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1567257 No.1567257 [Reply] [Original]

Where were u when the dream die?

I was home, trudeau call, "weed is kill" "no"

>> No.1567271

Wouldn't this be the time to buy in ?

>> No.1567611

>stock worth investing in
>drops $0.10 and is classified as "dead"

Pick one faggot

>> No.1567620


Oh yeah

>> No.1567645


right in the memes senpai, what am i doing.....just

>> No.1567793
File: 264 KB, 1920x1080, 1476326203066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the truth. OP is a stupid mother fucker.

>> No.1567799

Lol retarded tripfag

It's over

>> No.1567807
File: 382 KB, 903x947, weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should of not invested in pnd penny stocks

>> No.1567812
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>> No.1567815

go for it. all in.

>> No.1567827

I'm stuck bagholding AGS at the moment, I bought at .31 and down 2000$ this week. cut my losses or just wait it out?

What the heck should I do?

>> No.1567832

I know your feel bro. I bought at .33

Honestly it's going to be slow but id hold it for longer. At the very least November 8th(or any time before that) there should be an opportunity to break even, so set your stop loss when it passes that and ride it out

>> No.1567835


It hurts to live. How many shares did u buy?

I bought 20000

>> No.1567837
File: 420 KB, 1000x662, canada weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was the one who first started the Canadian Marijuana stocks- pic related

I made an off mention of AGS- it wasnt a a weed stock. I didnt recommend it. They sell LED lights.

BUT YOU focused in on the enormous gains it had made in that week. Up nearly 100%.

YOU decided:

>WOAH! 100% GAINS! ME LIKEY! imma put all my money into this one stock.

AGS isnt affected by the ebb and flow of the marijuana market.

All of you who bought AGS were trying to catch a train that was going at full speed.

>> No.1567839
File: 5 KB, 959x18, money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen I can respect you if you've made some money off of weed stock, but you have to learn how to transition.

Buy some fucking Canadian oil & gas stock right now because it's only going up. Winter is coming.

>> No.1567840


Are we done for then? Keep holding or dump this shit?

>> No.1567844

id wait it out till the big announcement in november that might break you even or give you a little extra to get out with

>> No.1567848


But don't they have a vertical grow portfolio aswell? and ongoing deals with other growers in the works?

What stock should I jump into?

>> No.1567850

True. That's the plan really

Is that nov 8th?

>> No.1567851

No, look at the 6month chart. You guys bought at the peak so it's not kill yet. Calm your nerves and hold onto your shit

>> No.1567852

you want another risk?


You want steady gains?

APH- i own this one
CGC- i own this one
THC- i own this one

remember, if you go with the risk one its up to you.

>> No.1567854

its the government, could be the 8th, could be delayed by 2-3 weeks. Some time in nov for sure.

if its all good and they announce they ar going ahead with legalization i expect a million fucking stock trader eyes to suddenly shift to the Canadian Marijuana market. Its a untapped emerging market just RIPE for the picking

>> No.1567859
File: 165 KB, 684x763, Eyyy 420 guys amicoolyet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold that thought, the last piece of news they put out is fucking cringeworthy. Is their boardroom full of fifteen year olds?

>> No.1567864


I was going to ignore fucking bingo but they are going to be releasing MJ utility apps aswell but is it that bad?

>> No.1567865

Don't do it brah

>> No.1567870

Nigga you sure?

Seems like we bought way too fucking high and the real price(especially with this dumbass gaming shit) should be way lower

>> No.1567877

so far im looking at these main stocks which seem to all be growing at around the same rate

ACB - araura cannabis
CGC- cannopy growth
MT - mettrum health

any others i should add to my watch list before i take the plunge next week

>> No.1567882

The card gaming app market is overly saturated and most likely be more sophisticated than what they are trying to offer. Just because there's a hash logo does not mean it's going to cut it.

>> No.1567885


Should I just write off my 2000$ loss and just settle for AFI?

>> No.1567886

no bro stick with it

>> No.1567901


Ok, since the price is low, I might add another 5000 shares and hope to god the november hysteria shoots this stock up to atleast .50 cents.

And since this stock is literally a few months old, it's kind of reassuring.

>> No.1567938

APH and OGI are roughly growing at the same rate too and since I dropped moneyz in feb in OGI APH and CGC,CGC performed at least twice as badly ast the other 2

>> No.1567945

I love this, it's so dramatic!

