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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15674711 No.15674711 [Reply] [Original]

"why yes I buy physical gold and silver how could you tell?"

>> No.15674793

Kek, imagine trying to FUD the best store of value known to man.

>> No.15674799

it FUDs itself

>> No.15675163

Do rich people wear rings/watches?
Do the poorest of poor in bumfuqe middle of nowhere still value(wear) silver rings?
I guess its special for some reason.

>> No.15675182

Wait wait I got another defensive comeback.
Skinny dude; represents China or Russia.
Russia has increased it's gold reserves 500% in the last 14 years. Plz tell them to stop buying.

>> No.15675198
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why yes, i do use precious metal ETFs that hold the physical for me

>> No.15675677

if you don't own it phisically it's not yours

>> No.15676479

Nothing is yours in this world, everything can be taken from you

>> No.15676697

>PM etf
>actually holding enough PM
pick one

>> No.15676725
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>'Why yeth indeed I buy the cryptoes, what gave it away?'

>> No.15676746

>he doesn't know about seed phrases

>> No.15676780

if there comes a point where contract law is abandoned, i'll be clutching my gun a lot more than my gold

>> No.15676797

>Doesn't realize on the last bull run they temporarily suspended physical calls in both silver and gold under the guise of demand delay.
Never going to make it anon.

>> No.15676854

i already made it, which is why i don't want to physically hold my hedge.

i'm not keeping 50 grand in gold in my home, and wouldn't trust a safety deposit box. i do trust contract law, though.

>> No.15676874
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>Why yes I do buy bitcoin, how could you tell?

>> No.15677355
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>(laughs in .223)

>> No.15677376
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>heh...... yea i buy silver for the upcoming civil war and recession..............

>> No.15677585
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Ironically when Gold is made illegal in most countries (including the U.S 1964) jewelry was exempt. That's why ppl hodl 100s of cheap coin bezels to turn their bullion into "Jewelry" kek.

>> No.15678080
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Not realising when your broker goes bust your supposedly ring fenced assets will be raided to pay creditors

And no, the guarantees don't mean shit brainlet. Laws are only to protect the elites, not plebs like us.

>> No.15678139


>> No.15678206

It is retarded to not buy silver and gold.

Inflation is 100% guaranteed. Precious metal helps prevent that.

>> No.15678220

I'm going to invest in diamonds.