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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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1569791 No.1569791 [Reply] [Original]

>walked out of my job on a Friday
>on Monday all my access to the building was revoked
>never hear a single word from hr, boss, anyone
>have been getting paid my full salary for the last two months since

what do?

>> No.1569823

honestly? best to tell them, last thing you want is a legal mess on your hands

>> No.1569846

read your contract , call HR , return any monies owed

>> No.1569865

I'd keep a record of work you've been doing. Be able to show them something...

Use the old, you kept paying me so I kept working on stuff for you.

>> No.1569902

Perhaps they think you're a liability to the company but don't have legitimate grounds to fire you so they're just paying you till the contract is up?

>> No.1569916


this, just pretend you reached a work-from-home agreement

>> No.1569919

I did something similar when I got fed up with my last job, they paid me for 2 months too while I just called in sick every day (more like once a week and didn't show up for the other 4 days), though I still have a key to the place.

>> No.1569944

Close the account they are direct depositing into. Open an account and put only your money into it. Open a different account and put the money you calculate they overpaid you into it. The goal is to stop any additional overpayments and separate your money from theirs. The goal is to also sever access by your former employer to your bank accounts.

Find out who the head of HR is. Send this person a written notification stating that:

- You have been overpaid

- You have closed the account.

- You have calculated how much they have overpaid you and the amount.

- You have put the additional overpayments into a separate account and are awaiting their agreement to the amount and instructions from them of how to return it to them.

- That you expect the W-2 you receive from them for the current tax year to only include the amount of income and taxes that you actually earned.

- Send this letter by certified mail, return receipt requested.

Do not send any money until:

- They agree on the amount of money they overpaid you that is now sitting in that new account.

- They agree to send you an accurate W-2. (You may want to add up your pay stubs for income, taxes, fica, medicare tax, etc. so you know what the W-2 should say.)

- They send you instructions on how the remaining money should be returned and to whom.

You need to protect yourself in this instance. The money is not yours, but you do not want a payroll department that is this inept to just decide how much you owe them and just take it out of your account. And make no mistake they have access to your current account.

The letter shows good faith on your part that you know you've been overpaid, have tried to resolve the situation and you are trying again.

If they don't agree with you on how much you were overpaid, you may need to get a lawyer.

Do not spend any of this money. You can go to jail if you don't handle this right. You can easily be sued if you don't handle this right.

>> No.1569949

Get ahead of any future arguments from them.

Calculate various "pre-net / post-gross" sums. They may try to charge you for everything after taxes. This is unfair. You should not compensate them for healthcare premiums. You should not compensate them for payments to your 401k. They need to collect this from the HMO or retirement management company. If you're hit with a bill or rebuttal larger than what you're saving be prepared to know how they arrived at this calculation.

Do not spend a dime from the account. If they accuse you of theft/fraud, you'll have a dead account history with nothing but deposits coupled with your letter, all demonstrating good faith.

Don't be dumb about this. Let them be dumb enough for both of you.

>> No.1570083


im an amerifat there is no employment contract

>> No.1570085


This company is so fucked that it probably will shut down within two years. Whats the chance I ever hear about it.

>> No.1570088

Unless they are shutting down tomorrow, don't take any chances.

>> No.1570095

They could sue you and put you in debt for a long time
All the money you make going to them and making them not shut down for at least another year. Best to not take chances

>> No.1570099

Just spend the money bro
Don't be a fucking pussy

>> No.1571317


>Go in to office liek nothing happened.
>Go to HR and tell them you quit.
>walk out.

>> No.1571472

In all likelihood they are paying out your vacation hours, had a job do that for ne and i didnt even ask. Basically they are legally required to pay out some vacation time if its unused.

>> No.1571574

Do Americans not sign contract when they get a job?

>> No.1571579


what a dumbass post, yeah, like i'm going to close this same account i have had for 16 years

>> No.1571609

Sometimes we sign jobs that say we can't work for any competing companies. but never an actual contract... you just accept the job or not

>> No.1571611

lmao no way

>> No.1571617

software developer here

i've signed a contract at every job but one, and no i dont mean an NDA.

Actual contracts that promise a raise, and other crap or whatever.

>> No.1571621

Yeah that's what would be hard for me. Why should I close an established account and throw all of my other transactions into chaos because some retarded employer fucked up? I don't know if the people suggesting this are cucks or Jews.

What I might consider is revoking the direct deposit agreement on your end through the bank. And that's only because I would be concerned about those retards stealing more through a reversal than they put in and having to fight for months over the difference.

>> No.1571768


If it were me....

> Keep depositing the paychecks
> but don't spend the money
> see how long this goes for

Worst case scenario you give the money back. Best case scenario you keep it. Like the other anon said you could say that you assumed that working from home was fine based upon some random convo you had with the boss.

>> No.1571863

If it were me my country, i'd just keep my mouth shut.

>> No.1571881

how would it be a legal mess for OP? it's their fuck up

>> No.1571888
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Take the moneys. Best case scenario is that they will be paying you next 10 years untill they go bankrupt or merge and it will go unnoticed completely. There are people who have been paid 50 years unnoticed

>> No.1571904

>OP receives money as "salary"
>OP knows he doesn't work there anymore, doesn't provide compensation for said "salary" but still willingly takes the money

cookie-cutter case of intentional fraud. only if he separates the money and sets the record straight can he prove he's never intented to profit off of their error.

fucking burgers and their third world employment standards.

>> No.1572475

>innocent until proven guilty
OP doesnt have to do jack shit but play stupid.

>> No.1572496

Usually this comess a lump sum. Almost certain it's illegal to spread these payments out so

>> No.1572558

except he'd be forced by his third-rate public defender to take a plea bargain or go broke on hiring an actual lawyer. and good luck on convincing an actual jury that "innocent until proven guilty" applies. jurors presume guilt. if you were innocent you'd not be standing in front of them.

also, "play stupid" is the dumbest thing he could do. when confronted with authorities: SHUT THE FUCK UP. literally plead the fifth every goddamn time, no exceptions.

you have a naive conception of the US legal system.

>> No.1572927

Just how backward is your country?

>> No.1572932

This. Don't speak. That's what lawyers are for.

>> No.1573067

just so non-americans know, this post is not true, at least for real jobs