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File: 324 KB, 802x802, 380E51D7-555B-473C-AA72-C49375B9F2F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15661295 No.15661295 [Reply] [Original]

$50 EOY 2021 is EZ PZ. Already up 30% in the past week while other alts are lagging. This gem is 16x more scarce than LINK. Tier 1 exchange will be announced EOM. It is still SO early. You were warned.

>> No.15661334
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>> No.15661742
File: 66 KB, 1185x589, vidt-stole-this-idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acronis has patented their blockchain validation technology and V-ID are infringing on it: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160283920
>A method for authenticating a chain of custody utilizing blockchain technology, whereby digital evidence or other digital content is acquired and then hashed to produce a hash fingerprint/signature and then immediately or instantly submitting said hash fingerprint/signature to the blockchain using the blockchain network protocol, forming an immediate verifiable chain of custody without human interaction or requiring a trusted third party.
They have other patents for this one service, all enforceable in the United States, Europe, Asia, and more. V-ID has zero patents. The minute Acronis finds out about V-ID, the price of VIDT will tank like Bitconnect.

>> No.15661975


The shinier the rock, the faster it'll fade. Stay poor Rajesh.

>> No.15662032

Successfully procured a patent for Acronis, a leading provider of cloud backup and cyber protection, for a new technology of verifying data integrity using a blockchain network:

Successfully procured another patent for Acronis, covering a new technology for watermarking digital content using a blockchain network:

Tick tock tick tock.

>> No.15662046

V-ID is not partnered the global IBM. They've merely signed up to talk at IBM Netherlands's "Circular Economy Data Network" meetup group: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/circular-economy-data-network-session-3-tickets-63862673977

IBM has their own IBM Blockchain Trusted Identity service, so they do not need V-ID: https://www.ibm.com/blockchain/solutions/identity/networks

Fake partnership!

>> No.15662288
File: 651 KB, 2117x1941, 5673FDFF-91C9-41ED-B833-3A6F66EAF121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pathetic. The same autistic pajeet has been FUDding for weeks. It’s embarrassing.

>> No.15662309
File: 460 KB, 1415x729, vidt-offices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the V-ID office.

>> No.15662326

Eat shit, retard. No one needs blockchain or even computers, especially IBM. Cuneiform tablets was perfectly fine and you're delusional if you think otherwise.

>> No.15662328
File: 1.43 MB, 2466x2164, 10C486C3-4BF4-4681-848A-AB5EBE952807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullish. Just bought another 100K.

>> No.15662329


Same SENT pajeet FUDing and shilling his new project now that SENT is dead

>> No.15662334


LINK has Bigmacs
VIDT has Subway

See the similarities VIDT's course is taking?

>> No.15662408

Easiest moon mission of my life. 2$ EOY minimum

>> No.15662412

So you are saying VIDT is going to get to $4+ like LINK did? Cool. I'll take it!

>> No.15662514

Stop going up! I'm not done accumulating. Stop these shill threads!

>> No.15662711

>Still below 50% of ATM
>I-its going to moon a-any day now guys

>> No.15662723
File: 5 KB, 416x56, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a 4.5k stack. Will I make it?

>> No.15662768

Got in at 10 cents. Up 50%.
Dunno what your post has to do with me ;)

>> No.15663417 [DELETED] 


11.5k more to go. Stake 15k in xfutures. Get $2k ez profits anon. Token not needed?

>> No.15663423

10.5k more to go. Stake 15k VIDT in xfutures and ez $2k+ profits. Token not needed?

>> No.15663879


I have over 50k VIDT. Explain the staking for me?

>> No.15663900



>xFutures is from the OKex family, so rest assured its a trusted exchange and company