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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15640477 No.15640477 [Reply] [Original]

Get FUCKED haters Holochain is king of alt season, holoports ship and land us at 50 sat
>muh tranny
>muh barefeet
>muh boomerchain

>> No.15640542

I fcking agree. Chad 1b HOT checking in.. just added 100m recently to make that big B. Got some friends out in Australia who have really sold me on the idea that HOLO will pick up in development and price EOY. All Im saying.. do your own research and TA.

>> No.15640559

Why you so defensive? It's almost like you know you are shilling garbage.

The dream is unironically dead. Since the beginning of the year the HOLO team have embarrassed themselves in various ways, including but not limited to selling people hardware and not delivering it. Unfortunately this was probably their best move. If they would have shipped the (now outdated) warehouse PCs they sold people, it would be painfully obvious that they have no working software and no cryptocurrency outside of an ERC20 token. Holoports would have been declared paperweights and the dream would have been dead six months ago. So not delivering looks bad, and it killed the project, but it gave them six months to squeeze out that last PnD so they could at least dump on you fuckers. At this point there is zero hope for this zombie project and the slow exit scam is underway. I guess that's what happens when you steal your product strategy from a parody show about Silicon Valley. RIP Hippies.

>> No.15640588

Lol you mad bro? did you get burned buying at 40 sats? Every single day I see you posting the same copy pasta fud and negativity.

>> No.15640617

You're a paid shill.. the image is cringe AF. Seriously neck yourself. The fact that they hired you is even more embarrassing for this scam crew. You guys are dun son. You're gonna have to go back to recycling hubcaps like your father and his father before him.

>> No.15640627

it will 100x when its out with a few thousand nodes. Keep a suicide stack for that glorious moment.

>> No.15640639
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Go ask the skycoin faggots how hardware shipments worked out for them.
You really think the next generation platform is going to run on a bunch of 2 year old NUCs in neckbeard nests?

>> No.15640643

Yes delayed big time but there's no exit scam. Suggest you go to a meetup and talk to people involved in the project. They are on the last mile in terms of finalizing code.

>> No.15640652

so you have 1 million dollars in this thing? wtf

>> No.15640661

lol@comparing skycoin to holochain

>> No.15640664

Like this project as blockchain seems to have hit the wall, just topped of a 100 mil

>> No.15640672

Lol stay broke faggot.
close to. accumulated a lot at 7 and 8.

>> No.15640742


>> No.15640874
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>> No.15640916

HOLO doesn't exist because they can't release a network

>> No.15640961

by then itll be 35 sat again you dont quite realize how high this is going do you. 350 sat isnt out of the bounds

>> No.15641125

5 billion dollar marketcap?? I wouldnt be that optimistic but definitely feasible.. hey look at Cardano.. vaporware.. no real project and they were able to achieve that. As long as theres fan moon boys, with news, mixed with hopium.. we can all make it.

The team just needs to feed hopium and news which they do.. imagine if they did a better job at marketing.. oh man this project can def hit 5b marketcap. They just need a Justin Sun as their marketing leader hahah.

>> No.15641142

Holoports were never necessary for anything, you could always just run shit on your home computer.
They were simply a nice trinket to have.
But after all these fucking months of delay, all they did was proudly announce a few days ago that the setup UI for the holoports (which they claim are done but refuse to send out) is ready.
Peak fucking cringe my man.

>> No.15641152

How do you know that they refuse to send them out? You don’t. The UI and holonix are done they will ship.

>> No.15641161

Hollowports WILL NEVER SHIP delusional retard.

>> No.15641165

Marketcap is a meme and it won’t matter when holofuel is released. The price won’t be determined by bids and asks at that point.

>> No.15641178

in a full fledged bullmarket it could pull a ripple and hit a 50-100 billion cap ez. everyones got to amass as much of this thing as possible rn. it's going even further than linkies

>> No.15641184

>How do you know that they refuse to send them out? You don’t.

- "As mentioned previously in our Update video, we will be holding the HoloPorts in the warehouses until the Holo software is tested and ready to run distributed apps."

