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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15652152 No.15652152 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15652164

Nobody cares about Chainlink outside of a cartoon website.

>> No.15652173

Will companies who are facing hard financial times want to save money by automating entire departments worth of jobs?

>> No.15652174

Only in positive ways. Check these bad boys out

>> No.15652175

Yes, companies will want to cut cost and if Chainlink is ready to automate contract and payment work then it'll be extra desirable.

>> No.15652180
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ding ding ding

>> No.15652181

factual. Linkers get dabbed on.

>> No.15652183

recession or not, yes obviously

the question is, will the crypto speculative bubble pop then? if so, how far will chainlink go down considering it too is still entirely speculative?

>> No.15652268

link will go up because it saves businesses a lot of money faggot

>> No.15652296

automation is the nearest future. transactions are the logical first step. link in it's current iteration may not revolutionize the world but amazon used to just sell books and google used to just be a search engine.

>> No.15652332

No not at all. Speculative asset in a speculative market that’s completely illiquid compared to the values of its MC. You’re just going to get anally raped

>> No.15652706

So you're saying they should either
>save money
>spend tens of thousands on gas prices alone to query API's through a centralized oracle. Pay for the answer to those queries with a meme token.
Makes sense.

>> No.15652729

/OURJEET? explains it well>>15652173

>> No.15652734

Link unironically prevents the recession. Think about it...all these top notch big players basically knew what someone like peter schiff has known for a long time...its going to all come crumbling down. Why would you start making something like chainlink in 2014 and work for 5 years on it if you knew that it would be destroyed by the obvious financial calamity that is coming, and then have it all be for nothing.

Chainlink saves all these big businesses billions upon billions of dollars which will end up staving off a debt collapse. Chainlink is what prevents the financial calamity.

Same thing with universal basic income. This was the main reason I was 100000% sold on link. Whehn I learned what chainlink was doing from the autists...it totally clicked in my head why I have been hearing more and more about UBI the previous 3-4-5 years. Its because chainlink is going to put all these people out of jobs.

>> No.15652804

Why are you here if you think crypto is a bubble ready to pop?

>> No.15652821

because it's a business and finance board numbnuts.

>> No.15652845

>Chainlink saves all these big businesses billions upon billions of dollars which will end up staving off a debt collapse. Chainlink is what prevents the financial calamity.
Stave off the crisis? No, I think it's come too late for that. ChainLink still has a while before it's ready for enterprise usage and even still, adoption takes a while. I think the crisis is coming within the next year, if we're not already in it.
But you were more right to suggest it could stave off crisis than you were to say it could prevent it. While it may be a technological innovation that ends up kicking the can of economic collapse down the road a little further, just as the Internet did, I don't think it will be as impactful to the same degree that the Internet was.
>chainlink is going to put all these people out of jobs.
put who out of jobs?

>> No.15652964

You need to go back

>> No.15653012

Chainlink will be the starter of the recession

>> No.15653349
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The only reason why I don't follow chainlink is because it's been clear from the start that sergey does not know what he's doing. He saw that airdrops work here and he decided to promote it, so he came up with an idea on the fly and went with the first name that came into his head. Then he recruited his buddies and started fudding every coin here in August, September and October of 2017. Afterwards, not realizing that he went in way over his head, he decided to promote his shitcoin as much as possible. By some miracle they launched a halfass mainnet that could have been coded in under two months, if they knew what they were doing. Sergey has never had this much money in his life and so he's blown through pretty bad, including paid promoters and marketers. Afterwards, he's been dumping realizing that you can't really build much on ethereum. He tries to delay the thoughts that's he stuck and realizes that he can never deliver. So ultimately his goal is to just wait it out, keep the crowd waiting, keep them biting until maybe Ethereum improves then have the infrastructure or maybe known as the first crypto oracle company, either way he's kind of stupid and not as smart he portrays himself. A boring and uninteresting individual, he is ruthlessly cut-throat and morally ambiguous. He just isn't a good person and his been notorious since his high school days for getting into schemes way over his head. Except this time it's in the millions and with real people's money.

>> No.15653600
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> he doesn't understand how automation saves money
This is your average nolinker.

>> No.15654823
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