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File: 72 KB, 874x580, 1528234980551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15675553 No.15675553 [Reply] [Original]

>gold and silver

>> No.15675574
File: 866 KB, 1755x3285, gym01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15675581
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>> No.15675584
File: 413 KB, 750x2813, gym03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually fuck this imagedump, 1 min between posts is killing 4chan

>> No.15675609

These images are fucking trash kill yourself

>> No.15675629

>shilling an obvious scam
>dumping off topic images
>"hurrrrrr fuck jannies"

>> No.15675635

this was the best one, kek

>> No.15675649


Whoever made this sounds like a dick

>> No.15675657

the author really vented out his frustrations lol.
That gym looks like a fun place desu

>> No.15675671

t. has never entered a gym

>> No.15675688
File: 3 KB, 318x159, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15675729


Imagine taking the time to draw all these just to express how much you dislike when other people swallow their pride and do stuff that might look embarrassing to try and better themselves and their health. I've been a lifter for over 12 years and people like whoever this artist is are seriously the worst--- they really just exercise because they feel perpetual dislike for themselves, probably because other people don't like them and women are not attracted to them. They believe having a fit physical appearance is the path to being accepted and for that reason anyone who comes to the gym and doesn't meet their particular criteria for fitness or strength should be hated on. It's like an internalized self-rejection that comes out as hating on everyone else for just coming to the gym to try getting fit, even if they don't know how and are wildly out of shape. Not everyone wants to be a powerlifter or max out compound exercises like /fit/ wants.

Damn dude, you should be in therapy

>> No.15675743
File: 201 KB, 311x1920, gym04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15675748

You don't need to go to a gym to improve your health. Just run and do calisthenics at home if you're overweight. Being a skelly isn't bad for your health but calisthenics as well if you wanna improve your muscles.

>> No.15675754
File: 173 KB, 480x1600, gym05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15675759
File: 257 KB, 810x1013, gym06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15675768


See above. I've been a daily gymgoer since I was 18 and am 30 now. Been through powerlifting with heavy squats/DL/bench/ohp, bodybuidling stuff oriented around high-volume compound/iso exercises, had a long-distance cardio phase when I wanted to run a marathon. I have seen plenty of gym environments with people with different strength/health goals. I get that this dude hates the beginning of the new year when all the normies sign up but suck it up and stop being a silently seething asshole. Instead try to support when other people want to get fit.

>> No.15675772
File: 260 KB, 810x1013, gym07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15675782
File: 232 KB, 810x1013, gym08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15675784

People don’t understand that happiness does not originate with criticizing others or a feeling of superiority. It speaks volumes to the insecurities of the author.

>> No.15675790
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>> No.15675805
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>> No.15675807


For sure. I had long stretches of time when I did all my cardio outside the gym. But I think you also have to acknowledge that the environment of a gym is really helpful for people who aren't that self-directed or know what to do. The environment of other people exercising around you is actually a really motivating thing, and especially if you're learning, seeing what machines are available for what and seeing other people doing exercises can be instructive. And most importantly--- even for me after exercising for so long--- the air of exertion and possibly even competitive energy if super motivating. It's hard to push yourself sometimes without being around people who are also pushing themselves. Besides that, sometimes people actually need the psychological shift that comes with travelling to a place designated for exercise, and which is not their home (where they relax or do work).

>> No.15675815
File: 237 KB, 810x1013, gym11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15675820
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>> No.15675835
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>> No.15675849
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>> No.15675855
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>> No.15675867
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>> No.15675872
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>> No.15675875
File: 845 KB, 1500x2780, gym18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good workout brah

>> No.15675921 [DELETED] 

These are hilarious OP, don't listen to these retarded projecting sourpussies.
Also, BSV will definitely win.

>> No.15675928
File: 92 KB, 488x516, 1556221471134213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are hilarious OP, don't listen to these retarded projecting sourpussies.
Also, BSV will definitely win.

>> No.15676047

I hope this is sophisticated bait. It's just a fucking meme dude.

>> No.15676918
File: 54 KB, 607x960, AZebk9H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah... the maxed out gymcel struggle... /fit/ loves ego stroking their circle jerk. yet the funny thing is no one notices them at the gym despite their efforts, the most self conscious neurotic people at the gym are always these gymcels. lel
>pic related

>> No.15677232

OldP is old. Funny stuff man.

>> No.15677265

this thread went completely off the rails fuck gold and silver

also had my gym experience will never go back

I was a power lifter since 15 finally one day decided I will try the gym around 28yrs old maybe find some like minded people instead of just working out at home all the time all alone. Lets start with squats. 20x5 at 305. get a good burn not over do it since i have to drive home. once i was done the main group of guys that was hanging around came over to give me advice about I should do more reps with less weight and I will lose weight. which protein powders and supplements I should be taking and other nonsense. I kindly told them I dont enjoy those things and just up my calorie and protein intake. get the worse look I have ever seen from people at the gym for the rest of the week.

First experience was my last.

also yes I did weigh around 295 at around 10% body fat 5'9 . so I looked big and chunky.

>> No.15677320

We found the soibois

It isn't that hard to just go to the gym and have some common fucking sense. Everytime I go to the gym it's filled with disgusting boomers and normies that have no respect for their surroundings. Bubblegum, used soap bars, disposable razors, sometimes actual shit smeared on the walls are all common in particular around new years. Old boomers using pool lanes just to chat and not actually exercising using it as their own personal recreation pool. Idiots running around with weights overhead because muh crossfit. Try taking a shower without hearing some guy grunting like he's COOOOOOOOMING in the shower next to you or hocking a massive ball of snot on the ground.

I'm all for people improving themselves, especially people who normally don't. But jesus christ have some respect for the people around you at the gym. Normies are absolutely fucking disgusting and act like the gym is their bathroom at home.

>> No.15677457

It’s amazing they’re so butt mad about these comics. Kek.

>> No.15677589

nice reddit comics lol

>> No.15677642


>> No.15677733


Wh at is sir up to now? Did he ever get a good job? He was struggling a few years ago when he posted the new year's comic.

>> No.15678347


He got a patreon
