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15699830 No.15699830 [Reply] [Original]

Ive been slaving away for years and finally have some disposable income. but I have no idea what to do with it
>crypto is a scam, I refuse to pour more money into this ponzi
>gold: I hold some but it wont give any returns. I dont want to buy more
>stocks are at ATH and will probably crash the minute I buy in
>cash in the bank: inflation and fees eat it up
>Real estate: I refuse to take on debt and at this rate it would take decades to buy a house cash down
why is everything so fucked? my boomer parents could just put their cash in the bank, get a comfy 5% interest and then eventually buy a house. meanwhile I cant do shit, Im tempted to just go to the casino and bet all on red or sth wtf is a young nibba supposed to do these days to build wealth??

>> No.15699860

just give to me

>> No.15699864

50% gold, 50% stocks.

>> No.15700108

how is he going to pay taxes, food, utilities if it is all tied up ?

>> No.15700138

Take a nice vacation anon, you earned it. those memories will be worth more than the gains

>> No.15700172

>wtf is a young nibba supposed to do these days to build wealth??
Take risk. Unironically no different than going and betting it all on red, just longer term.

>> No.15700179

With the income that isn't disposable.

>> No.15700182

i took plenty of risks in crypto and always end up losing money Im sick of losing money. I want something that will be around in decades and make my money work for me.

>> No.15700200

Stocks are about to crash. Give it 6 months. Good news for you is that so will property. Gives you a great return if you do it smart and rent it out. What I recommend is look for investment opportunites near you.

>> No.15700213

Have sex

>> No.15700214

And you genuinely think this is a good idea? The economies been fucked for years. Unless your telling him to hold for at most six months. Seems like a crap idea to me. And why gold? Silvers much better.

>> No.15700241
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just put it into an eft weighted to the better end S&P 500

>> No.15700267



Try 8%+. Don’t ever let them kid you that they had it as hard as ya, literally if you were better than a deadbeat drug addict and would show up to work 60% of the time you could make it.

They can’t retire because they’re retarded degenerates. They had 20 years from 80-00 where they could have pulled 8-10% returns passively for NOTHING.

Blew it on coke and trans-ams tho.

>> No.15700281
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>I want something that will be around in decades
buy index etfs
buy metals
the best returns I've had came from options but that takes some learning and skill
you could look at private real estate loans

>> No.15700285

nice penis im gonna coom

>> No.15700307

>my boomer parents could just put their cash in the bank, get a comfy 5% interest

you can do the same with AAA rated corporate bonds or bonds in up and coming SEA countries which even better returns.

>> No.15700343

Or if you want in crypto you can lend on finex some shitty alts give higher returns or lending DAI on compound gives 10% interest. Or lending on binance usdt gives 10% a year same with usdc

>> No.15700357

>I refuse to take on debt

Big boys call it leverage. You are paying for housing no matter what, it’s a sunk cost. Now, you can either flush ALL that money away by renting OR have a chance at getting some of that back (and even making a profit) by buying.

Paying cash for a house is straight retarded, mortgages are literally the best thing about real estate.

>> No.15700398

>And why gold? Silvers much better.
Silver is more reactive than gold to air and skin and will tarnish much faster.

>> No.15700459
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you have helped me change my thinking. Reddit gold for thee

>> No.15700579

>yes goyim sign yourself up for 10+ years of paying interest

>> No.15700638


Got about 30k in my bank
about 30k in stocks
750+ credit
making about 65k a year now..

What do you think i should do

>> No.15700669

and dont we need some pretty good interests rates?
Anything good for new home buyers?

And isnt the housing market gonna crash.. so shouldnt i wait a few years?

>> No.15700744

Motherfucker, go construct that kind of leverage on a brokerage account and see how the terms and conditions stack up. They fuckin’ don’t. For Joe Shmoe retail investor mortgages help level the playing field with the market makers because home ownership is subsidized by the government at the individual citizen level. Businesses are forced to take hard money or pony up stupid amounts of capital to play in the same arena.

