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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1567838 No.1567838 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a good old fashioned /frugal general thread/?

>melt down pennies pre1984 for copper weight. They are worth 2.4c. 140% profit!
>Dress like a construction worker to sneak a cooler into all you can eat buffets, then fill it up and leave
>cover threshold of exterior doors with a rolled up towel to save on heating costs
>unplug your refrigerator at night to save electricity
>pee in the sink to save flushes

>> No.1567843

> sell your house and sleep outside in a second hand tent
> reuse toiletpaper
> if you feel horny, masturbate but don't forget to eat your cum to not lose protein

>> No.1567845

>drink pee to save water bills

>> No.1567846

No memeing, pls

>> No.1567857

Turn off the A/C when you leave the house. Turn off the lights in rooms that nobody is in.

>> No.1568396

People don't do this?
Unplugg machines not in use, TV:s, microwave, etc. You'll save cents in money, but millions in environment

>> No.1568424

I am 25 and the only things I pay for are gas (I use free bus 90% of the times), gym membership (the cheapest morning package, which is like 40% of the usual package), 10% of the food I eat, some clothes once in a while. I invest like 80% of my monthly income.

>> No.1568457

Ramen + Cheese + Sausage + Egg

This food will keep you alive for VERY cheap.

>> No.1568479

>Shit in bags to save on water bill, save shit for a tasty meal later

>> No.1568482

>fap alone so you don't have to pay for a prostitute or money sucking gf or wife

>> No.1568484

>dig in dumpsters for food, free food!
>beg for change on side of road, free moneys

>> No.1568664

This could actually save hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime. Best advice hands down

>> No.1568693

>free bus
in what commie country do you live in, pal?

>> No.1568694

kill yourself
you'll never have to pay for anything again!

>> No.1568701

Estonia. In Tallinn, the bus, tramway and trolley rides are free for residents.

>> No.1568763

Cool, ty for answering.

>> No.1568781

can use smart power strips instead of manually pulling plugs

can use smart wall plugs that disconnect power at certain times of day

>> No.1568786

don't post on /biz/ to save electricity

>> No.1568788

What's that?

>> No.1568802

Can you buy me some VAT free silver and post it to me whilst I'm still an EU CITIZEN? I'll pay you in Euros.

t. Britbong

>save up all your shit and use it to harvest methane to power your house
>bring totebags to cheap buffets and fill them up and go back for more. One visit can last you weeks
>BONUS points if you get a fat girlfriend and give her buffet food to help heat the house
>her poop should also contribute to the methane production very well
>reuse bath water for drinking to save on water bills
>stop paying taxes so you get arrested and live at taxpayer expense indefinitely

>> No.1568814
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>Unplugg machines
I forget that Americans don't have something as simple as a switch on their plug sockets. Amazing how such a tiny thing can make millions for electric companies.

>> No.1568878

Kellena sa töötad?

>> No.1568887

Not from the US and I've never seen that in an ordinary house

>> No.1568903

Pee in the sink? Not in a Gator- or Powerade bottle that you can then dump into the sink? Tsk tsk.

>> No.1568918

Library edition

>limit entertainment to free books/CD/DVDs from library
>use internet there to save money
>coordinate your dumps so you shit at the library, saving toliet paper (or go ahead and take wads from the library stalls)
>go to library on hot or cold days and leech off their thermostat
>secretly wank to hot library girls to save on porn (this only works on college campuses)
>get recyclable bottles from library bins and cash that sheeit

