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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 432 KB, 800x1131, f006e559ba2aa051b6f057bc66d808c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15677486 No.15677486 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a nice Jewish boy who made money on crypto anything /biz/-related.

Now's your golden shekel opportunity goy, are you going to capitalize on it? A Jew is offering you free advice about money.

>> No.15677520

Btc, eth or link for longing?

>> No.15677527
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Never needed a kike and don't see that changing anytime soon. Pic related. You're in my timeline now, schlomo.


Biz knows my power.

>> No.15677536

What do you guys think of RSR and MITX?

>> No.15677566

Should I buy DAG?

>> No.15677591
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I don't care if Jews run the world. They're doing a better job than those back ass ward suggestions on /pol/

>> No.15677643
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Get out of crypto, if you have a speculative gambling addiction, at least feed it with gold or silver, they will probably not be the speculative investment most people hoped for, but they will always have value. If you must, buy ETH.

Not even memey alts, at least with LINK you can shit on them and it's funny

>> No.15677764

How can anyone in their right mind invest in a company that lost $25M out of the $33M they raised. Its not like they spent it foolishly, they lost it and wont say where it went.
The whole team abandoned the project. This is not a joke, they all left. They manipulate their token price market buying their thin books then claim to 5X which is a lie. This is the most shady team in crypto definitely dont buy DAG.

>> No.15677787

2d office sloots make me wanna cooooooom

>> No.15677834
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>tfw no Maple Lander gf

>> No.15678083

>with gold or silver
that's so last millennia...

>> No.15678169
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> A Jew is offering you free advice about money.

The only thing you're good for. Thoughts on VIDT Mr. Scheckelstein?

>> No.15678295

is chainlink hype real or part of an elaborate collective meme driven pump and dump

>> No.15678312

how does making money in a big casino makes it worth listening to you?

>> No.15678370

>get out of crypto
>or buy ETH
Jewish tricks, nothing to see here folks

>> No.15678377
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Crypto is not the digital messiach of financial reform, I have had this argument with other Jews also. Noble metals are not even necessarily a good investment... for middle-class-y investors, with gold and silver at least you can be 100% sure you have something. There is actual value in the thing itself. Even if paper money itself becomes a speculative item one day if they're devalued like Reichsmarks, you will still be able to buy bags of cereal grains, horses, goodness knows what else with gold, silver and copper. To me, that sounds like value, but who knows.

I recommend people exit crypto before it's too late to cash out. Once anything big happens in the global economy, the last real liquidity is going to probably be gone before ordinary schlomeils panic sell and find their exchange transfers are forever trapped in limbo with unanswered support tickets piling up

Because I produced a result. I made just enough money to free myself from wagiedom to try other things in life, including the freedom to help others freely and need nothing in return. In Hebrew, this is called Tzedaka.

Shiksas tho.

>> No.15678409

>Because I produced a result
you produced a result by gambling

thats like saying "i won in the lottery, ask me how to make money"

>> No.15678677
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I was not gambling. I invested in it because I thought it was going to change the world. Maybe most people did, but you are mistaken if you assume everyone who made money on crypto was gambling. I made my money honourably. When I saw that crypto was not going in the direction I thought it would, there was no longer any point in my keeping it.

Crypto is just another bullshit thing in a whole financial galaxy of bullshit things, just another thing to have an ostensible useful real-life application but is just ultimately another way for people who buy low to have someone to sell high to. If it weren't, then you could actually buy everyday items with it IRL, but it's a lot easier to just market shitcoins than to actually create useful products, like practical transactable internet currencies you can do real shit with like buy bread and gas with.

>> No.15678701

>with gold and silver at least you can be 100% sure you have something
something you can't move across borders at will something that can be confiscated. btc shits all over you boomer rocks

>> No.15678806
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Your Zoomer shitcoins, which is currently all of them since I can't buy any matzot with any of them at a supermarket, can be devalued by billions of dollars at will with a few bad press news pieces. Is that a better investment than boomer rocks? I don't think so.

This is a bad time for investment in general. Remember that just because you have money saved does not mean you should invest with it.