>> No.1567959

AGS is an insurance company, correct?

>> No.1567962

Like, insurance... part of the banking industry... propped up by us tax payers and a 0% interest rate from the fed?

>> No.1567963


canadian lights company for weed

>> No.1567966

What do you guys think of this?


>> No.1567975

Honestly I'm still trying to figure out what exactly these guys do and what there plan is.

Weed companies are not going to explode until the global market opens up. That being said, I think the global market will open up and you should keep an eye out for it. Until then, you might be early.

That being said, vertical farming technology is very interesting. For the same reasons Water is likely to become a expensive commodity, farming technology will should also scale... if your into that sort of thing...

>> No.1568059

You're thinking of AGS (Ageas), an insurance service company from Belgium. Good job pushing your unwanted (and honestly uneducated-sounding) ideas anyway.

>> No.1568097


Glad I dodged that one. I almost fell for the meme

>> No.1568337

Wow you really base ALL your decisions on 4chan's opinions. Stop asking questions, do technical analysis, read about the companies, read financial reports.

Asking all over /biz/ the same questions, getting the same answers all the time. Educate yourself for fuck's sake!

Damn, people are really throwing money at thin air.

>> No.1568340

Ags is done for m8

>> No.1568402


It's been down for an entire week, I figure with the 140% gain in 2 days maybe its consolidating but still, it's alittle unerving.

I'll buy 20000 more shares and hold until april, hopefully I'll make good gains.

>> No.1568406

fuck you fag

Ags is shit

>> No.1568416
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You mad I'm buying more shares?

>> No.1568607

THC and AFI. They're business partners and THC just got its license. Guess what that means for shareholders.

>> No.1568609

AFI. Read it's SEDAR page.

>> No.1568611

I see AGS dipping to 15-18 and I'm not a fan of their digital app line of business, but if you're on the fence and think you can still recoup money when it goes back up, try selling a portion of your shares instead of the whole bunch.

>> No.1568613
File: 66 KB, 871x447, marijuana stocks oct 14 2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not in it for the long haul

>> No.1568614

Do NOT link stock house here. The last thing these boards need is more 4chan faggots who can be manipulated into panic selling by the bashers and hype buying by the pumpers.

>> No.1568718

Tfw that's me

>> No.1568766

I want everyone's opinions for AFFINOR (AFI). I truly see potential for this company. Previously put the 4400 shares @ .11 but might even buy in more.

That's the only risky play I'm making.

The rest is safe ones for long term(CGC APH MT ACB SL)

>> No.1568859

Jesus christ, there's a dozen legitimate licensed producers of Marijuana in Canada. Buying any of them in the last few months would have made you 40-300%, and yet you decided to buy some fucking memestock I've never even heard of and I work in the industry.

Here's a thought, stop trying to find undiscovered unicorn penny stocks and use your god damned head.

>> No.1568868

If you guys want to make actual money long term, sell your garbage penny stocks and shares of companies "that will be licensed any day now" and spread your money across CGC, OGI, MT, MJN, APH, SL, THC, ACB and EMH.

You're welcome.

>> No.1568874
File: 268 KB, 1333x2000, CkdRzgRUkAAcVfC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to grab more, but im not liquid

i'm 1000 into AGS and bought at .35 cents. I'm staying in, they will have monthly income, and are making mobile games..i know that will freak people out and have them bail thinking "i'm in this for lighting, not games" but I know tons of people who blow their REAL money on fake game currency and i've been wanting to invest im something like that for awhile.

like all these mobile games that are time locked and when people want to PLAY more they have to buy the premium currency to unlock more time to play.

>> No.1568951


I don't care about the stupid games, I care more about its vertical farming portfolio, utility apps, and upcoming deals with growers that have US subsity.

I hope it can atleast reach .50 cents.

>> No.1568960

I have AGS, APH and CGC

>> No.1568964
File: 54 KB, 1333x545, dankmemestocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a ytd avg of the major ones ive noticed that keep being repeated

>> No.1568968

repeatedly mentioned (outside of meme penny stocks)

>> No.1569006

None of those exist.

>> No.1569013

Are there any good American companies to get into now on hopes of California recreational legalization?
How do you guys feel about

>> No.1569669

heres hoping the rumour about THC is true

i can see $2 by EOD or EOW