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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15701661 No.15701661 [Reply] [Original]

I get one coin dropping this hard, but EVERYTHING just did at the exact same time. How the fuck does that happen? Did some megawhale just dump his whole portfolio? Is this some mastermind manipulation of the entire crypto market?

>> No.15701684

How new are you? When BTC shits the bed, everyone shits the bed. Only if you have some strong activity and/or info going on (as it is with LINK currently) you can resist the daddy BTC power

>> No.15701689

This is all just to scare away the normies.
The golden land will come again...

>> No.15701755

do we really have to explain why this is happening?

>> No.15701756

>Link strong
- 15%

>> No.15702066

does every thread have to be about shitty link

>> No.15702695

when BAKT was released the other day, people finally realized that any gay nigger with AIDS can make a shitcoin. They are worthless

>> No.15702711

why is it happening i'm a brainlet? Are the democrats impeaching bitcorn also?

>> No.15702719

>up 7% on BTC

>> No.15702721
File: 312 KB, 640x432, arthur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Laughs in negro

>> No.15702745

When that one coin dropping hard is the king shitcoin dinosaur BTC, this is exactly what happens.

>> No.15702820
File: 227 KB, 750x1334, 0886F83C-6D1C-44E7-BBD0-59744688DAE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the volatility look like market forces to you or manipulation? I’ve never seen buttcoin go up and down this dramatically within minutes of each other.

I assume this is bots malfunctioning, but this is highly irregular.

>> No.15702902

the whole market is tied to BTC. the majority of cryptos have BTC pairings. when BTC tanks, the pairs tank, the market tanks

>> No.15702998

Imagine for a moment that the market is composed of only a few individuals, with bots, who are disagreeing about where the price should go.

>> No.15703033

Bitcoin funds the rest of the coins until a proper split. Bitcoin is the central bank to the other coins kek.

>> No.15703089

Lol Btc is literally the only real crypto, new fag. Everything else is a meme.

>> No.15703113

Black Tuesday is fun.

>> No.15703210
File: 240 KB, 1580x939, hahahaHAHaahaHhAHAHAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling it now. TSLA bankruptcy in next 5 years. And to think I was gonna buy just 8 weeks ago.

>> No.15703238

Looking at coinbase, DAI and USDC are curiously not collapsing.
Unless me saying this causes them to collapse.