>> No.15678880

like i care about shitcoins... but meme metals are over and done with. that much is certain. they can't keep up with the demands of the times.

>> No.15678973
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They aren't meant to keep up with the demands of the times. Anyone who buys it for that purpose has made a bad choice.

When the markets look like shit, the best thing you can invest in is yourself.

>> No.15679490

blablabla wont even read all that shit... you gambled, stop lying to yourself

>> No.15679720
File: 437 KB, 918x1299, c2dc0d3cc4aac4c9be55aa66919dbb14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you buy your crypto for?

>> No.15680170

Wow ur dumb. Hot pics tho, thx I coomed.

>> No.15680255


>> No.15680393
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My taste in porn should lend me some credibility at least

The V is superfluous

>> No.15680415


You have absolutely no idea what's coming lol

>> No.15680433

this desu

>> No.15680434

>for middle-class-y investors
Is it worth seeking out patterns/fundamentals without being directly connected to large players? I'd like to get at least $1 million in the next 5-10 years. I have about 20k in savings and am a Comp Sci student. What would be your general life/business/educational advice for becoming financially independent?

>> No.15680464


lmao the jew never leaves his duty, its faith

>> No.15680680
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I am not sure I understand the question. I will guess at what you meant though: no, it isn't worth it. Buying something in the beginning is generally the best time. Focusing on a desired number for wealth is probably not great for your mindset... you should try thinking about creating great things, doing amazing things, improving life for yourself and others. Think of wealth as something that will come with your accomplishments as a person, rather than the other way around...

>> No.15680698
File: 111 KB, 828x960, 67649286_1720608298070984_2064321360183689216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is your significant other a shiksa?

>> No.15680750
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Not yet

>> No.15681095

What parsha did you have to recite?

Are you shomer anything or just a secular jew like me?

What type? Ashken, Mizrahi, Bukharin, Ethiopian(unlikely)

Know any jews in Richmond VA? I'm wage cucking at a known company over here. Trying to move back to NYC cause my family is there. 6 figures as a wage cuck tho...

>> No.15681141

Killself ugly kike bastard

>> No.15681278
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For BM? I don't even remember. Technically Ashkenazi, but Mizrahi might be more accurate, never been sure. Don't know any Jews in the US, unfortunately. I don't follow rabbinical Judaism. The only useful thing I think I can tell you about my beliefs is that dating Jewish women made me even more unhappy than I thought it would, and I am fantastically grateful to my forebearers in the le happy merchant communication fields who enacted social reform to make it possible for me to date outside of my tribe and find the girl that really makes me happy. Even a generation or two ago, I might have been stuck with a Jewish woman.

Save up some money, maybe? Dunno

That's not very nice

>> No.15681385

Yeah I'm culturally/ethnically jewish but I don't believe in a god. Family does. Jewish girls are just... bad and annoying in my experience.

They're either super slutty or ready to marry yesterday.

Mom is really into Kabbalah. I won't tell her I'm seeing a black girl right now haha.

>> No.15681581


How can a humble goyim become rich?

>> No.15681622
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>> No.15681699

Oi, op, thanks for the thread. How likely is the insurance (nonmedical/pharma) industry going to get hit by adverse legislation in... Let's say 10 years?

Next, what should I be looking for to buy in for investments? I saw you mention its generally shit right now. I'm personally looking at Intellectual property holders, but with what's on the horizon, I think it's a bad bet in the short term.

Also, is trump getting re-elected? I think the dnc is going to shoot itself in the foot again. I have an ok feeling for January 2021.

>> No.15681701
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How do you get a Jewish girl to give you her number?

You roll up her sleeve!

>> No.15681712
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>> No.15681898
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This entire thread is cringe. Fuck off midwit Schlomo, nobody gives a fuck about your worthless "advice." You are clueless.

>> No.15681957
File: 648 KB, 1012x1433, 5076f3b5959a2bf3aae3ec78529e48bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a Khazar?

Create things that help other people.

RIP nofappathon

The important thing about this post is what the Japanese call 'karada line'