>> No.15700849

any advice here?

>> No.15700964

How safe is the Sp500 etf right now?
Shit may be going down and I have the majority of my savings in the vanguard VOO. all these threads about QE have me spooked. I have silver and that etf along with barter/sin items.
Should I cash out of the etf?

>> No.15701017

I dont understand your logic.

You're afraid of holding gold as it does not gain value, yet are afraid of storing it in a bank as inflation is cutting into you there? Pick one. Gold is a store of value.

As for once you make it;
Focus on self improvement. Enjoy expensive foods and luxuries, within reason. Be healthy and also very happy with what you consume. Exercise vigorously. Learn new hobbies. Find spiritual enlightenment, if that's your thing. Read books. Play all those good vidya you never got around to playing. Help those in need via donating to reputable charities and working with those in need.

>> No.15701229

With closing costs and whatever updates you make to the house, even in a hot market, you aren’t going to see an ROI for at least 4 years if you arent renting it. Real Estate is looooong term, whatever you buy plan on owning it forever.

High interest rates can be good if you are packing some cash as it eliminates buying competition. I wouldn’t try to time the market for your first purchase, just buy something you can comfortably afford. Alternatively, buy a condo because their value doesn’t have as much volatility as single family homes.

Really, best advice i can offer is buy small and cheap so that your bare minimum housing needs are met. In 3-4 years I guarantee you will be looking at buying another one and trying to rent out your first one. And oh man, let me tell you how addictive collecting rent checks are...

>> No.15701501

awesome man.
How much are you making yourself these days?
and how much did you start out with?

>> No.15701545

Crypto is a scam, bitcoin isn't--invest accordingly.

Stack gold and bitcoin and you'll grow your wealth just fine

>> No.15701548

sounds good but how do you get started? apartments here are six figures, hosues half a mill. its gonna take me decades to get that kinda cash together.

>> No.15701741

I gain about $1000 a month in principle equity from my two rental properties and am finally starting to see positive cash flow on the first property after renting it for 4 years. I started with like $6k and bought my first house zero money down. Bought the second one 3 years after that and the third 2 years after that.

Looking at

>> No.15701830

Hello friend. Same boat as you, the thing i realized is that since I'm 25 and i am practically long and structurally short on the market at the same time regardless, so any position is essentially zero risk as long as I am only investing money I don't need for 20-30 years.

I buy some stock and it goes up? Great I'll take the easy profit. I buy and it drops 60%? Still don't care, I can outlive the boomers dumping their bags, buy some more cheapies and sell in a decade.

Honestly it's just all just about having discipline and knowing your risk tolerance. I fried my dopaminergic system doing drugs and playing video games for 14 hours a day so even 80% hits don't really carry any emotional weight, just icy pragmatic "guess I'm collecting dividends and selling in 20 quarters" responses.

>> No.15701852

bought your first for zero down?
interesting how much was it?
and how much was your monthly expenses, and how much did you end up asking for rent?

i currently have 30k sitting here.

>> No.15701893
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Just do something you find fun for the money.
Life is short.

>> No.15701918

My area was similar. I bought the cheapest, shittiest house I could find and spent a year renovating it one room at a time.

>> No.15702013

>t. used house salesperson

>> No.15702027

This but unironically. I was paying $1,200 a month in rent for a 1bed 1bath apartment. So I found a house the same distance from work for $950 a month 30 year mortgage. It has 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. Comfy, saves me money, and will in all likelyhood at least hold its value for when I sell.

>> No.15702130

Kill them anon, we have to do it

>> No.15702249

I bought it for $220k, my mortgage payment with taxes is $1600. When I put it on the market for rent I charged $1200. I just now raised the rent to $1750.

>> No.15702279

so you took a 400 a month loss for 4 years?
about 5k per year?