>> No.1568923

Stay away from western women

>> No.1568942
File: 179 KB, 1024x436, paypay_dollar___pepe_the_frog_by_kebuenowilly-d8wzf58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>growing your own food (mostly food which grows fast and doesn't require soil)
>scavenge through people’s garbage for useful things
>taking thousands of straws from McDonalds and selling them online, same for paper napkins etc.
>go to free sample areas and take heaps from each person
>Piss in bottles and dump them out your window to save on water and sewage bills.
>Turn in plastic bottles at super markets
>Pee in the sink
>Find the route to where you need to go with the most hills descent on the way there and flat or descending on the way back to save fuel
>Never open windows and jerk off to stay warm
>Beans and rice is a cheap way to sustain yourself
>give blood or sperm for money
>go into stores and use their deodorant for free
>add compressed air to your propane tank to save on heating costs
>dip candles in melted candles lasts longer
>Use a campfire to cook your meals
>Knock on doors asking for donations for a church
>drive at night with headlights off to save money on electricity
>Eat low fibre diet and shit once every 4-5 days to save money on toilet paper and water bill
>Brush teeth once a week only
>Turn in bottles in at super markets
>Only Shower once every 5 months
>go to laundry rooms, swoop in and steal dryer cycles (You can start a business this way)
>Use same water you use for bathing, defecating, cooking, and washing clothes
>Kill local wildlife for food
>Get water from ponds and rivers
>urinate into a bag of straw for six months then ferment it to extract potassium nitrate, turn that potassium nitrate into gunpowder which you can sell or use
>scavenge old Christmas trees and grind up the needles for a cheap alternative to deodorant (Great way to start a business).
>Take off a week before Christmas and drive around picking up delivered packages while the homeowners are at work.
>Re-use toilet paper and paper towels
>If you get hungry have sex with a girl. Wait for the baby to be born. BOOM Free meal.

>> No.1568947

This isnt a fucking game, kid, this is my life. Live on the Alaskan tundra for a year and we'll see how your habits change when you come out the other side. You wake up and spit your morning loogie down the sink. I swallow it for sustenance. You're the kind who throws away bad milk. I make sour cream. You tie your shoes before you leave the house. I use one long lace between them both to save $ on shoelaces, faggot. I shit in a diaper for a year cause I couldnt afford to flush. Ever heard of a lambskin condom? I fuck lambs with a condom.. cause women are just too pricey. I have a mustache, cause it gets me free hotdogs. You're up a paddle without a creek, richboy. Ill only tell you once: I keep my promises kid, cause I cant afford to lie

>> No.1569005
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>If you get hungry have sex with a girl. Wait for the baby to be born. BOOM Free meal.

>> No.1569021

>Don't wear underpants or socks, they a completely unnecessary cost.
>Instead of wasting toilet paper by wiping over and over just take 4 - 8 of sheets and fill your butt crack with them then leave it there till you take a shower.
>Get as many meals as you can from homeless shelters.
>To save on water required to clean clothes take off all your clothes when you're home to keep your clothes clean.

>> No.1569183

Only US pennies before 1982 are copper and some of the 1982 ones are copper as well. 1983 and above are zinc.

>> No.1570193

>cut off your penis so you won't have to pee anymore, saving you time.

>> No.1570200

sure. Send me the money and I will do it.

>> No.1570204

Ei saa öelda. Minu ametiga inimesi on ~400 kanti Eestis ja minu vanuseid umbes ~10, seega liiga lihtsasti identifitseeritav.

>> No.1570212

>eat your roommates food and don't have to buy any yourself

>> No.1570221

>no memeing
>unplug the fridge at night to save electricity and watch all your food spoil

>> No.1570226

So does any legitimate advice ever get posted in these threads or are they just all trolling?

>> No.1570229
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Sure, also it'll save on toilet paper as you'll finally achieve a complete shit about once a fucking week with that diet. At least it'll keep you alive long enough to enjoy your scurvy.

>> No.1570242

>Save your sperm in a water bottle and then sell it as orgasmic organic face cream at the side of the road
>Steal houses at night when no one is paying attention because they're asleep
>Play roulette and put all your money on red Everytime
>Buy cheap things to wear then sell them online as soiled girls underwear
>Don't pay taxes

>> No.1570270

>>Play roulette and put all your money on red Everytime
This is retarded.
What you do is watch the roulette table for a while, counting how many reds appear and how many blacks appear.
If there's a long string of reds then put everything on black, since it's due to come up.
If there's a long string of blacks put everything on red.

