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15681572 No.15681572 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit

>> No.15681575


>> No.15681583

What happened

>> No.15681585

Great file for unemployment and be happy you are neet!

>> No.15681587
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Tell us all about it fren. We're here.

>> No.15681589
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RIP in peace.

>> No.15681593

A woman coworker reported me to Human Resources for telling her she was hot

>> No.15681600

lmao, fucking retard
>willingly interacting with roasties at your work place

>> No.15681604

enjoy your neetbux

>> No.15681606

blessing in disguise

>> No.15681612
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What have we always been saying? Let this be a lesson.

>> No.15681614
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RIP in peace

>> No.15681629
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>> No.15681634
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Take the day for yourself tomorrow.

File unemployment on Tuesday.

Start looking for work Wednesday. Message your network tonight though. Happened to me ^ years ago. Best thing that happened to me.

>> No.15681671

You cant get fired for telling her she's hot. Repeatedly telling her giving her she is hot giving her unwanted attention will. Were you being a creep or just noticed she was pretty that day?

>> No.15681686

good advice for op
>talking to roasties at work

>> No.15681728

I said hi to a woman coworker 2 days ago.

My trial starts today

>> No.15681737


>> No.15681747

I got fired too because me and 3 more made a joke about mansplaining. My country is not even burgerland, your kike masters have spread the cancer way too much my amerilards.

>> No.15681753

Unemployment will be denied you dumb fuck. Don't ever shit where you eat. Take it as a lesson learned and move on. And all you other beta cucks should learn from this retard's mistake.

>> No.15681971

>clock into work by letting a laser check my wrist barcode
>walking to my cagie
>glance to my left and see a female coworker
>am set to be put in front of the company firing squad tomorrow for sexual misconduct

>> No.15682040

I got away with telling a girl I like her hair but she was in her mid 30s and seemed like she was desperate to find someone to marry. She may have liked me but couldnt say for sure as she usually acted different around me.

Also told another women I liked her hair since she wore it in a pre 2000s fashion.

Also told a coworker that trannies are an abomination/disgusting. Never got in trouble for it even though she seemed pro lgbt. Had one pc white dude tell me its not approriate when i made a tranny joke even though he made a somewhat tranny like joke at me twice before i did the joke.

t. One of the youngest guys in the office whose looks (ugly but babyfaced) caused women to act motherly towards me.

>> No.15682157

Fake news

>> No.15682173
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LARP thread

>> No.15682346


>> No.15682387

I refuse to believe a company would fire four people over a mildly crude joke

>> No.15682394

Sucks, Anon. I got fired out of nowhere years ago. You'll land on your feet, though.

>> No.15682395
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>> No.15682419

who cares LMAO just buy link dude

>> No.15682422

Ohhhh wagie saying hello to the office bike and you're not Chad??? Enjoy your firing

>> No.15682434
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make it stop

>> No.15682457

Then extinguish yourself and get back to work you lazy faggot.

>> No.15682461
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>> No.15682545

Same here. Get caught eating my sandwich and reading last chap of AOT on my phone. My chief came in my back to say hi. Turned myself back. My mouth full

>> No.15682568

Work in a recording studio. Freelance sound engineer

>> No.15682637
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>> No.15682715
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I quit being server at burger joint couple years back. Every Saturday the whole staff played grab ass and was free to say what I wanted. Fuck you pussy op

>> No.15682864
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>> No.15682989

Is it worth to point out the logical fallacies in that?

>> No.15683237

When will you idiots learn? Work is not a dating service. Keep a minimum distance to female colleagues. No thot is worth ruining your career for.

>> No.15683275

wow I would sue the shit out of all of them but I guess you are to poor to afford a lawyer

>> No.15683495

go get some crypto then and you won't need job. ETH as a safe option, VID and Link as moonshots

>> No.15683642

Yes please grandpa, knock yourself out

>> No.15684025

>No thot is worth ruining your career for.
>ruining a career
>a career
>as a wagecuck
My fucking sides

>> No.15684045

Dont worry annon. Just buy btc n w8

>> No.15684428


>> No.15684440

Nice, what are you gonna do with the rest of your day?

>> No.15684502

Boomer humor

>> No.15684517

>being flirty at work instead of waiting until after hours
Idiot. Also double check that it was actually her. Because OTHER women are also allowed to file complaints if they see you being flirty and claim that you're ruining their working environment by giving the hot chick attention in front of them. Fatties do this all the time.

>> No.15684607
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>Because OTHER women are also allowed to file complaints if they see you being flirty
Is it any wonder that we’ve been stagnating for at least the last 20+ years?

>> No.15684612

>another day another larp thread

>> No.15684658

That sucks bud, but live & learn. I would follow up with HR to see exactly what she said in her report

>> No.15684677

Lol You can literally be fired for anything if you're a white male. You have no recourse. No one will take your case.

>> No.15684796

Or maybe they just want to work and you can keep your shit at home or at places where people go to flirt? Isn't this literally your fucking ideology?

>> No.15684819

>You can literally be fired for anything if you're a white male.
Get off your cross, anyone can be fired for anything under capitalism

>> No.15684901

LARP. Sexual Harrassment has to either be repetitive or egregious (e.g. groping) to be considered a fireable offence even in SJW-ville Seattle.

>> No.15684957

>she was hot

as in radioactive or under police pursuit?

>> No.15685111
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Once whilst at work a few years back everyone was emailing memes around the department distribution list

>I can join in on the fun!
>sends the attached meme

Some nig complained that he felt offended by it. Boss doesn't fire me cause he finds it funny also.

Got a promotion later. Hell yeah.

>> No.15685653
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Give me a reason why I shouldn't sell my ps4 and my high end PC.

>> No.15685663

I got fired Friday as well

>> No.15685718


Thank fucking god my workplace we have 100% men and we have party twice a year where we get shitfaced in different locations. Last time we sat in a ring at some villa by the sea telling nigger jokes to one another and everybody laughed whilst grilling sausages, even our CEO is racist as fuck. Feels good man.

>> No.15685738

There isn't one, you need to grow up you manchild and get some real hobbies.

>> No.15685741

You can apply for a job at SAFEX office in Serbia, they offer free gym membership and meal.
The problem is that you will be working for a scam project under the supervision of a unstable And you will get paid 150$ a momth

>> No.15685764

Big time this. I was dating a coworker REALLY secretively. I got reported by a fucking guy who was obsessed with this girl and literally followed us out one night on a date. When I was brought in and told about this I just started laughing and was like "you know what, go ahead and fire me" and just kept laughing. It was so surreal. Everyone had these serious looks on their face like I had killed someone. They just looked like such bitter losers. They didn't fire me so I just quit, took another job, and the girl who would go onto be my girlfriend basically had to keep our relationship secret at work until she quit there.

>> No.15685782

I got fired a couple months ago and denied benefits

The conference parts were hilariously to see how hard they will defend not having bad statistics more than anything fucking cock suckers

>> No.15685792

Hobbies I can post about on Instagram?

>> No.15685823

If you genuinely have an Instagram you're not going to make it

>> No.15686609

This is why I get female coworkers Snapchats and sexually harass them through it

>> No.15686792
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What the hell, that's just a minor thing...My boss knows I play FGO in work and she doesn't tell me anything.