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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1564327 No.1564327 [Reply] [Original]

Today is the day, gentlemen.

>> No.1564338

i'm already in let's do this

>> No.1564341

Wasn't tomorrow the day?

>> No.1564342

go and buy DGB for 300btc so we can move to 100 sats... that's the only chance for a real pump

>> No.1564345

No, today confirmed.

Also, POT is nicely coming around the corner once more as well.

>> No.1564370

To get to 100 sats you need 306 BTC rn?

>> No.1564390

meme magic

>> No.1564406

daily volume is 200 right now
it was like 15btc a week ago

pot climbed to 7000 volume from having no volume at all

it's retarded but that is greed

>> No.1564417
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Believe in Kek and the power of memes will make us rich.

>> No.1564440
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>> No.1564461

Been in since yesterday. Ready to dump tomorrow

>> No.1564465


>> No.1564502

its going way higher

>> No.1564511

Hope it's going through the roof, the action seems pretty strong today.

>> No.1564549

Volume is picking up significantly.
Buy in now or be poor tomorrow.

>> No.1564572

Just something I'm wondering... any source about an announcement? People are talking about one but nothing on bitcointalk, nothing on twitter nor their website.

>> No.1564586


>> No.1564588

Source to the announcement is in their chat group. This is gonna go over 100 sats. So primed for a big move. Funny thing is if you go back one year, during last October it got pumped all the way to 1000 sats, so i think something good is in the works

>> No.1564595
File: 55 KB, 400x464, 1353648239629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the way to 1000 sats
My dick can only get so hard.

>> No.1564605

Just got to repeat to myself, "don't panic sell, have a plan".

I bought POT at 0.8k then fucking sold it at 1k because it was dropping for a while. Then it went to 6k.

>> No.1564625

Get in before BLOCK reaches the moon

>> No.1564662
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>> No.1564751

Report in if you're in.

>> No.1564763


>> No.1564809

Wall cracking down.

>> No.1564821

I can almost afford a bad dragon thanks to meme magic

>> No.1564823

I brought 400k of them at 64 sats. Will this meme make me rich next week? You better not let me down /biz/ I missed the pot train and now going here because I want $$$ RRREEEEEEEEE!

>> No.1564834

That's quite high but possibly tonight.

>> No.1564899

Don't let it die, we need to laugh at no coiners here tomorrow.

>> No.1564948

It crashed already lmao

>> No.1565017

Nothing happened yet, just some steady cruising.

>> No.1565082

It will reach monies

>> No.1565210

back at 63 and rising.
buying before 70 Sat is still a good idea since it will get at leasat 78-80 SAT as usual.

>> No.1565243

What do we guess it will top off at tomorrow? I just want to put the sell in and forget. I wont be able to sleep if I dont.

>> No.1565246

If you go the bed now, then you will be awake before the news is out.

>> No.1565248

I always put my "moon" sells at 1.25x my buy price, which puts my sell at 72sat
People are usually far too hype, like how they called the last bitcoin rally as stopping at $680

such is the nature of shilling

>> No.1565261

In case you need to feel better for what it's worth. A prediction found through Google.


>> No.1565273

ok, I have to go to sleep now, at what time there will be an announcement?

>> No.1565275


>> No.1565282

I would say in about 10-20 hours from now.

>> No.1565292

ok, I hope to wake up to dgb at steady course above 63, goodnight anons

>> No.1565304

this blog has been following DGB since it was 50 satoshi, thoughts?


>> No.1565326

Translated: I need to dump my bags so please buy

>> No.1565338

its not gonna moon?

>> No.1565343

Just means he's a nocoiner.

>> No.1565464

Dgb to 610 nothing less nothing more

>> No.1565534

Nope its going to 1k

>> No.1565539 [DELETED] 
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Where's that black monday nuthead?

>> No.1565542

Rolling for this!

>> No.1565544

Praise kek and rolling for this

>> No.1565567

Dicks out for 1k

>> No.1565568

Woooooooooo kek be praises I live you kek and kekked checked >>1565544

>> No.1565657

Praise kek!!>>1565544

>> No.1565900


>> No.1565972

Where moon news?

>> No.1565974

Roadmap is coming out later today, buy now - its low again.

>> No.1565999


>> No.1566003

59, damn I could have waited, but 64 was hinting that massive pump is imminent.

>> No.1566033

Not too bad. Let's sit back and see it rise in a couple of hours. We all know what creepers like this will cause ;)

>> No.1566099

News delayed to monday due to issues:

DUMP down everything now down to 55 or buy even more:

> Project for some potential major DigiByte partners

>Road map out by Monday.

>Working test v 4.13 DigiByte core wallet (0.13 bitcoin core merge).

>> No.1566733

You better be right with this one

>> No.1566950

so, the hype is real? is this going to be the next pot?

>> No.1567002

No it won't.
DGB actually has some development and use case.
Potcoin ist just... well... pump and dumb, making money off of stupid people.

>> No.1567141

>use case
Like what?
What's it used for?

>> No.1567198

its used in the gaming industry anon

>> No.1567382

By whom and for what?
I see something about "earning" them by playing League of Legends but can you use them to buy RP?

>> No.1567489
File: 28 KB, 400x600, connectthedots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will not work.

There is too much of the currency in circulation ready to be dumped.

What coin has a low supply and is impossible to dump?

Why do you think Deposit/Withdraw is currently disabled on poloniex for 1CRedit?

How does this relate to CGA?

How many other coins have developers working with poloniex?

>> No.1567993

it's a start, maybe there is a way to force it upon cs-kiddies for buying skins and shit like that.

>> No.1568141

It's even better. POT was a P&D, this is a legit coin with a quite solid future.

We'll know on monday, nows the time to get in tho.