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1568658 No.1568658 [Reply] [Original]

I have a stupid idea. You guys know about loot crates? That bullshit people prescribe to get random shit each month.

I've thought of doing a similar service, but for sex toys/lube/condoms/other sex products. I live near essentially a sex toy mecca. One would subscribe to a certain level (in dollars) and to what fetishes they have (in some broad categories) and every month receive a nondescript box full of sex toys.

How bad of an idea is this?

>> No.1568674

Idea stolen, I'm having pajeet work on designing the site right now, thanks

>> No.1568684

Unironically good
Go for it anon you already exposed your idea, no time to waste

>> No.1568686

Too late buddy, already got the site up and running.

>> No.1568691

Thank you, my lawyers will love suing you over my patented LewdBox™

>> No.1568695

A bit part of my reasoning is people don't like having sex toys in their search history and aren't inclined to buy them in person. Getting them online where they don't have to make decisions and get it in a nondescript box would be a big part of the draw.

Honestly what I need to know now is how to get supply. Should I purchase directly from the manufacturer, how do I advertise? I don't know. I'm just some guy who owns a lot of sex toys and is a web dev.

I could just go into one of the numerous sex shops near my house and ask for advice.

Well at least I started the work before I posted.

>> No.1568711

>I live near essentially a sex toy mecca.
Are you German?

>> No.1568744

since sex toys are going into the body or very delicate parts, you would need some decent materials.

people get away with loot crates because they can 3rd world most of the garbage inside it for pennies.

While you can potentially do that for a lewd crate, if people actually used the gear for some function and they fail due to bad materials, you would get most people asking for refunds or reviews causing your business to bomb.

so functional, usable gear in a lewdcrate would be too expensive.

>> No.1568756

Unless the crates either don't have a lot in them or cost a lot.

>> No.1569112


That is extremely cool

I've thought about making a porn site that analyzes your kink progression and gives you new videos that slightly expand your horizon, make you a little uncomfortable, but make you jizz even faster and harder for it.

maybe that can be applied to lootcrating sextoys as well to keep your customers hooked for life!

why I didn't do it? too busy masturbating to move out of alpha :'(

>> No.1569190

get some buds on /g/, this could really work out because it combines sex, games, and competition.

>> No.1570155

Isn't this just the good old box o' Dragon dildos?

>> No.1570175

I thought this was a really good idea last year, then looked it up and someone already did it

>> No.1570197

you shouldnt have posted it here.

you're going to have 2-3 competitors with 100x the money you have pop up and fuck your ass.

>> No.1570953

I sale the lube in box here in Lithuania for industry. How branch in sex bussinness?