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File: 88 KB, 544x544, chainlink sergey4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15644211 No.15644211 [Reply] [Original]

>every single crypto project going to "partner" with link
>link about to release their oracles on other blockchains besides eth
>solved the "gas" fud and proposed a new solution for privacy
>staking right around the corner
>even teka pajeet announces link as the nº1 crypto

We made it bois, But the thing is, we made it in 2017. We were less than 100-200 and we had a better vision than most.

If you worked on any big finance company, everybody would be kissing your feet right now and you would be promoted and getting offers from everywhere. But you are still a neet who spends most day browsing the web aimlessly or just stuck in a terrible cage. You could have done much more with the information, but at least you invested in it. You should be proud.

>> No.15644226

Not to mention "solved the reliance on TEEs AND the private blockchain problem with Mixicles".

>> No.15644233

This shit is going straight to sub $1 after sibos

>> No.15644243

cant dump if theyre not at sibos

>> No.15644265

But there are link holders expecting news out of sibos

>> No.15644280

>We were less than 100-200 and we had a better vision than most.
It's fucking incredible really. There is something magical about 4chan, truly.

>> No.15644284

wrong, 0 expectations

>> No.15644375
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Why is Sergey wasting his time with uncreative insects. Seriously courting the Chinese this early is a mistake because they have no creative vision or inventive ability. They need a finished product they can cut costs on or perform simple repetitive tasks on like mining. Steaking will become popular in China only after white people have led the way

>> No.15644384

Just you, friendo.

>> No.15644403

Jonny is white as fuck
Hes so white he even demands white mares

>> No.15644443
File: 32 KB, 450x450, NotTimsTruck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The soulless ching ching bing bong ding dong ping pong's are going to use Chainlink for their social credit score rewards and punishments via smart contracts. The horror.

>> No.15644578

based chinks

>> No.15644793
File: 826 KB, 500x500, 8A7CD034-32AC-41C2-898C-035A598F843C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I gave up trying to save the world a long time ago, I’m just one little weird fat white guy with too much intelligence for my birth status. I hope that’s true, 99% of the population are genetic serfs anyhow, medieval or technocratic serf makes no difference.

Most seek the yoke, it’s pathetic. As long as LINK sets me and my genetic lineage free that’s all that matters anymore, everything else is in God’s hands.

>> No.15644883

The absolute state of linkie cucks.

>> No.15644917

If you were actually intelligent you’d invest in yourself also both in the kitchen and at the gym, congrats tho link bro. Happy for you either way.

>> No.15645377

this scammy shit can't sink and fade away fast enough - brings shame to all of crypto

>> No.15645408

Not really. I've only seen it shilled as a "nothingburger" on biz. Expectations are at an all time low right now after that monstrous tranny fud storm.

>> No.15645414

Too much intelligence for your birth status? What does that even mean?

You have to be less than 25 years old, at least I hope you are for your own nescient sake.

>> No.15645441

They want to have their foot on the door in the implementations. Centralized or just copies, china is serious about dlt implementation.

>> No.15645489

suck on this massive cock swinger and use it as a rope, you missed out

>> No.15645522

>knows it's bad to be fat
>not smart enough to not be fat
Discipline is entirely a mental trait.

>> No.15645748

God blesses us all 2017 100-200 anons
> t. Captain

>> No.15645900

>haha link wasnt even invited to sibos

>day one of sibos starts
>ripple is the only crypto project there surrounded by 200 of the largest banks in the world
>link is caving in price due to not only not being invited but it was leaked that the toilet paper in the bathrooms was custom made to look like link tokens
>everyone is having a good time, no autistic neet ruining gains
>eth is mooning, ripple is mooning. 700k was just dumped causing link to get back below single digit cents where it belongs
>the CEO of ripple is sitting at a table rubbing sholders with the most powerful men in the world, most likely telling jokes with sergey as the punchline
>as he glances down at his macdonalds coke with the lide removed
>he sees a ripple
>"thats not my ripple he thinks to himself"
>then followed is another, slightly large ripple
>then a ripple so hard the ice starts to shift
>all of a sudden their is a shout in the distance!
>Sergey comes barging through the front door knocking over two security guards and a support beam for the roof
>he starts to destroy all those who oppose him useing the jaw bone of a macdonalds employee
>coinbase and binance are going crazy, LINK is approaching number 1 on coinmarketcap. seeming to go up $100 per minute
>the women run in fright, the men stand to fight; but as most of them are limp wristed bankers they fall to the wayside
>sergey is in a rage, screaming incoherently at the heathens who had put XRP before him
>but it seems the bankers had a ray of hope
>Adelyn snuck up behind sergery and ripped his flannel shirt off from behind, causing him to loose his mighty strength
>the bankers quickly tied him up, flogged him and brought him to the stage for execution
>the link marines watched the live stream in horror as their coins stalled, even CZ's bots were waiting in anticipation
>they trully defeated sergery, and cut his shirt which gave him his power, was sergey truly done?

>> No.15645915


>> No.15646435

>they gouged out his eyes, plucked his beard, spit on him. the enemy had won
>sergey thought to himself, "how could i have let them get to my shirt, Adelyn my love, you betrayed me to these heathen non-believers"
>but somewhere deep down inside, he called upon a power, a power he knew was inside him all along but he choose to ignore
>a power the bankers thought did not truely exhist and could not match their control over the world
>for the bankers had heard whispers of such a power, but it was greatly underestimated
>and with such great power, sergey broke free of his bindings causing an uproar, trading volumn spiked on exchanges causing many servers to crash. there was no where left to check the price of link
>in sergeys final breath he attacked the support columns at SIBOS causing the roof to collapse and destroy all the remaining bankers and ripple staff along with himself
>he sacraficed himself so that the children of bizreal could be free from the oppressive bankers
>the world was in turmoil, the financial manipulation for centuries was being undone in minutes
>soon cries of dispaire arose. "DID WE MAKE IT!?", "WHATS THE PRICE OF LINK?"
>a lone marine, unsure of what all just happened, quickly rushed to his node to perform a JSON PARS
>for he had indulged in breadcrumbs and knew what the discord trannies did not
> after creating his contract and letting it threeshold verify against the newly listed coingecko oracle he couldnt believe his eyes what he saw
>he made it...WE MADE IT

>> No.15646605

honestly bravo anon. most utterly based thing i’ve read all year

>> No.15647304
File: 52 KB, 900x900, 2315436345634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for that fren

>> No.15647455
File: 190 KB, 1392x1080, chainlink_sergey.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good read.

>> No.15647484

Fucking burst out laughing on a train

>> No.15647874
File: 60 KB, 680x447, 5EA13882-2334-4416-8EDE-DDB19A3B11AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day, when the masses catch up the group that did the impossible, they will look onto this board and find these scriptures, like stories carved into walls, and they will read them in awe, just to think to themselves, how incredibly enlightened they were