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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15685094 No.15685094 [Reply] [Original]

When will linkers finally be banned from shitting up this fucking board 24/7? There are a lot of good discussions that go on here but it is so incredibly tedious to filter through all the fucking ChainLink shills and Sergey worshippers and it's honestly driving me nuts - I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Jannies, will you do something about this?

>> No.15685144

This has been a Chainlink board for 2 years

>> No.15685157

This is a ChainLink board. Go back to pol.

>> No.15685164


Case in point.

>> No.15685165

Imagine being such a retarded newfag you don't know how to filter.

>> No.15685208

Remember to filter "johnny" "horse" "rimming" to kill linkfags

>> No.15685294

You should be banned for being provided with perfectly working filters and not using them

>> No.15685729

Imagine being such a retarded newfag you don't know how to use filters

>> No.15685736

Wtf. Are you me?

>> No.15685991

If this board didnt have chainlink it would be dead as fuck. Be grateful

>> No.15686137

there are filters? How do you use them?