These are the five things they want to finish before they decide the buyers can have the shit they paid for:
1) Networking must support at least 5000 nodes that can communicate with each other and with working apps.
2) Identity functions must ensure secure and unified identities for users across the Holo Network.
3) HoloPort users must be able to plug into and register on the Holo Network to start providing hosting.
4) A User Interface must be able to connect to a HoloPort from another device and manage their hosting options.
5) Basic versions of the HoloFuel app and a chat app must be available to be hosted on the HoloPort.

They have none of these so far, after many months of delay.
The only thing they have is the fucking setup UI they announced a few days ago.

As a reminder: all of this shit for something that isn't even necessary.

>> No.15641212

0:16 you think you do, but you don't

>> No.15641238

>As a reminder: all of this shit for something that isn't even necessary.
No really, holochain and people hosting apps on their laptops is going to replace cloud based internet infrastructure.. seriously, this year, the internet will be entirely p2p and holo will power it all

>> No.15641243

I was talking about the holoports.
Decentralized internet infrastructure is absolutely necessary, there's no question about that.
Whether Holo does this or someone else (or a combination), I do not care.

>> No.15641775

lol sure, completely delusional. EDGE already does that all that with decent adoption rat and its at only 5M marketcap and is only very slowly rising from adoption. Holo was one giant PnD which will collapse once the product is shipped because people will finally realize that adoption will be extremely slow and small at the beginning and it will take years, if at all, this takes even a small chunk of the hosting market. And it might get beaten by technically stronger competitors like edge who are getting actual industry awards for their edge computing solutions (https://edge.network/en/updates/network/future-digital-awards-best-edge-computing-platform/))

>> No.15642544

Nobody cares about adoption nigger. Memes is all that counts, and HOLO has best. Edge is shticoin

>> No.15642613

what top said faggot. no one cares bout adoption or actual product.. fck if any of the top 20 has any real project.. we want mo memes and mo gainzzz mo mo mo mo. give mee my 100x!!!!

>> No.15642647

Only retail top-buyer brainlets like you don't care about adoption and buy in because of hippie-feet memes. Fine with me, I will laugh at you retards losing all your money while making gains with edge and knowing that it will continue rising based on its adoption instead of needing to rely on scamming other bizlets into buying my bags.

>> No.15642666

Sure thing negro, sure thing.

>> No.15642835
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>mfw when they renamed themselves from DADI to Edge because everyone thought the developers had daddy issues
>mfw when your shitcoin raised like 30 million at ICO and now it's at 5 million with shit volume
>mfw you cope so hard in all the Holo threads

>> No.15642920

LOLOL real talk.. this guy is ready to hang himself with the bad dadi purchase he made... LOL.. that coin wont recover.. came out the same time as HOLO and look where its at.. I can absorb that entire volume no prob.

DADI was the original coin which had died since listing on finex hahahahahaha.

go kill yourself now.

>> No.15642975

I got in at 3M and am +80% while in the same time holo did a -60%. Keep coping though and circle-jerking each other over the "booolish" holocaust memes you made, its very entertaining.

>> No.15643003

LMFAO no one cares about your fake gainz. I bought 10,000 bitcoin at 0.008 and living on a private island fcking your wife.

>> No.15643100

to buy in at 3m MC u must have a small ass bag w/ no volume. stay poor faggot.

>> No.15643195

kek, the butthurt is real. If you are so sure of your holo purchase, why are concerned this much about a 5M marketcap coin? Hmm maybe because edge is getting actual adoption and industry recognition while you are stuck with your vaporware coin, larping on 4chan.

>> No.15643485

If you hate HOLO so much, wtf are u here in this thread.

>> No.15643699

Have 2.5M Holo....not gonna buy any more, but not selling either.

>> No.15643707
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>comes into a Holo thread to shill his scammy shitcoin
>gets BTFO by everyone
>"hurr durr why are you so concerned bro?"
I've seen you faggot in many Holo threads spouting the same shit every time. It took me a while to recognize you this time cause I wasn't aware they renamed themselves from dadi issues to edge. Now that I know that it's you, at least I know what a sad fucktard you are. Your life would improve if you killed yourself. At least this way your existence wouldn't revolve around looking for Holo threads and shitting in them with that scam that you baghold.