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15642730 No.15642730 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody here work in Dubai? Whats it like? Im thinking of moving there from the UK. I heard its tax free income, weather is nice and the food is good.

>> No.15642737

FBI hello I'd like to report a terrorist

>> No.15642741

Enjoy getting thrown in prison because you aren’t following sandnigger doctrine

Imagine unironically wanting to move from
The U.K. to the UAE. Well I guess it wouldn’t be much different for you Muhammad, not like you guys have an actual bill of rights anyway

>> No.15642767

She's Portuguese you fucking idiot.

>> No.15642953

Sauce ? Who is she ? I think I love her

>> No.15642963

friends brother and sister in law work as teachers out there, had two kids while there, both Brits. Enjoy their life. Make good money.