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15663099 No.15663099 [Reply] [Original]

With alt season here, post ITT your favorite alts and the price BEOY.

Howdoo has seen a meteoric rise with the help of alt season and their perfectly timed partnership with Huawei. What will price be the next couple of weeks?

>> No.15663105

It's a scam the partnership isn't official it was announced on an unverified and fake Twitter account.

>> No.15663253
File: 11 KB, 248x187, 52A0821A-8384-499C-A11A-1D92093073F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess another person in denial of what is happening. It's ok if you missed out

>> No.15663376

LINK $1000

>> No.15663413
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 5991F1C3-4671-444F-B443-B2D96059D61C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdoo is ripe for another move upwards looking at their trajectory. A dick measuring contest between UDOO holders who can accumulate the most tickets to win that fucking lambo. I should have bought more UDOO when it was shilled by martini 4 months ago. I could be driving that lambo....

>> No.15663547


>> No.15663829

Haha dese salty fudsters sirs ,,, pointing out things that are true ,,, do not fall for their tricks ,,, they are just made they couldn't buy HOWDOO TOKEN while it was still cheap

Also, be sure to buy HOWDOO TOKEN while it's still cheap. You will make 500x

>> No.15663840 [DELETED] 

is it too late to buy now?

>> No.15663852 [DELETED] 


it isnt even CMC because you can buy it only 2 exhanges, and if you want be at CMC it has to be be availeble at least 3 exhanges if i recall correct

do not promise 500 x gains, it gould at well go to zero

>> No.15663863

Who still falls for this shit

>> No.15663867


i suggest no dot fell these 500 x gains posts

it could go to zero as well

it isnt even CMC because you can buy it only 2 exhanges, and if you want be at CMC it has to be be availeble at least 3 exhanges if i recall correct

>> No.15663888

I'm trolling, it's the most blatant scam ever now that they're promoting a fake partnership with Huawei using a tweet from a fake Huawei account

If you actually choose to believe the shills over "THE FUDSTERS SIRS DO NOT BELIEVE THESE FUDS AND LIES" you deserve to lose your money

>> No.15663894

Ultra (UOS) has all the makings of an altseason moonshot. 2.4 million MC, only on one exchange, this is one of those coins that'll pump 5x outta nowhere once the ball gets rolling

>> No.15664054

Brapper 100x EOY

>> No.15664186

If Brapper actually takes off it'll 1000x. It won't, but if it does expect some stupid gains

>> No.15664197


Where are the fucking MODS

>> No.15664273

We need flags. Obvious pajeets trying to pump their bags so they can afford a rope and a knife so they can rape a dillisional white tourist.
Remember never visit India. The only thing you will get is raped, robbed, and hepatitis guaranteed

>> No.15664462
File: 57 KB, 810x800, C4A3FD2A-C295-46C7-B6BE-A3CF696C29A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell salt and a lot of it. You didn't bought retard?

>> No.15664479
File: 30 KB, 320x181, 52C2BAD7-DD84-45C9-8792-5FAA53ED6B81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going for that lambo airdrop

>> No.15664657

First off Huawei is a Chinese state run company and cryptocurrency is illegal in China. Do you honestly think that a state sponsored company who spies and steal tech for the Chinese government would sponsor something that's obviously illegal? No ok. Next time try a fake Samsung account retards. Huawei isnt even allowed in most western countries and the VP is facing extradition to the USA

>> No.15664660

>you're just MAD that you didn't BUY
>also, everyone should BUY NOW because HOWDOO TOKEN is going to go 500x

>> No.15664678


> that a state sponsored company who spies

like western smartphones and google wouldnt spy everything you do with your smartphone

Apple, Google, etc, western companies spy as much their users like Huawei

>> No.15664694

Wtf I love fake twitter accounts now!

>> No.15664786

No retard. They steal tech and are banned from most western countries. Cryptocurrency is banned in China too. Why would a state sponsored company promote something that could easily get them 10+ years in prison in China?

>> No.15665734
File: 263 KB, 960x1280, 346341FE-B3FE-433E-B6FD-2FE156A07B59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this tard