain their cuteness even as adults. Only because human roasties age like milk and fascist feminists want to push the "uncute, lip-biting and stronk women with tattoos and buzzcuts are sexy" narrative... doesn't mean you have to subscribe to it. Surely we have at least this little personal freedom.

Though desu, being here hasn't changed me much at all. And I'm not even sure I really belong here (mostly spending time waiting for link to moon and shitposting). With me also thinking that I learned more about human idiocy browsing Reddit, being repulsed, ending up here, still being repulsed, but less so than on Reddit. Reddit is a little bit like people watching reality-tv and ironically idealizing those presented therein, when it was once supposed to allow the average Joe to feel good about himself. But somehow he did start idealizing reality-tv. Whereas 4chan are the people who shitpost ironically, then presented on reality-tv unironically, imitated by Redditors who think said reality-tv shitposting amiable. I like 4chan mostly because it's not a retarded echo-chamber... Even if you are all degenerates.

>> No.15708336

Remember Anons: Don't degrade your girlfriends. Treat them with respect or find a cute slut instead (in which case degradation becomes logically impossible).

>> No.15708383

Fucking newfag, lurk moar

We need IQ tests so we can weed out stupid schizos like you

>> No.15708410

I wasn't going to post in this thread, interesting though it may be, but I had to comment on your blogpost of horseshit. Bondage and gangbangs are dirty, violent, and degrading, and that's the point. If you're a degenerate and fuck degenerates, at least be honest.
To answer OPs question, 4chan made me less tolerant of pontificating faggots who intellectualize child fucking.

>> No.15708431


jesus god, print your post and read it every morning until you realize yourself

>> No.15708444


seriously what the fuck

>> No.15708458
File: 501 KB, 960x783, 00e31d5f321db844715b7ac1b255c488-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> You were never an anarchist to begin with if it was 4chan that swayed you

> You were actually and still are just a tranny in denial

> You are egotistical and think you understand the laws of the universe

> You don't understand science

> God has not revealed himself to you, if this were true you wouldn't still be on this site in the way you are

> You've only brainwashed yourself

>> No.15708481
File: 64 KB, 960x537, bitgold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC and this board taught me to save, bought me rental property and a website that earn income. I quit from 3 years of DCA BTC with $50 in a shitcoin here and there after my BTC grew

>> No.15708653

Hardly, I'm from German and Italian blood. Whiter than you probably. Plus, middle class.
Gotta refine your remote viewing as much as your manners. Also racism is so last century. Next you salient my closet faggotry. C'mon, you can do better frendo.

>> No.15708727
File: 82 KB, 640x1024, 120B1BEF-7CAE-4C52-AAB9-160AC32B10FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan has made me more self disciplined

Racism is the future, kraut faggot

>> No.15708750

Based and truepilled.

To Bergson:
>Buy high, sell low.

>> No.15708861
File: 72 KB, 768x540, EFMbq0IVUAEwlfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based self doubt instiller aka shadow aka jew inside your mind making me stronger by defeating and assimilating you

>> No.15708878

Thanks to 4chan i stopped cooming

>> No.15708886
File: 9 KB, 205x246, deadwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this board ruined my life

>> No.15708893

>I can't imagine life without an idea that one day I can be free. It might never happen, but I can dream about it, and that comforts me.

This is a nice statement.

>> No.15708974
File: 53 KB, 680x346, 1488870187060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent over half of my life here, it's safe to say nearly every aspect of what I am has been altered thanks to this site. I don't want to imagine what sort of ignorant life I might've led if I never discovered 4chan and various places it led me to. Say what you want about it but these imageboards have always been an incredible source of information as long as you're not some retard that can't tell the difference between what is and isn't a shitpost.

>> No.15709035

I owe much to /pol/ and /biz/, even if both of them have grown more rotten and blackpilled these past 2 years.
Have any of you noticed how /pol/ culture has gradually bled into the framework of society? As recent as 2015, the things I see in everyday life nowadays - from normies of all people - would've been unfathomable. More and more redpills are finding their way into the water supply. More and more textbook NPCs suddenly thinking for themselves. Not nearly enough, but it gives me some hope for the future.
Ideally, the same thing will happen with crypto as banks and governments get more desperate and oppressive. I'd like to think we're still early - fighting off the fraud, deception and subterfuge and settling the frontier so that everyone else may one day have a safe refuge from fiat slavery

>> No.15709567

>went from the mindset "i wanna rule" to "i wanna serve" helping people out.
Implying that's a good thing

>> No.15709647

based and puttinghisfootdownpilled

>> No.15709652

I honestly have absolutely no clue. I don't even know how long it's been. I think I began coming here when I was 13 and now I'm 22.
I don't know if 4chan changed me or if I was drawn here by my predispositions to be like this.
Playing RuneScape religiously from 7 until 18 and using this website as my prime source of interaction with strangers (nowadays just interaction with others as such) for 9 years has obviously set me along some certain paths and given me some certain habits.
I don't think they're particularly bad.
I've become very efficient and cold, at the cost of not being able to take anything in the entirety of Being wholly seriously. Everything is subject to mockery, even (or perhaps especially) that mocking instinct itself. It goes infinitely down (if I look).

I do wish I could sincerely believe, with power of heart, what I've come to rationally convince myself of (a search for knowledge set in its course by this website).

I don't regret it one bit, though.

>> No.15709736

at a certain point in my youth i decided books were a bad investment when you can read shitposts 24/7 for the cost of one internet
/b/ used to be 90% jokes n humor now its 90%+ pr0n
/biz/ never was my thing but the thug life choose me as they say
420 blaze it faggot

>> No.15709889

>>went from the mindset "i wanna rule" to "i wanna serve" helping people out.
So basically you turned into a huge faggot?

>> No.15710206
File: 300 KB, 397x380, 1551680741308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've always thought that having a social life and being the top of the world was the most important thing of all. But after experiencing so many downturns and reading about them here and everywhere else on 4chan. It made me really reflect what was going on with my life. I now life a very solitude life of internet browsing. Its very lonely at times. But I do feel like I have a much stronger connection here than anyone else I've met in real life.

>> No.15710225

>>deleted social media
>>sold my luxury watches
>>quit cocaine and alcohol
>>do not want sports cars or other materalistic memes anymore
>>realised that only my family truly loves and cares about me and nobody else on earth
>>went from the mindset "i wanna rule" to "i wanna serve" helping people out.
>>spend time mostly reading and lifting weights

All of this a cope because you know that you won't make it