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File: 189 KB, 1086x732, trudeau_blackface1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15655188 No.15655188 [Reply] [Original]

As a Canadian, I didn't like him before but I see this as an absolute win for our country. +1 vote for u sir.

Real question is, how do I profit from this?

>> No.15655199

invest in sensitivity training

>> No.15655249

short cardano

>> No.15655256

Am I the only person on this planet who gives zero fucks about this? Used to be that imitation was the sincerest form of flattery. If anything, people who wear blackface are cucks for worshipping other cultures, but it's literally never racism. I mean it's always literally the exact opposite of racism. The exact literal opposite.

>> No.15655284

Anti-racist are the most racist people on earth.

>> No.15655293

Preach. I don’t get what the big fucking deal is. Fucking tropic thunder had RDJ in complete blackface, despite it being ironic, the nogs didn’t bitch then.

>> No.15655316

Was he really /ourguy/ all along?

>> No.15655436
File: 300 KB, 358x533, DAY-O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15655447
File: 215 KB, 696x776, 2CCF879E-0954-4126-B8E3-C897FCD9B5A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn’t agree more anon! Trudeau’s extravagant remorse and apologies make him seem, in my eyes, an absolute wimp. It would be enough for me to vote against him. Everyone fears displeasing the humourless left - the self-righteous academics and journalists who seem to have won the right to speak as society’s conscience. I wish someone would challenge them. (Trump has, of course, which accounts for much of his support.) I don’t believe that there would be as many ordinary, coloured people offended by the incident as there would be humourless white people offended by it. There are some people who just want to be offended and outraged; it’s their default position and feeds their addiction to feeling morally superior; there are others who enjoy playing the victim. Move on, lighten up, I say, and don’t be obsessional about past injustices! Trudeau didn’t intend to belittle coloured people; he didn’t go amongst them in some tasteless parody of their past suffering. But nobody seems to care about his intentions or the context of the incident. Should he have gone to his party as a white Aladdin and said “I’ve come as Aladdin, by the way, but I didn’t darken my face to the colour of an Arab’s just in case a black person was here.” It’s preposterous. It’s a new age of witch hunts. I’m so tired of people nurturing their sensitivities and being offended. Fuck!

>> No.15655506

blackface originated with minstrel shows which were definitely super mcfucking racist. actors would lurch around gibbering and twerking and eating watermelon.

In this case it looks like he is just LARPing as aladdin or something for a halloween party. If he had fake TNT strapped to his chest and was walking around shouting allahu snackbar then sure, give him hell. But all I can see is he was dressing up for a costume party and his costume doesn't really even convey any racial stereotypes, much less negative stereotypes.

>> No.15655541


This. Anti-racists are a fucking nuisance.

>> No.15655610

It was pre-9/11. I’m just happy to see the virtue signalling crowd eat themselves in a storm of cognitive dissonance.

>> No.15655640

>Am I the only person on this planet who gives zero fucks about this?

Assuming this was a legit question, no you're not. I think every day the number of people that swing from "thats raciss!" to "I don't care anymore" to "hang the kykes" increases because of this fake outrage.

>> No.15655641

This increases the likelihood of a Conservative win in the next election.

This will most likely result in a renewal of oil pipeline processes so Alberta can (finally) sell its oil to market on the ocean (rather than through American pipelines).

Investing in Oil Sands operations will be a good one IF this occurs.

That said, Canada is by and large a poor investment opportunity because of an aging population, high tax rate and America's tilt more towards Mexico in the near future for manufacturing and trade relationships.

>> No.15655663
File: 23 KB, 300x204, 8dcc86b827735c5045090e1891f286d57048734d57b39e238f900a319c018204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer here. I went to hundreds of college costume parties in Canada well before 2001 and I NEVER EVER EVAH saw anybody even remotely consider blackface for a costume.

Get back to work at Toronto Star desu. Your spin has no power here.

>> No.15655691


you can't profit from being a try hard edgy faggot

>> No.15655696

Except he apologized.

>> No.15655698

if he still manages to win after this, I will just be at a loss for words.

>> No.15655706

How come trannies dress up as “she/her” “him/his” but white people cant put on black face? Not that I personally ever would (because, lol no thanks), but if the intolerant left can be whoever they want to be, then why can’t I?

>> No.15655713
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>minstrel shows which were definitely super mcfucking racist
No more so than Eddy Murphy in whiteface acting like white people.
In fact, mimicking white people is pretty much a staple among black comedians (Pryor, Murphy, Chapelle, ...).

And it's hilarious, so fuck off.

>> No.15655717

I dont like Trudeau at all but I couldn't care less about this. People are way too sensitive. Guaranteed hes going to go up in front of the mic and give some bullshit talk about how insensitive this was. Liberals eat eachother alive over inane bullshit like this.

>> No.15655724

What spin nigger? Trudeau is a clown, as are all the other candidates.

>> No.15655729

I like Trudeau, he gets the girls wet.

>> No.15655733

It's not the blackface that's the problem, it's the fact that Trudeau is precisely the type of person to make a big deal out of blackface.

If this were an old pic of Trump in blackface, and he just went "so what" when asked about it, he'd go up in the polls.

>> No.15655740

>most tryhard PC leader in the world gets caught doing something racist 20 years ago
>punks out and apologizes for it, claims his priviledge prevented him from knowing it was wrong
>holds a charity for those effected negatively by racism, cries on stage at opening ceremony
>all funded by the government of course

>> No.15655774

is it true that a cricket protein pizza costs $70 in canada?

>> No.15655803

That's a lot of makeup.

>> No.15656055

>minstrel shows which were definitely super mcfucking racist
HeIIo reddit

>> No.15656078


fuck off spear chucker, we're full.

>> No.15656245
File: 15 KB, 378x378, 1566433977024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>definitely super mcfucking racist

>> No.15656289

Best news I've seen today. Let that cuck get thrown under the bus by all the other tards
He's canadian, they apologize 24/7

>> No.15656963
File: 254 KB, 480x456, E31ADD05-2801-4F50-A632-C8486E6C9937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