>> No.1570278
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>Betting on blacks


>> No.1570286

>Dress like a construction worker to sneak a cooler into all you can eat buffets, then fill it up and leave
Even in a thread where i expect to see retarded shit this is jaw droppingly retarded

>> No.1570290

>free bus
Are you in high school? Wtf?

>> No.1570292

>Collect cat or dog poop
>When you go to a restaurant eat the food then put the dog poop on the plate
>Tell them you found poop in your food and you demand a refund
>When asked why you didn't stop eating tell them you were hungry / you didn't notice it

>> No.1570294

>Whenever you go into a store accidentally throw yourself into a display case and hurt yourself
>Sue them

>> No.1570297

Who wants to bend over and dig behind funiture to work a switch on an outlet? Fucking retarded. Some of my outlets are powered by switches but theyre placed on the wall by the door like any logical person would do

>> No.1570305

All of /biz/ is trolling. Please for the love of god tell me you dont come here for legitimate advice

>> No.1570307

>Beat up small children and steal their lunch money
>If they don't have money steal the child and sell them on Kijiji
>Save your toe nail clippings and sell then to cancer patients
>If the cancer patient can't afford it sell the cancerous person on Kijiji
>Trim pubes regularly and make fake beards to sell to teenagers or cancer patients
>Sell the newly bearded person on kijiji

>> No.1570402

Walk by drive thru, hear someone's order. After that person gets their food, go inside and say "I didn't get my whopper jr" or whatever cheap item they ordered. They will usually just give you one, if they ask to see your receipt just say you are going to get it. Don't go back in.

>> No.1570421

>unplug your refrigerator at night to save electricity

This is just stupid. Let's say you turn it off and the temperature is 7ºC. During the night, the temperature goes up to 10ºC (exaggeration). When you plug it back, the fridge will start working and put it at 7 again, therefore, you didn't save shit.

>> No.1570423
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chemo drugs can be sold for a lot. cancer patients are usually pretty weak

>> No.1570430

this is also retarded.
it's completely random whether red or black comes up. the only thing you can watch out is zeros. if there hasn't been a zero for a long time, start betting on green because the zeros are usually triggered after long streaks of red/black.

>> No.1570434

The sad part is this will actually get replies

>> No.1570438

What kind of socery is this

>> No.1570447

Same with the AC for your house

>> No.1570448


>what is the gambling fallacy

nice bait, made me respond

>> No.1570450

Buy a ql-550 label printer. Go to retail store. Find item you want for cheap. Find a self price check scanner. Let's say you want a specific set of pots and pans. Paula Deen edition. Next locate the cheap set. It will be much less, this is the real price you will pay. Take a picture of the UPC or write down the number. The way the UPC is laid out is UPC A, UPC B, each one is like a different font. Scanners look at the white, not the black lines. Print out the label. Cut it so it fully covers the real UPC and stick your new label there. Go to register, find someone busy or someone who has been there a long time. Checkout.

You can do this with everything except for items where serial numbers are entered in by the cashier.

>> No.1570460

Buy small RV, buy one with ugly interior and exterior. Paint exterior white using rustoleum and thinner. Older models have ugly exteriors. Replace interior carpet with something cheap from Lowes or $40 in linoleum tiles. Clean tires, clean really good inside. Paint really old wood trim.

Park it near a camp ground, sell for a profit.

I do this 5 or 6 times a year. You can find older RVs for cheap and people don't usually use them much.

>> No.1570472

farmers market or craft show? Go to Aldi and buy some cheap cheese, something on sale. Open package, add salt or something, fine bits of a herb or something, store in a refrigerator for a couple days, wipe off salt, herbs, or spices. Rewrap in wax paper. Congrats on your new artisan cheese.

Buy some random seasonal snack food there. Break it down into smaller wrappers. Resell it for a profit.

>> No.1570480

Come on man. You honestly would rather meme than learn new ways to save money?

>> No.1570932
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>> No.1570957

> sell mcdonalds straws and napkins online
People really do this?

>> No.1571004

so pretty much live like it was 300 years ago