>> No.15702300

or wait, did you live there as well?

>> No.15702308

>30 year mortgage
sounds the exact opposite of comfy to me anon

>> No.15702375

or wait am i thinking about this wrong.
the 400 "loss" is just you paying for a mortgage, while others help you pay for that mortgage via their rent.

>> No.15702608

Now you got it. My tenant covered all the interest and taxes (tax deductible btw) and contributed about $100 towards the principle which is straight equity to me. That $400 I pony up might as well be me plunking it into a savings account, it’s all money I can recoup if I chose to sell.

Now, in the eyes of the IRS I did indeed take a loss those years and my tax return reflects that. Real estate really shines against other asset classes in all the little tax shelter games you can play, I write off fucking everything. Gas to go “inspect” the property, phone to “manage” the property, tools to do maintenance, whatever I think I can get away with.

>> No.15702772

damn dude. thats pretty fucking intense.

any other tips/advice?
how do you handle shit going wrong?
and you got kind of a shit hole and cleaned it up?

>> No.15702779

Nothing is comfier than watching inflation beat down your mortgage payment and to hear the lament of the wage slave when they’re handed yet another rent hike by Mr. Noseberg.

>> No.15702802

also, what kind of interest rate did you get on that one?
And were you living there?

>> No.15702926

>any other tips/advice?
Vett the fuck out of your tenants, like seriously. One bad tenant can fuck up years of profits. If you get a good tenant, don’t be in a hurry to jack up their rent at the end of their lease.

>handle shit going wrong
Have 4 months mortgage stashed away. Something WILL break.

>kind of a shit hole
No a total shit hole. It was a full blown old lady hoarder with cats and shit. Stunk like piss and had tobacco stains everywhere. It was fucking disgusting living in that place the first 3 months. But that’s what you gotta do when your a broke ass and buy a house with no money.

>> No.15702959

Lol I got raped because zero money down, 4.5%. Yeah I lived there.

>> No.15702995

4.5 is pretty decent now a days no?
first time home buyer breaks?

>> No.15703007

what if you lose your job and cant make payments? what if you want to move to a different area? what if nignogs ruin your neighbourhood? I just cant imagine shackling myself with debt for the next 30 years.

>> No.15703057


At the time, 4.5% was ludicrous. And yes it was a HUD home. It’s why I had to live there.

>> No.15703124

I can’t imagine not having a mortgage payment. To be underleveraged like that seems such a waste.

>> No.15703161

Would you advise waiting for interest rates to drop? whats the max int rate i should go for for say a 250k house as a first time home buyer

>> No.15703276

and one last question.. how do your tax returns look.. how much do you get back due to this 1 property?

>> No.15703303

So here’s the thing, you want a good interest rate relative to what everyone else is getting. Lower interest rates for everyone drives up the overall home price because people can afford to finance more and creates a ton of competition. When rates spike, total price declines and it’s easier to negotiate things like closing costs with the seller.

Really, focus on what your overall out the door payment is going to be, what your taxes are going to be, and most most most importantly the outlook for the neighborhood/location. Getting a good house > getting a good deal on a house

>> No.15703307

precious metals is what you're looking for

>> No.15703383
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>> No.15703413

I don’t get refunds, i adjust my exemptions so that I always owe a little bit at the end of the year if anything.

>> No.15703432


and besides this
what do closing costs and shit cost?
if the house is 200k how much did you spend with costs?

>> No.15703475

M8 I’m starting to spoon feed you. Closing costs are negotiable on who pays but it’s anywhere from 3-6% of the house cost.

>> No.15703499

sorry, got a little too comfy senpai.
appreciate the quick education.

>> No.15703531

Invest 1000$ in something that has future.
Social media has been the norm and will be over the coming years. Howdoo is a great 1000x possibility bet. The ticker is UDOO. You maybe lose 1000$ but the flipside is 1 million $. Goods odds